how to tell if a course is online fau

by Garnett Bogan 5 min read

The Center for eLearning offers an online course catalog. You can search for fully online courses, mixed-mode courses or video streaming courses. To access the online course catalog, click the following link: .

How do I enroll in a class through the FAU email?

If you receive an email notification to your FAU email that a space is open in the course, you must change the Action box to “Web Registered” and press Submit in order to enroll in the class. If action is not taken in the allotted time, you will be removed from the waitlist and the space will be held for the next person.

How does Florida Prepaid work at FAU?

At the beginning of each term FAU matches the list of currently enrolled students to Florida Prepaid’ s database, and then Florida Prepaid sends the payment to FAU after we bill them. Florida Prepaid is posted approximately 3‐4 weeks from the first day of classes.

How do I view my financial aid information?

You can view your Financial Aid information by clicking the " Your Financial Aid Information " button located in the Financial Aid module in OwlDone. This will show you all of your Financial Aid Awards and everything you need to do to satisfy your requirements. Q: Who can I contact if I have questions about my Financial Aid?

How do I register for courses directly from my plan?

Once registration opens, you can register for courses directly from your plan. Once your registration time begins, you can register directly from the Registration page using this plan. You can watch a tutorial on the Plan Ahead feature here:

What are fully online courses?

A “fully online” course is any class that's offered in a completely online environment, no in person or on campus meetings. Many courses are offered in an asynchronous learning mode, meaning no scheduled meeting or exam times.

Are online courses live or recorded?

Online classes are typically a mix of video recordings or live lectures supplemented with readings and assessments that students can complete on their own time.

Does FAU have an online program?

Award-winning Online Programs With our commitment to quality at the core, students receive an unparalleled online experience. Our classes are carefully designed to ensure online students are receiving identical instruction as our campus students.

Can you vape at FAU?

Why is FAU going smoke-free and tobacco-free? This policy is about creating healthier campus environments for our students, staff, faculty, and visitors. It is intended to foster greater respect for one another and provide a healthy environment for all of the FAU family.

What is the difference between virtual and online classes?

A virtual class allows you to complete your coursework at home. But, unlike online classes, virtual courses have meetings that happen at a regular time each week in a virtual classroom, like Zoom or Google Meet. You will have work during the synchronous online meetings and on your own in-between classes.

How long are online classes a day?

One of the many advantages of online schools is that they will require less time from you compared to traditional schools. But then again, it is highly dependent on the online school that you or your child is enrolled in. On average, students spend four hours online.

Is FAU online in the fall?

As the widespread public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues, most recently with a national roll out of vaccinations, FAU is planning a full in-person instruction and campus experience for the Fall 2021 semester.

What is distance learning FAU?

Florida Atlantic University offers an expanding collection of undergraduate and graduate courses to distance learners. The Florida Atlantic University Libraries strive to provide a level of support for distance learning students and faculty that is equivalent to that provided on FAU campuses.

What is FAU acceptance rate?

74.8% (2020)Florida Atlantic University / Acceptance rate

Can you have a dog at FAU?

We welcome all animals, large and small, whether they walk, crawl, swim or fly. For more information and to register your animal, please visit

Can you have pets in FAU dorms?

Possession of animals, other than fish as defined below, are prohibited.

Does FAU allow freshmen for cars?

All students are able to get a parking permit for their vehicle. Learn about the different types of parking permits and choose which one fits you. Fully Online Degree seeking students do not need to complete this step.

How many semesters are there in college?

There are 3 semesters each year (Fall, Spring, Summer). Some courses are offered as mini-terms that are 3, 6, or 8 weeks; however, the majority of the required coursework for the degree is offered in the full semester.

Can I transfer to FAU with an OBBA?

Can I transfer and complete the requirements to declare an OBBA major at FAU? Yes, it is possible to complete the requirements to declare an OBBA major at FAU, although we recommend that students complete all lower division (1000/2000 level) requirements prior to transferring to FAU because there are a few courses that are not available online.

Do you have to come to campus to get an OBBA?

Once declared in an OBBA major, you will never be required to come to campus, although you are welcome to visit and have access to the same resources as on-campus students. You will also be invited to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.

Is the Intellectual Foundation Program online?

The Intellectual Foundation Program (IFP) courses are not all available online. Because of this, we recommend that students interested in one of the OBBA majors complete an Associate of Arts (AA) degree at a public Florida college prior to transferring to FAU.

Does FAU grant credit?

FAU does not grant credit or waive coursework using work experience or professional/industry/trade certifications. Prior work experience may count towards the required 0-credit Internship course for the Hospitality & Tourism Management BBA major or the optional 0-credit Internship course for the Accounting, Management and Marketing BBA majors.

Does FAU have transfer equivalency?

FAU maintains a transfer equivalency database of courses that have previously been evaluated. These equivalencies are unofficial and are to be used as a guide. If you do not see your university or courses in this database, it does not necessarily mean they will not be approved.

Does FAU require IFP?

If you have previously earned a Bachelor’s degree at a regionally accredited institution, the IFP requirements will be waived but you will still need to complete the pre-business foundation courses to declare a business major. FAU maintains a transfer equivalency database of courses that have previously been evaluated.

Where is the status information on OwlDone?

In OwlDone on the right side of the screen you will see Status Information which will tell you what each color means.

What to do if you can't find answer to OIT question?

If you did not find the answer (s) to your questions, go ahead and submit a ticket to the OIT Help Desk and your question will be reviewed and routed accordingly.

Can you visit any module in FAU?

You can visit any module available in blue. The modules are currently ordered in the best possible way to get you ready for your first day at FAU but you are welcome to skip ahead to any open module. You can also always revisit any previous module.

Can you use OwlDone for non-degree seekers?

Non-Degree Seeking student's do not use OwlDone as their steps to complete onboarding are a bit different. The steps are as follows:

Does FAU use Owldone?

Students returning to FAU do not use OwlDone as their steps to complete onboarding are a bit different. Login to your Success Network to make an appointment with an academic advisor in the college of your major:
