how to skip the tutorial in csgo gun course

by Mr. Arden Senger 3 min read

Press <down> on the arrow keys to skip the tutorial. Additionally if you press <down> when your character first appears at the end of the loading screen you can change your appearence. This also skips the tutorial.

Full Answer

How do you skip training in CS GO?

How to skip 15-second freezetime on spawn?The second way is not about the CS:GO warmup, but about the freezetime at the beginning of each round.A lot of players confuse a warmup with a freezetime. ... To remove or skip the 15 second freeze-time, use this command: mp_freezetime "0"; mp_restartgame "1"More items...•

How do you pick up guns in CS GO training?

How to Pick Up Weapons in Counter StrikePress "G" when you come across a gun you wish to pick up. This will drop your current weapon. ... Walk over the gun you wish to pick up. Your character will automatically pick up and wield this new weapon.Tip. You can only carry one primary weapon and one secondary weapon at a time.

Where is weapons course in CSGO?

It's nestled at the bottom of the “Play Now” menu. Most players miss it entirely–I know I did until several months ago, when I accidentally clicked on it and was startled when the game started loading a map I'd never seen before: the Weapons Course.

How do you zoom in Counter Strike?

You can see the difference by testing it yourself by zooming in on the in-game screen. For zooming purposes use “fov_cs_debug” in the console, placing “1” as a value will zoom in and “0” will zoom out.

How do you switch guns in CS GO?

Essentially, all you need to remember are these two handy commands, which can be entered into the console: To switch the gun into your left hand, input “cl_righthand 0”. To switch the gun into your right hand, enter “cl_righthand 1”. That's all there is to it!

What should I study for weapons?

Complete your +2 level with good marks in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Sit for the entrance examinations conducted by various private and public bodies. Then complete a four year degree course in mechanical, electronics, metallurgy, electrical or chemical engineering.

How many shotguns are in CSGO?

four shotgunsThe four shotguns in CSGO are commonly the most overlooked guns in the game. Two of them are available on both the Terrorist and Counter-Terrorist sides, with one shotgun being unique to each side. Shotguns offer high damage but low range and versatility.

Which engineering is best for weapons?

Undergraduate CoursesBE / B Tech in Chemical Engineering.BE / B Tech in Material and Metallurgy Engineering.BE / B Tech in Electrical Engineering.BE / B Tech in Air Armament.BE / B Tech in Combat Vehicles.BE / B Tech in Guided Missiles.BE / B Tech in Microwave and Radar.BE / B Tech in Guidance and Navigation Control.More items...•