Students plan to pursue a bachelor's degree at UTC. Students meet current admissions criteria for Chattanooga State. Students have earned 29 or fewer college-level course hours (excluding Dual Studies and Prior Learning Assessment credit). If college-level courses have been earned, cumulative GPA is greater than 2.0
Course Overrides; Tennessee Transfer Pathways. 2018-2019 TN Transfer Pathways from Chattanooga State to UTC; 2019-2020 TN Transfer Pathways from Chattanooga State to UTC; 2020-2021 TN Transfer Pathways from Chattanooga State to UTC; 2021-2022 TN Transfer Pathways from Chattanooga State to UTC; TN Transfer Pathways from Chattanooga State to …
Chattanooga State courses that are fully online that must have exams proctored. When? Schedule online through eScheduler; Cost: None; Scheduling: Follow the directions provided in eScheduler; Required: Chattanooga State Student I.D. will be accepted. Call 697-2482 in Student Life for operation hours or go to the gym HPF 104 to have ID made.
Chattanooga State has an open door admission policy. The college is open to all persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, veteran status, or physical, mental or educational disability. Admissions requirements and procedures vary, depending on the student's goals and classification.
Chattanooga State awards credit for successful completion of the following nationally recognized college-level examinations offered by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB):
Chattanooga State is conveniently located to serve students in Alabama and Georgia, and will even grant in-state tuition to residents of these bordering counties: Jackson County, Alabama; or Catoosa, Dade, Murray, Walker, Whitfield, or Fannin County, Georgia.
Save time and money by getting an early start at Chattanooga State Community College! Early College is a program that provides high school students with a unique opportunity to get an early start their college education. High school students take college courses and the credit earned applies to both a high school diploma and a college degree.
Tennessee Transfer Pathways (TTPs) are advising tools designed to help our students plan for transferring to a Tennessee public university to complete their baccalaureate degree. The TTP's also constitute an agreement between community colleges and universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements.
Dual Enrollment provides high school students with a unique opportunity to jump-start their college education. High school students take college courses, and the credit earned is applied to both a high school diploma and a college degree. Students can attend college classes during the regular school day on their school campus, ...
Early College Academy. The Early College Academy (ECA) is a program offered in partnership with Marion County Board of Education. It is a four year cohort-based program that begins during a student’s freshman year. The ideal ECA student is responsible and demonstrates academic promise.
STEM School Chattanooga is a Hamilton County Department of Education magnet high school located on the campus of Chattanooga State Community College. The keystone of the platform school is an integrated curricular model with a central focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
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Chattanooga State offers a wide array of opportunities for gaining knowledge, perspective and appreciation of the increasing diversity of America and the dynamics of participating in the global economy. These opportunities include: courses in world cultures and religions, an international students club, focused studies on the business climates and structures of other countries, art and music of other nations, Plaza Communtaria for Hispanic students, and many more activities.
The Student Life Office has a very enthusiastic and talented team of people ready to assist students as they integrate into college life and become an involved member of the college community. Student Life includes: New Student Orientation, Multicultural and International Student Services and Programming, Judicial Affairs, Student Activities, Intramurals and over forty clubs and organizations. The Student Life Office assists students with student insurance, locker registration, student ID cards, housing, lost and found and student handbooks. Students are offered many exciting opportunities for participation and leadership development in Student Life. Come by our office in S-216 or call 697-4475 for more information.
The Child Development Center serves Chattanooga State employees and students on a space-available basis. The Center also serves as a demonstration/observation area for Early Childhood Education, Psychology, Nursing, and Allied Health programs. Monthly fees are charged for participation.
The Educational Planning and Advising (EPA) office assists students in the realization of their educational goals. Professional advisers are available to advise students in developing and following an appropriate educational plan.
The purpose of the WAWL is to serve as a learning lab for students enrolled in the Media Technologies degree program where they are able to receive valuable hands-on experience in the art of radio broadcasting.
Disabilities Support Services arranges for accommodations for students with documented disabilities in order to provide equal access to programs and activities offered by the College. Accommodation may include extended time for testing, reduced distraction testing environment, sign language, interpreters, note-takers, assistive listening audio recording devices, adaptive computer equipment-text to voice. Students with disabilities must provide current documentation of their disability prior to receiving accommodations. Disabilities Support Services also assists students in linking to appropriate campus and community services, such as; counseling, tutoring, registration assistance, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
Chattanooga State transcripts indicate two grade point averages-an "institutional" average and an "overall combined" average. The institutional only GPA consists of hours taken in college level courses. The combined GPA includes hours taken in both college level and Transitional Studies courses. The institutional only GPA is used to calculate the GPA required for graduation and to determine honors. The combined GPA is used to determine suspension, probation, eligibility for financial aid, and athletic eligibility.
The Chattanooga State Honors Program provides an enriched curriculum and educational experiences for motivated students. The program is designed for students who desire to maximize their learning experience. Students admitted to the Honors Program may be eligible for in-state tuition rates.
"Academic Fresh Start" is a plan of academic forgiveness provided for undergraduate students who have demonstrated academic responsibility following their return. The Academic Fresh Start allows the calculation of the quality point average and credit hours toward graduation to be based only on work after returning to college.
Students completing 12 or more hours of college level work with a GPA of 3.50 or higher will make the Dean's List for that semester. (Dean's List recognition is based on calculations at the end of the semester and cannot be updated later to reflect grade changes, such as removal of incompletes.)
A student may earn, simultaneously or consecutively, multiple degrees only when the majors completed lead to different degrees, i.e., one leads to a career program (Associate of Applied Science) and the other to a transfer degree (Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or RODP General Studies - cannot earn multiple transfer degrees). All requirements for both degrees must be met, and the student must complete at least 20 semester hours not included for the first degree. The cumulative grade point average (GPA) for all college-level work must be 2.0 or higher. However, some programs require a higher average.
At Chattanooga State, multiple concentrations are available only in Associate of Applied Science career programs. Students may complete more than one concentration in the same major; however, all concentrations must be completed at the same time.
The minimum college-level GPA required to receive a degree is 2.0. To be enrolled in good standing, a student must earn the minimum cumulative combined GPA below for the total number of semester credit hours attempted.
Effective July 1, 1978 and afterwards, all students receiving bachelor’s degrees from any of Tennessee’s state-supported colleges or universities must have completed one unit of American History on the high school level or 6 semester hours (9 quarter hours) of college-level American history as required by TCA Statute 49-3253.
The purpose of the Tennessee Board of Regents general education core is to ensure that college graduates have the broad knowledge and skills to become lifelong learners in a global community that will continue to change. Because course requirements in general education emphasize breadth, they are not reduced to the skills, techniques, or procedures associated with a specific occupation or profession. As a fundamental element of the baccalaureate degree, essential for full completion of all majors and minors, the general education core is fulfilled through lower division (freshman and sophomore) courses, but universities may add general education courses at the upper division as well.
The Associate of Science Teaching Degree (AST) assists students to complete some of the professional teacher licensing standards at the community college level. Students who complete the degree requirements and graduate can transfer into a teacher education program in any TBR university.
Completion of general education blocks also removes deficiencies in social studies, history, visual performing arts, science, geometry/advanced mathematics. Students entering Tennessee Public Institutions will be required to make-up any deficiency including foreign language before receiving a baccalaureate degree. It is strongly recommended that students remove all deficiencies as part of their associate degree program. Courses used to satisfy the deficiency in foreign language may be designated as electives or used to satisfy the Associate of Arts language requirement.