how to train a dog to run the obstacle course in sims 4

by Joshuah Connelly 5 min read

Throughout training your pup to run an obstacle course, you will need to teach him simple commands such as 'up', 'through', 'weave', and 'round'. Take your pick, but be sure to use a single command for each activity. Mixing up the commands or using different ones each time will only confuse your pup and make the training go that much harder.

To successfully complete the obstacle course, pets will have to run through tunnels, jump through hoops (or “tyres” in proper dog agility terminology), navigate a set of weaving poles, and remain seated on a pause table for a set period of time.Nov 12, 2017

Full Answer

How to train a dog to run an obstacle course?

Throughout training your pup to run an obstacle course, you will need to teach him simple commands such as 'up', 'through', 'weave', and 'round'. Take your pick, but be sure to use a single command for each activity.

How do you train a dog in Sims 4?

The Sims 4: Pet Training Skill Guide (Cats & Dogs) 1 Levels of the Pet Training Skill. Since this is a minor skill in the game there are only 5 levels for your sims to work through. ... 2 Training Out Misbehaviours. ... 3 Using the Obstacle Course. ... 4 Final Thoughts. ...

How do I see how my Sims are doing during pet training?

While pet training you’ll be able to see how your sim is doing in the course in the top left hand corner where you can see how well they are doing based on how many mistakes they make. Obviously, your ultimate goal is to have zero mistakes in the course run.

What does pet training skill do in Sims 4?

They are also going to be able to train out some of the misbehavior that their pets are exhibiting. When your sim reaches level 2 of the pet training skill they are going to learn how to train a dog to shake, play dead, and heel.

How do I train my dog to be an obstacle course?

Put your dog on a leash, and give a command specific to the obstacle, such as "A-frame." Move quickly as you approach the obstacle, and lead the dog over it. You may need to use some extra special treats the first few times to coax your dog onto these obstacles.

How do you train your dog on Sims 4?

Training a pet is very simple - press the left mouse button on your animal, select "More Choices..." and then "Training". Now, depending on your Pet Training skill, you choose from a few options - shake, roll over, lie down etc. After that your Sim will start training their pet and leveling that skill.

Can you become a pet trainer in Sims 4?

The Pet Training skill is a 5-level skill that comes with the Cats & Dogs expansion for The Sims 4. Sims can build this skill in order to teach their pets how to do a variety of things. Pets will be able to perform new actions on command if they have a skilled owner.

Do pets have skills in Sims 4?

Pets have three skills; cats and dogs have two common skills, while each species has a skill that is unique to it. They are as follows: Tricks: A pet, be it cat or dog, can learn a few tricks.

How do you train an aggressive dog on Sims 4?

Pet Training: Level 4 At level four of the Pet Training skill, your Sim will be able to Show off Pet Tricks. They will also be able to command their dog to Attack. The Attack command is located in the Trained Commands tab with all the other tricks your Sim's dog has learned.

What can dogs learn Sims 4?

When your sim reaches level 2 of the pet training skill they are going to learn how to train a dog to shake, play dead, and heel. They will also unlock the ability to practice tricks for a pet so they don't forget how to do anything and your sim can still gain the skill without having to teach brand new tricks.

Can puppies fetch in Sims 4?

Once your pet has learned a skill, you can just choose it from the Trained Commands menu and choose the action that you want your pet to perform. There are a number of different skills that you can teach your pet, which include Fetch, Heel, Lay Dead, Sit, Lie Down, Roll Over, Speak, Shake and Attack.

How do you get pets to misbehave in Sims 4?

Wait for the pet to do some kind of unwanted behavior such as playing in puddles, drinking from puddles, waking up Sims, eating human food, or in the case of cats, walking on counters. Click on the pet and look in the Friendly social category for the option to lecture the pet about the misbehavior.

How do you adopt a fox in Sims 4?

Just go into manage household on manage worlds and scroll until you find a fox and add them to your household.

Why is dog poop gold Sims 4?

In The Sims 4, dogs can poop gold bars that are worth a staggering 6006 Simoleons. The bad news is that this unusual behavior indicates your dog is sick.

Can you train puppy Sims 4?

In order to Train your dog or cat, click on them and select Training. There, you can choose which command you want them to learn. It will take a bit, a lot like how long it takes teaching toddlers skills. Once they learn the command, though, you can select it whenever from the Trained Commands when you click on them.

Why does my dog have hearts Sims 4?

The only "behavior" pets cannot be trained out of is when they go into heat, which is where they sit and howl with hearts swirling around them. Pets do not mate on their own without your command, but a pet in heat will be distracted and may not be able to concentrate on any training or other commands.

What level do you get pet training in Sims 4?

Pet Training Level 1. When your sim first starts gaining the pet training skill they are going to unlock a few pet tricks like sit. They are also going to be able to train out some of the misbehavior that their pets are exhibiting.

What level do you have to be to get a dog to attack in Sims 4?

At level four of this skill your sim is going to be able to show off their pet tricks to others. They are also going to unlock the ability to tell their dog to attack. This will cause a box to open allowing you to choose from any sims around you currently and your dog will go and attack them.

What happens when you reach the 5th level of Sims?

When you reach the 5th level of the skill your sim has maxed it out and has mastered the pet training skill. When a sim reaches this level they are going to be able to train new dogs much more quickly, and will be able to get their dogs to perform tricks for sims who are around.

How to see how well your Sims is doing?

They’ll be able to run a single part of the course or run the entire thing and how well they do is going to depend on how high the pet training skill of the person who commanded them to do the course is. While pet training you’ll be able to see how your sim is doing in the course in the top left hand corner where you can see how well they are doing ...

What is pet training?

Final Thoughts. Pet training is a great way to hang out with your pets and grow your relationship while also making them a better pet overall. You can teach your pet cool tricks which can be fun to show off at parties. Happy playing!

What happens when a pet is untrained?

When pets are untrained they will do things like drinking from the toilet, barking at nothing, eating their own poo, and cats will even scratch furniture that they aren’t supposed to scratch. Thankfully, an option is available to try and train out these behaviors and make your cat or dog a better member of the family.

Where is the cat and dog park in Sims 4?

You have the option of going to the park in Brindleton Bay or creating one of these on your own lot.

What About Cats?

I promised you would see Skye’s cat, Cleopatra, later on. I didn’t forget!

You are the Master

That’s it! You are now officially a master pet trainer! You’ve learned all the nitty gritty details about pet training in this guide. Of course, it’s always more fun to try something yourself. Apply your newfound knowledge to your own furry companions in The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs, available everywhere now!

How to train a dog to run an obstacle course?

Throughout training your pup to run an obstacle course, you will need to teach him simple commands such as 'up', 'through', 'weave', and 'round'. Take your pick, but be sure to use a single command for each activity. Mixing up the commands or using different ones each time will only confuse your pup and make the training go that much harder.

How many obstacles do dogs have to run in a competition?

In competition, dogs are expected to navigate between 18 and 20 obstacles with the one who does so the fastest declared the winner. The dogs and their human friend get ...

How to get a dog to stop jumping over bars?

Take the leash off, have your pup sit a few paces away from the jump, go to the other side and call his name. When he comes running and jumps over the bar, give him a treat and plenty of praise.

How to get a dog to weave through a pole?

Move the poles together until your pup is forced to weave through them, using the 'weave' command and a treat to entice him to go through the entire course.

How to train a dog to sit in a tunnel?

Using a flexible and expandable tunnel (buy one that has solid ends and a soft tube), create a short tunnel for the first stages of training. Step. 2. Have a seat. Have your pup sit at one end of the tunnel and give him time to get used to it.

What happens when a dog jumps over obstacles?

During the obstacle course, your pup will be jumping over some obstacles, climbing up and over others, and running between slalom poles, all of which could lead to serious injury.

How to teach a dog to jump on a leash?

Find a spot in your yard with plenty of room on both sides of the jump and set the jump up with the bar set at the lowest height. Step. 2. Lead your dog. With your job on his leash, walk him up to the bar and give him time to get used to the jump. Step. 3.

What is the sims 4 cat and dog?

The Sims 4: Cats & Dogs is your sim family’s chance to have furry friends of their own. Naturally, you’re wondering how to teach and train your new cats and dogs. Well, for the sake of this guide, we’re going to note that Train will mean teaching your pet different commands that you can then ask them to do. Teach will mean behavioral traits that will change your dog or cat’s behavior around the household.

How to teach a dog to be a cat?

In order to Train your dog or cat, click on them and select Training. There, you can choose which command you want them to learn. It will take a bit, a lot like how long it takes teaching toddlers skills. Once they learn the command, though, you can ...
