how to take a course at another cuny college

by Efrain Balistreri 10 min read

  • Navigate to
  • Click on "Course Equivalencies."
  • Select the other school as your "Transferring From" school from the drop-down menu uder "Select a CUNY College."
  • Check the box next to Lehman as your "Transferring To" school.
  • Click the "Continue" button.
  • Select the subject you want to study from the "Subject" drop-down menu.

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In order to take a course at another CUNY college, students apply for ePermits through the Self Service Student Center area of CUNYfirst. Students must submit one ePermit application for each course they wish to take on permit.

Full Answer

Can you transfer between CUNY?

Keep It in the CUNY Family! All CUNY credits will transfer to any other CUNY college, even if an equivalency doesn't exist. Seek help if you believe that your credits didn't transfer correctly. Check That Courses Apply!

Do all credits transfer from CUNY to CUNY?

Courses passed for credit at any CUNY college will transfer for credit at any other CUNY college. Courses that fulfill a Required Common Core requirement at any CUNY college will transfer for Required Common Core credit at any other CUNY college.

Can you get accepted to multiple CUNY colleges?

You can apply to up to four CUNY colleges on one application for one non-refundable application fee. CUNY does not accept fee waiver requests due to financial hardship.

Does swapping a class affect financial aid CUNY?

Swapping Courses It is always best to swap courses within the same refund period. Not doing so within the same refund period can affect your tuition amount and/or financial aid. Schedule an appointment with your UAC advisor for assistance.

Do CUNY credits expire?

A: Yes, college credits never expire although you may need to re- take some courses to refresh your knowledge. You can transfer those credits in by sending them to be evaluated by our transfer unit.

Can I transfer from CUNY to SUNY?

Students must have 30 credits to transfer to a 4 year CUNY/and 45 credits to transfer to a SUNY college, unless your SAT or High School record demonstrates high academic achievement. To know if your scores are high enough, check with the admissions requirements within the school you are applying to.

Can you get rejected from CUNY?

Rejection from CUNY can be especially tough for the children of immigrants, often the first in their families to be in the position to go to college. Teenagers who arrive in this country as juniors can find themselves having to take the SAT before they've learned English.Jan 13, 2015

Can I switch colleges after one year?

As far as I know the first criteria is the marks or cgpa of your first year should be 9 or above, you should bring a NOC from your parents and you should have proper reasons for "why do you want to change the college?", otherwise the college authorities usually don't allow you to change because they also do want any ...Feb 5, 2019

How can I transfer from one college to another in India?

Just like high school seniors, a college student who wants to transfer to a different college must fill out an application, which are available online for most schools. This application must be filled out completely and submitted along with the other required materials by midnight on the date of the deadline.Jun 10, 2016

Can I swap courses?

If you think the course you're studying isn't quite right for you, it is possible to transfer onto a different course – either at the same university, or to a course at a different university or college. The process of transferring varies by uni or college, and from course to course.

How do I retake a class CUNY?

CUNY students are allowed to repeat courses in which they receive an F. If they earn a grade of C or better, then the new grade will replace the old grade in the calculation of the overall GPA, but the F will remain on the transcript.

What is the difference between dropping and swapping a class?

Use the Drop feature to withdraw from one or more classes. Use the Swap feature to exchange a class in which you are currently enrolled for a new one. Swapping allows you to add and drop the two classes at the same time.

How do I request an ePermit CUNY?

Instructions on how to apply for an e-permit:Sign in to your CUNYFirst account from your home school website.Click on the Student Center icon on the left side of the screen.Select from the “other academic” pull down menus: ... Select the appropriate term, “Add ePermit”, and click continue.More items...

Can you be enrolled in two different colleges at once Philippines?

The answer is yes, it is possible to be enrolled in two community colleges at the same time.

Can you take classes at another CUNY schools?

Each permit request is for a single course equivalent. Thus, a student needs to complete a permit request for each equivalent course he/she would like to take at another CUNY college. Courses taken on permit must meet a specific degree requirement.

Can you go to two colleges at the same time and get financial aid?

Can I receive a California College Promise Grant at multiple campuses/colleges at the same time? Yes, you may apply for and receive a California College Promise Grant to cover fees at more than one college or center.

Can you take two courses in college at the same time?

The simple answer is yes you can. Double majoring or taking multiple programs of study is pretty typical for students here in the US and we offer that flexibility. But one thing to keep in mind is that when combining majors, depending on it, it can change your time towards degree completion. I'll give you an example.May 11, 2021

Can I study in 2 colleges at the same time?

UGC has approved a proposal to allow students to pursue two degree programmes at the same time. One of the degrees has to be in the regular mode and the other either in open and distance learning or online. A student can pursue two degrees in different streams as well as from different institutions.May 22, 2020

Can you commit to two colleges?

Double depositing means putting down a deposit, and thus accepting admission, at more than one college. Since a student can't attend multiple colleges, it is considered unethical.

What are non-degree courses?

Non-degree students are offered courses on a space available basis only. Not all courses offered by the college are available to Non-degree students. In general, business courses are not available to undergraduate Non-degree students. Non-degree students are required to meet the same scholastic standards and attendance requirements as degree seeking students, including prerequisites and co-requisites as described in the Bulletin and Schedule of Classes. Non-degree students who do not wish to take final examinations may, upon application to the Registrar’s Office, be assigned the AUD grade. See the academic calendar for deadlines. Non-degree students may register for a maximum of two courses (6 -8 credits). Applications and more information about registration are available at

What happens if a request is rejected?

If a request is rejected, you will be notified of the reason for the rejection. Tuition for approved CUNY permit courses is paid to your home college. Grades for courses taken on permit at another CUNY college are posted on your home transcript and are counted in the computation of your GPA.

What is the minimum GPA for CUNY?

A matriculated student currently in attendance at a CUNY college (Home college); Undergraduate students with a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.00; Graduate students with a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.00; A student cannot have any holds on his/her record;

What is tuition in college?

Tuition: Tuition is charged and paid at a student’s Home college. Students eligible for financial aid are to apply through their Home college and are responsible for meeting any credit load requirements. Tuition is calculated based on the Host college credits. Courses for which material fees are applied are paid by the student to the Host college. ...

How is tuition calculated?

Tuition is calculated based on the Host college credits. Courses for which material fees are applied are paid by the student to the Host college. ePermit and courses in residence: A student must obtain approval in advance to take courses at another college if they are to be credited toward their degree requirements.

Can you take a permit course for more than one semester?

If more than one semester appears, e.g. summer and fall, select the semester or term for which you wish to enroll for the permit course. Permit course: Each permit request is for a single course equivalent.

The Course is NOT at the College I attend

Students can use CUNY’s Global Search tool to find courses at colleges across the university.

Winter Session

Explore courses offered between fall and spring semesters during Winter Session in January.
