how to tell the differe.ce between a short course and long course swimming pool

by Mr. Adolfo McClure 5 min read

Here are some differences between the short and long course:

  • Short courses have an extra turn
  • There is an increased speed after each turn
  • There is a period of inactivity after each turn
  • The period of inactivity lowers the heart rate of the swimmer

Short Course vs Long Course
Olympic-sized swimming pools have 10 lanes, each with a width of 2.5 metres making them a total width of 25 metres. 25-meter pools are typically called short courses and 50-meter pools are called long course.

Full Answer

What is the difference between short course and long course swimming?

If the pool is 25 meters long it is Short Course swimming and if the pool is 50 meters long then its Long Course. Currently, the Olympics are held every 4 years in a Long Course Pool but World Championships are held every year and they alternate between Short and Long Course.

What is a long course pool?

Long course pools are also known as Olympic distance pools. These pools are 50 meters in length and can be found indoors and outdoors. In the United States, these pools are difficult to find due to their size and limited functionality.

What is the difference between 25 metre and 50 metre swimming pool?

The term “25-metre” and “50-metre” refers to the length of the swimming pool. The width depends on the number of lanes. Olympic-sized swimming pools have 10 lanes, each with a width of 2.5 metres making them a total width of 25 metres. 25-metre pools are typically called short courses and 50-metres pools are called long courses.

What is the difference between stroking and turning in swimming?

Another key difference caused by the extra turn is the swimmer having to turn and glide longer in a short course as compared to a long course. The time used in turning and gliding requires less effort compared to stroking. This creates an opportunity for the upper body muscles to enter a short recovery state.

What is a short course pool?

In swimming, the term short course (abbreviated SC) is used to identify a pool that is 25 metres (27.34 yd) in length. The term is also often included in meet names when conducted in a short course pool.

Do you swim faster in short course or long course?

Short course is significantly faster than long course swimming because of the turns! Each turn does two things: 1) increases speed, and 2) allows for a period of inactivity. Pushing off the wall is much faster than swimming any stroke (including underwater dolphin kick).

What is long course swimming?

Long Course refers to competitions held in 50 meter pools. Swimmers' Long Course times are almost always slower than their Short Course times for three main reasons: A 50, 100, 200, etc. event in Short Course is always in yards and the corresponding event in Long Course is in meters.

What is the length of a long course pool?

50-metres25-metre pools are typically called short courses and 50-metres pools are called long courses. FINA or Fédération Internationale de Natation is the International Federation recognized by the International Olympic Committee for administering international competition in aquatics.

Is a 50m or 25m pool faster?

The 25m 'short course' best times are significantly quicker than the 50m best times. Someone with great turns beats the swimmer with average turns in the 25m pool but won't in the 50m pool length given similar swim speeds. Turns are a huge part of any pool race.

Is it better to train in a 25 m or 50 m pool?

Swimmers must hold there stroke technique and rate for twice as long as they need to in a 25m pool. Training in a 50m pool will build a different type of endurance that is beneficial for both short and long course swimming.

How do you transition from short course to long course?

Six Tips for Transitioning to Long Course SwimmingThe pool is longer – your strokes should be too! ... Recalculate your backstroke stroke count. ... Work the underwaters. ... “Where is the wall?!” ... Kicking is king. ... Adjust your breathing pattern and practice breath control.

What is a good time for swimming 25 meters?

For sure, at 15 strokes, a 25m will be done in 20sec or less, at 54 strokes per minute and more, assuming that you don't cheat...

Which lanes are fastest in swimming?

Traditionally in swimming, the middle lanes have always been looked upon as the fastest. It's where the fastest qualifiers are placed in finals, and as a result it's where a high proportion of gold medals are won.

Why are some swimmers better at long course?

Distance swimmers tend to experience a smaller increase from their short course and long course times, since their increased endurance over a long period of time helps them to regulate their stroke rate and power even throughout the 50-meter laps.

What is a good size for a home swimming pool?

Six to eight people will comfortably share an 18-foot by 36-foot pool. This pool size is spacious for larger groups with enough room for games. Five or fewer people would fit a 16-foot by 32-foot pool. This pool size allows for swimming and casual use.

What is difference between short course and long course?

At its very simplest it refers to the length of the pool you are swimming in. If the pool is 25 meters long it is Short Course swimming and if the pool is 50 meters long then its Long Course.

Which lanes are fastest in swimming?

Traditionally in swimming, the middle lanes have always been looked upon as the fastest. It's where the fastest qualifiers are placed in finals, and as a result it's where a high proportion of gold medals are won.

Why is Long Course swimming harder than short course?

While short course is all about turns, long course is geared toward building endurance and speed throughout each lap. Swimmers have to consistently keep their technique and build speed in a pool that is twice as long, and that itself is not an easy task.

Is Olympic Swimming Long Course?

This type of swimming pool is used in the Olympic Games, where the race course is 50 metres (164.0 ft) in length, typically referred to as "long course", distinguishing it from "short course" which applies to competitions in pools that are 25 metres (82.0 ft) in length.

How do I get better at long course swimming?

Six Tips for Transitioning to Long Course SwimmingThe pool is longer – your strokes should be too! ... Recalculate your backstroke stroke count. ... Work the underwaters. ... “Where is the wall?!” ... Kicking is king. ... Adjust your breathing pattern and practice breath control.

Why is it important to turn and glide longer in a short course?

The time used in turning and gliding requires less effort compared to stroking. This creates an opportunity for the upper body muscles to enter a short recovery state. This short recovery state increases lactate clearance and decreases lactate production from the muscles, thus helping the swimmer swim faster.

How many lanes are there in a swimming pool?

The term “25-metre” and “50-metre” refers to the length of the swimming pool. The width depends on the number of lanes. Olympic-sized swimming pools have 10 lanes, each with a width of 2.5 metres making them a total width of 25 metres.

How does short recovery help swimmers swim?

This short recovery state increases lactate clearance and decreases lactate production from the muscles, thus helping the swimmer swim faster .

Why do competitive swimmers have streamlined kicks?

Besides the turn itself, competitive swimmers often have a strong streamlined underwater kick after pushing off the wall to maximise the ratio of effort to distance. A swimmer who has more strength in strokes will lose out to a swimmer with better turns and streamlined underwater kicks if racing in a short course pool.

Why is it important to have an extra turn in swimming?

This extra turn is highly beneficial to swimmers who have good execution of technique . Their technique alone can be the difference between a gold or silver medal.

Why is there a period of inactivity after each turn?

There is a period of inactivity after each turn. The period of inactivity lowers the heart rate of the swimmer. Both the 25-metre and 50-metre pools are used for training by professional swimmers all over the world but the same swimmer will always be able to get a faster time in a short course rather than a long course.

Why are long course pools so difficult to find?

In the United States, these pools are difficult to find due to their size and limited functionality. Long course pools require fewer turns to swim an identical distance than in a short course pool. This lack of turns will cause your times to be slower in long course pools.

Why do you need a long and short pool?

If you have access to both pools, a long course pool will provide an opportunity to work on endurance, technique and pace. While short course pools will help you develop your sprinting and turn skills. You can still be a successful swimmer no ...

What is the difference between a 25 yard pool and a 25 yard pool?

These pools are more common and can be either 25 yards or 25 meters. A 25-yard pool will be referred to as short course yards while the 25-meter pool is referred to as short course meters. Internationally, a meter measured pool is the standard, while in the United States you will find that most pools are 25-yard pools. Therefore, when you swim 100 yards in a 25-yard pool, you are swimming a shorter distance than a 100-meter swim and thus your time will be faster.

Do swimming pools have the same rules?

Swimmers will compete and train in different pools throughout the year. No two pools are the same, and all of them fall under two categories: short course and long course pools. Every pool serves as a place for athletes to swim, but timed swims will vary based on what type of pool you are swimming in. You can use each pool differently to maximize your fitness and training.

Can you convert your time from one pool to another?

You can often convert your time from one type of pool to another. There are sophisticated formulas to do this, but the Internet provides a number of free conversion tools. These conversions are never guaranteed, but a few aspects of your times are. Short course swimming will always provide faster times than swimming in a long course pool since there are more turns. Short course yards swimming will always yield your fastest times since it is the shortest distance.

Can you swim in a pool?

If you are training to swim a race in one type of pool but only have access to the other, you can alter your workouts accordingly. For example, if you are training for a 200-meter long course race, you can swim sets of 250 short course yard swims to adjust for the distance. In short course pools there is an emphasis on turns, and thus you may want to include core body exercises to assist with the added turns.

10 Facts you need to know about Short Course

1. There are a lot of turns! Because the pool is only 25 meters in length (instead of the usual 50m) the swimmers have to do twice the amount of laps and loads of turns in between! 2. Starts are very important. You don’t have as much time to catch up on a lap, as there is less swimming and more underwater work per lap.

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What is the difference between a short and long course?

While short course is all about turns , long course is geared toward building endurance and speed throughout each lap. Swimmers have to consistently keep their technique and build speed in a pool that is twice as long, and that itself is not an easy task.

Why is change important in swimming?

But in the sport of swimming, a little change can be good for the mind. It keeps people from becoming complacent and bored with a little change of scenery. Plus, it allows swimmers to have a fresh start and focus on new goals for the season ahead.

Why do swimmers slow down when they see a wall?

Let’s be real. It’s human nature to see a wall in front of you and automatically slow down because obviously your brain wants to avoid an accident. As the races get longer, the turns can become sloppy, becoming a disadvantage to your time.


Long Course Pools

  • An obvious difference between a short and long course pool is the number of turns. A short course race has twice as much turning and gliding, allowing you to spend up to 60% of the race underwater. On the other hand, a long course pool only allows you to stay underwater for up to 30% of the race. Underwaters have a major effect on speed. Moving at ...
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Short Course Pools




  • Short course pools are the counterpart to long course pools. These pools are more common and can be either 25 yards or 25 meters. A 25-yard pool will be referred to as short course yards while the 25-meter pool is referred to as short course meters. Internationally, a meter measured pool is the standard, while in the United States you will find tha...
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