how to teach a course sjsu

by Karolann Hettinger 8 min read

How many units are in SJSU studies?

Mar 16, 2022 · Student teaching: EDEL 143A - Beginning Student-Teaching (Phase I) and EDEL 143B - Advanced Student-Teaching (Phase II) , including EDTE 246 In addition, before or during the program, students must take and pass the following courses or their equivalents: EDTE 190 - Health Education for the Classroom Teacher

What are the requirements for first year students at SJSU?

TAs usually begin by teaching English 1A; if they teach a second year, they may teach English 1B or English 2, depending on the needs of the department. To apply for one of these positions: To apply for a Teaching Associate position, please submit copies of the following to the TA Coordinator, Dr. Ryan Skinnell at [email protected] :

What if I take more than one course at SJSU?

Jan 24, 2022 · Purposeful Pivoting for Academic Continuity at SJSU is an asynchronous, module based Canvas short course. The course will engage faculty in practices to support a smooth transition between instructional modes. This 5-7 hour course builds upon faculty experiences gained over the past year and a half to assist with the design of an inclusive and flexible course.

What is general education at SJSU?

Mar 09, 2022 · Follow these steps to copy a Canvas course and continue using Respondus Lockdown Browser. Import content and select “Copy a Canvas Course”. Select the course you want to copy and click on the “Import” button. Locate LockDown Browser in your left-hand navigation menu and select it. Click the “Continue to LockDown Browser” button.

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Aug 07, 2020 · Click on Settings on the lower left navigation menu of the course. On the Course Details tab, scroll down to the visibility section. Check the box labelled Include this course in the public course index. (Optional) Select your course format from the dropdown menu (on campus, online, blended) (Optional) Add your course description.

What is a teaching credential in California?

A California teaching credential is a license to teach in California public schools. A single subject credential is primarily for those who intend to teach in a designated subject area at the secondary (high school) or middle school level. A multiple subject credential is primarily for those intending to teach multiple subjects in ...

What is an education specialist credential?

The Education Specialist Credential is for individuals who want to become special educators. A description of the different options is outlined on these pages. The process, requirements, and application materials are described in detail on each program’s website.

What is a letter of application for teaching writing?

A letter of application describing your interest in the position, any experiences you have that prepared you to teach writing, and goals for which teaching writing might help you prepare.

What is a TA in college?

TAs are faculty members as well as students. They work under the supervision of the TA Coordinator and are the instructors of record for one or two sections of English 1A or 1B per semester. They are thus responsible for all elements of the course, from syllabus design to final grades, with support and guidance from the TA Coordinator and the Writing Programs Administrator. The TA Coordinator will hold meetings and individual conferences, visit TA classes, review syllabi, and advise TAs throughout the year. All TA classes are also formally evaluated by students, using the University's standard forms. See below for a description of workload expectations and benefits.

What is 1A and 1B?

English 1A and 1B are General Education classes serving the University as a whole. They are not creative writing classes nor introductions to literature. Accordingly, literary texts may constitute only a small portion of the reading material for these courses.

When are GA applications due?

GA applications are due April 2, 2021 . GAships and TAships are awarded on the basis of students' academic records, relevant prior experience in teaching or tutoring, written applications, resumés, letters of recommendation, and performance in an interview. Graduate students typically work as GAs before being awarded a TAship.

What is a letter of application for a GA?

A letter of application describing your interest in the position, any experiences you have that prepared you to be a GA, and goals for which a graduate assistantship might help you prepare.

What is a department analyst?

The Department Analyst oversees all appointment and fee waiver paperwork, office assignments, copier codes, and other administrative matters. TAs get a department mailbox and a shared office with a shared phone, desk, and computer. TAs may purchase a faculty parking permit.

How to Access Reports for Faculty and Departments

In 2017, SJSU migrated to MyCoursEval for collecting and reporting on teaching evaluations. Faculty and department contacts have access to their respective reports year round on the system after the reports have been released. Historical reports from before then are available from office of IR on request.

Background on SOTE and SOLATE

The Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness (SOTE) form is used in courses primarily taught in lecture and seminar formats. The Student Opinion of Laboratory and Activity Teaching Effectiveness (SOLATE) form is used in laboratory and activity courses.

What is the SJSU general education program?

The SJSU General Education Program incorporates the development of skills, the acquisition of knowledge, and the integration of knowledge through the study of facts, issues, and ideas.

How many units are there in SJSU?

Students complete 9 to 12 units of SJSU studies: 9 units of upper division general education courses (Areas R/S/V) and 0 to 3 units of 100W (Area Z). In some cases, SJSU Studies areas are integrated in a single course or overlap with the major.

What is mathematical concepts?

Mathematical concepts courses enable students to use numerical and graphical data in personal and professional judgments and in coping with public issues. First year students are expected to complete this requirement within their first two semesters at SJSU.
