how to sign up nystate 30hr online pesticide course

by Noe Davis 7 min read

How many hours of training is required for pesticide certification?

Course sponsors applying for approval of 30 hour certification eligibility courses must submit a detailed agenda that includes a minimum of 15 hours of training in Northeast Core Manual, 3rd Edition topics and Federal & New York pesticide laws and regulations, and a specified minimum number of hours of training in category/subcategory specific topics. The total length of actual training must be at least 30 hours.

How often do you need to reapply for pesticide applicator training?

Pesticide applicator training courses may be re-approved without submitting a complete course application if the course content and instructors are identical to a course first approved within the past 3 years; (every 3 years you need to send a complete new application at least 45 days prior to the course date). In addition to the responsibilities outlined above, the course sponsor must submit any required or requested information DEC in a timely manner and immediately notify DEC of any proposed changes to the approved course content, instructor, time, date, and/or location at least 10 days prior to the scheduled course date.

How long do you have to keep a pesticide roster?

All original rosters for each day of training must be mailed to the Pesticide Reporting & Certification Section with a postmark no later than 5 days after the course. The sponsor must keep a copy of these records on file for a minimum of 5 years. The roster is required for recertification credits.

How many hours of training per day for DEC?

Agendas for eligibility courses may not exceed 7.5 hours of actual training per day. One DEC course number will be assigned for the entire eligibility course. The sponsor must use a separate DEC course roster form for each day of the eligibility course.

What forms do you need to sponsor a distance course?

Sponsors must use the course roster form and certificate provided with the course approval documents. Distance course requirements are posted on our website.

Can you modify a course after it has been approved by DEC?

If approved, course number (s) and appropriate credits will be assigned. A course should be offered only as approved by DEC in advance. Sponsors cannot modify the course after DEC has assigned a course number and credits.

Can you modify a course after DEC approval?

If approved, course number (s) and appropriate credits will be assigned. A course should be offered only as approved by DEC in advance. Sponsors cannot mod ify the course after DEC has assigned a course number and credits.

What is the number to report pesticides in New York?

Call or email the Pesticide: Reporting and Certification Section at 518-402-8748 or [email protected]. Product Registration Section at 518-402-8768 or [email protected]. Compliance Section at 518-402-8727 or [email protected]. Reporting Law (PRL) section at 518-402-8748 or [email protected].

What is the law that requires pesticides to be registered in New York?

Pesticide Product Registration - The Environmental Conservation Law requires every pesticide product which is used, distributed, sold or offered for sale in New York State to be registered with the NYSDEC.

What is the EPA's guidance for antimicrobial products?

EPA has activated its Emerging Viral Pathogens Guidance for Antimicrobial Products to allow the use of certain EPA-registered disinfectant products ...

When is the DEC webinar 2021?

The DEC will hold a stakeholder webinar on October 27, 2021 from 1-3 PM concerning the pesticide regulations to implement this law. Stakeholders are invited to the webinar to hear about potential revisions, express views, and provide input in developing regulations. Registration for the webinar is required. Comments may be submitted at [email protected].

How long can a business operate after the crisis?

If you are a business or agency, with registrations lapsed on or after March 1, 2020, you can continue to operate during the current crisis. This applies to 60 days after Executive Order 202 or any related extensions expire.

Why is it important to dispose of pesticides properly?

Properly using, storing, and disposing of pesticides will prevent pollution and potential harm to people and wildlife.

Why are pesticides exempt from federal registration?

Certain pesticide products are exempt from federal registration because they are relatively safe for human health and the environment. These substances can be a good choice, but it's important to know they are still pesticides.

What is required to purchase a trapping license in New York?

A New York State Trapper Education Course is required to purchase a trapping license in New York and set traps to catch wild game. Topics covered include:

How much does it cost to get a hunter education certificate in New York?

You must be a New York State resident. If you successfully complete the course, and pass the final exam, you will receive your NYS hunter education certificate. The cost of the course is $19.95. The course can be found on the hunter-ed website (leaves DEC website).

How long does homework take?

The homework can take several hours to complete. 2. Participation in an in-person course that is a minimum of 7 hours in length. These courses may be scheduled for one full day or split up into several shorter time frames over several days.

What safety protocols are followed in every in-person course?

COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed in every in-person course.

Do you have to be a resident to take trapper education?

You must be a NYS resident to take the home study trapper education course.

How many questions are asked in the Hunter Education Certificate?

Students must complete the required homework, attend all sessions of the course, demonstrate proper attitude and safety, and pass a final exam of 50 questions. After successful completion of the course, students will receive a Hunter Education Certificate of Qualification, which is required for purchasing ...

How old do you have to be to get a hunter education certificate?

New - Online Hunter Education Course. You can complete all the requirements to earn a NYS hunter education certificate online. Any New York State resident age 11 or older can take the online course. You must be a New York State resident. If you successfully complete the course, and pass the final exam, you will receive your NYS hunter education ...


Instructions For Sponsors of Pesticide Courses

Application Process

  • Revised pesticide applicator training course procedures became effective October 1, 2018. The course sponsor must submit the course application and supporting documents to [email protected] or mail to the NYSDEC, Pesticide Reporting & Certification Section, 625 Broadway, Albany, New York 12233-7254. The request for course approval must include ...
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Approval Process

  • Revised pesticide applicator training course procedures became effective October 1, 2018. The following changes were enacted to improve course processing efficiency: 1. Courses scheduled for major holidays will not be approved. DEC will consider requests for other holiday course approvals on a case-by-case basis. Courses scheduled for weekends will be approved provided t…
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Course Sponsor Responsibilities

  • Before the course starts, the sponsor must confirm the identity of all students. Certified applicators or technicians must present a NY pesticide ID card. Others may present a photo driver's license. The sponsor shall require all certified pesticide applicators to record their certification ID number and print and sign their name on the DEC Recertification Course Roster p…
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Monitoring of Pesticide Training Courses

  • DEC & EPA pesticide staff routinely monitor pesticide training courses for course content, time allocated to topics, etc. As a condition of course approval, sponsors must grant the DEC/EPA pesticide staff access to monitor any approved course and waive registration fees for the DEC or EPA pesticide inspectors.
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Pesticidesupdates Listserv

  • To sign up for Pesticides Updates, subscribe to DEC Delivers! This will take you to the "Quick Subscription" page where you will see all the topics that you can receive email updates on from DEC. Scroll to the "Prevent and Control Pollution" category and check the box next to "Pesticides." You will receive a welcome email from DEC confirming your subscription(s).
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