how to sign up for course while in federal prisons

by Rebekah Thompson 9 min read

What kind of training do federal inmates receive?

An important component is on-the-job training, which inmates receive through institution job assignments and work in Federal Prison Industries. The Bureau also facilitates post-secondary education in vocational and occupationally oriented areas.

How do I get education for prisoners?

Education for prisoners is at their own expense through distance education courses or studies completed through U.S. mail.

Do colleges offer correspondence courses for prisoners?

In most cases, these colleges and universities use mail correspondence courses to facilitate learning, proctor exams, award credits, and furnish associate and bachelor’s degrees. As such, these colleges and universities offer undergraduate correspondence programs uniquely suited to the higher education needs of prisoners:

Where can I find information about correctional programs?

NIC’s Corrections Specialists are available to assist practitioners, including Bureau staff, to locate information dealing with correctional policies, programs, operations and training by accessing NIC’s specialized library, as well as a variety of databases and information networks across the country.

What types of educational programs are available to prisoners?

Education Programs All institutions offer literacy classes, English as a Second Language, parenting classes, wellness education, adult continuing education, library services, and instruction in leisure-time activities.

How many federal prisons offer education?

About 9 in 10 State prisons, all Federal prisons, and almost 9 in 10 private prisons provide educational programs for their inmates (table 3).

What programs do federal prisons offer?

We provide progressive and humane treatment and services to federal inmates and implement programs that facilitate their successful reintegration into society.Education Programs.Medical Care.Mental Health.Religious Programs.Sexual Abuse Prevention.Substance Abuse Treatment.Reentry Programs.Work Programs.More items...

Can federal inmates have ipads?

Federal inmates across the country have been on lockdown since March 2020, unable to have family visits or make phone calls due to covid restrictions in the facilities. By allowing inmates access to tablets they can stay in contact with loved ones during these extraordinary times.

Do prisoners get classes?

Educational programs within prisons are typically funded by the prisons themselves, and may be run by the individual prisons or contracted out to external providers. Primary, secondary and vocational education is typically free, though some countries require inmates or their families to pay for correspondence courses.

What is post release program?

Post-release employment services connect incarcerated individuals who were trained in Correctional Industries (CI) to long-term employment.

How often does the BOP drug test?

every five yearsBackground investigations are conducted prior to initial employment with the BOP and are updated every five years. In addition, the BOP conducts staff drug tests for pre- employment, post-accident, reasonable suspicion, and post-substance abuse treatment.

How can federal prisons reduce time?

The most common of these are: 500 Hour Residential Drug Treatment Program: If eligible, your prison sentence can be reduced by up to 12 months by completing the 500-hour Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program (RDAP).

What types of educational programs are available to prisoners or PDL?

The educational program aims to provide opportunities for PDL to achieve mandatory education....There are four (4) major programs under the mandate of BJMP and they are the following:PDL custody, security and control program.PDL welfare and development program.Decongestion program.Good governance.

What does GTL mean in jail?

Global Tel*Linkby Peter Wagner, August 28, 2017. The largest phone provider in prisons and jails, which incarcerated people use to call home, has just gotten bigger. GTL (formerly Global Tel*Link) has purchased its competitor Telmate.

What apps do prisoners use?

Apps For InmatesNetflix.JPay. JPay's secure JP5 tablet.Jpay.

Are prisoners allowed to use Facebook?

Prisoners are banned from updating their Facebook accounts while serving their sentence or from asking others to do so from outside jail. The MoJ has warned any inmates caught breaking the rules face tough punishments, which can include them spending an extra two years behind bars.

What Happens after the Inmate is released from Prison?

Inmate must contact PROPTA office and submit a new updated Government Drivers License or ID to update the Certification.

What is taking place behind the walls of any prison?

Behind the walls of the Any Prison, constructive and rehabilitative programs are taking place for incarcerated inmates. More and more federal prison education is taking place in our prisons.

What happens after the exam is submitted?

PROPTA staff will correct the exam within 7 days of receipt. PROPTA will issue a Conditional Certification considering the score is 90% or better.

What is a PROPTA certified personal trainer?

Being employed instills a sense of purpose and self-esteem. PROPTA offers Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Nutrition Tech courses. The Professional Personal Trainers Association has been successful in assisting inmates to complete and implement federal prison education courses. It is rewarding to be part of improving the quality ...

Can you get a GED in Terminal Island?

Along with numerous crisis and recreational programs, inmates at the Terminal Island Federal Prison and other Federal prisons and jails are provided the opportunity to obtain their GED certificates and/or enroll in college-credited courses that will qualify them to get a certificate by the Professional Personal Trainers Association “PROPTA”.

Is Terminal Island a federal prison?

Terminal Island Federal Prison is a one of the leaders in inmate programs and it is not the only prison or jail in America that provides inmates the opportunity for long-term growth through formal education. Along with numerous crisis and recreational programs, inmates at the Terminal Island Federal Prison and other Federal prisons ...

Where are prison education programs conducted?

The vast majority of prison education programs are conducted onsite at both state and federal prison facilities. Educational opportunities for inmates and ex-offenders produce clear and demonstrable value by creating access to practical training and academic degrees.

What is the best measure of education in prison?

The best measure for the value of education in prison is criminal recidivism. Recidivism — an individual’s tendency to relapse into criminal behavior after release from a previous sentence — is among the most essential concepts in the field of criminal justice.

How much lower is recidivism in Indiana?

A study conducted by the American Correctional Association in the state of Indiana revealed that the rate of recidivism was 20 percent lower for those who had earned their GED (the equivalent of a high school diploma); and 44 percent lower for those who had earned a college degree.

Why is education important in prison?

Prison education is a proven strategy for reducing criminal recidivism and improving economic opportunities for individuals serving prison sentences as well as former inmates transitioning into civilian life. However, access to opportunities for education in prison remain limited. Prisoners seeking college degrees have very few options.

How does education help ex-offenders?

Educational opportunities for inmates and ex-offenders produce clear and demonstrable value by creating access to practical training and academic degrees. This post-secondary education can translate into future employment opportunities, heightened earning potential, and reducing tendencies toward recidivism. Inmates who earn a GED (high school diploma equivalency) are less likely to relapse into criminal behavior and incarceration. Even less likely to relapse are those who earn a college degree.

What is post secondary education?

This post-secondary education can translate into future employment opportunities, heightened earning potential, and reducing tendencies toward recidivism. Inmates who earn a GED (high school diploma equivalency) are less likely to relapse into criminal behavior and incarceration.

What are the factors that make people more prone to criminal convictions?

The various factors that make individuals more prone to criminal conviction — economic circumstances, racial inequalities, education gaps, mental illness, addiction — are often intensified or magnified by an initial criminal conviction.

What training do prisoners need?

One field of training that might be of interest to a prisoner is paralegal training since the law is what put us behind bars and the law has the power to release us. There are literally hundreds of vocational courses to choose from, such as HVAC, AutoCAD, building trades, paralegal, writing, personal fitness, and veterinarian assistant.

How to become a physical trainer?

For example, if you want to work in the hospitality business, take courses through the American Hotel & Lodging Association Educational Institute, an important professional association. If you want to go into government work, take courses through Graduate School USA, which was created specifically for people who want to work in government. If your plan is to become a physical trainer, sign up for courses through the International Sports Sciences Association, a major professional association for personal trainers.

How many hours of course participation are clock hours?

Clock hours (1 clock hour equals 1 hour of course participation) are another way to evaluate how much credit should be awarded for a particular course. Clock hours do not translate into college credit hours. There are three primary factors to consider when selecting a career and vocational program: Personal interest.

Is college for everyone?

Let’s face it, college isn’t for everyone, but having a job is. If you know anyone in prison who isn’t interested in a college education — or who can’t afford college correspondence courses — then career and vocational courses might be a good option. Career or vocational training prepares the student for a particular kind of work, ...

Is career level correspondence accredited?

For the most part, career-level correspondence programs aren’t accredited.

Is a correspondence program accredited?

For the most part, career-level correspondence programs aren’t accredited. If the correspondence program is somehow linked with the primary professional body (e.g., legal programs could be affiliated with a national paralegal association), then it is a program to take a good look at.

Where is the National Corrections Academy located?

National Corrections Academy. Located in Aurora, CO , the National Corrections Academy houses both the Management and Specialty Training Center (MSTC) and the National Institute of Corrections' (NIC) Academy and Information Center.

What is NIC in corrections?

NIC concentrates on management and leadership training, and building training capacity within corrections systems. NIC's Academy provides training, technical assistance, information services and policy/program development assistance to Federal, state, and local corrections agencies. The Information Center provides individualized research assistance and disseminates documents and videos they develop. NIC’s Corrections Specialists are available to assist practitioners, including Bureau staff, to locate information dealing with correctional policies, programs, operations and training by accessing NIC’s specialized library, as well as a variety of databases and information networks across the country.

How to get approval from prison?

Gaining approval from the prison institution. Ensuring that your prison approves your course of study is a simple but essential step. You’ll need to speak to whoever handles education within your prison to make sure that you’re added to the list of approved students.

What is prison education?

This umbrella term can refer to basic numeracy and literacy instruction, or it could include vocational—’on the job’—training that seeks to help inmates gain valuable skills that can be applied to the civilian workforce.

What Types of Education Are Available?

As we’ve already discussed, there are different types and levels of education available to inmates during their incarceration. Basic literacy and numeracy courses are available, which can be a huge benefit to those who have never finished formal education, as these skills are mandatory for even the simplest civilian roles. Inmates may also study towards their GED or even post-secondary, college-level education when made available by their correctional facility. Take a look at the following options that inmates may have at their disposal.

What is a PSCE in prison?

This term covers any vocational or academic study that an inmate undertakes beyond the high school diploma or GED level that can be put toward an associate, bachelor’s, or graduate degree.

How long does it take for an inmate to reoffend?

Some statistics have shown that without some form of intervention or rehabilitation, most inmates will re-offend within the first 9 years of their release. So, it’s very much in your interest to consider pursuing an education while incarcerated, which will help you to get off on the right foot after your release from a correctional facility.

What college is the Wesleyan Center for Prison Education?

Upper Iowa University. Wesleyan Center for Prison Education. While it could be due to the limited data available—as mentioned above—the same IHEP report also notes that around three-quarters of prison inmates in education are enrolled in a certificate or vocational courses rather than academic studies.

What is section 8 in prison?

Section 8: Applying for a Prison Education. Section 9: Financial Aid For Inmates. Section 10: Advice for Distance Learning. One of the best things you can do to improve your chances of succeeding and adjusting to civilian life is to get an education while you’re serving time.

How is education for prisoners done?

Education for prisoners is at their own expense through distance education courses or studies completed through U.S. mail.

What is the only education for prisoners beyond the high school equivalency level?

Aside from this recent funding addition, the only education for prisoners beyond the high school equivalency level (GED) is at their own expense through distance education courses or studies completed through the U.S. Mail .

What is a course category?

Course Categories: These are the areas of study, or subjects, in which courses are offered.

What to do if you know something personally about a school?

Comments: If we know something personally about the school, we try to give an honest evaluation so you can pursue it further or avoid wasting time and money.

What does "under the study level" mean?

Under the study level are letters that indicate the kind of degrees or certificates offered.

Do you mark a school as accredited?

For your protection, we do not mark a school as accredited unless their accreditation comes from an authentic accrediting agency. Tuition: This is the fee charged for your course credits. If a course you are taking earns 3 credits toward your graduation, you multiply that fee by 3.

Can you transfer credits from one school to another?

Transfer: If you wish to change schools (to transfer from one institution of higher education to another), be sure the credits you earned on courses completed at the first school will transfer to the second school. The second school has to recognize and accept the course standards at the first school.

What we do

Prison Professor provides a menu of products and services that teach others how they too can prepare to make the most of their journey. We cannot change the past for anyone. Yet we absolutely can teach strategies that lead to the conquering of adversity and the restoration of dignity. Every individual has power within to build upon strengths.

Who We Are and what Differentiates us from Prison Consultants

The Prison Professor service differs from the typical prison consultant. Many so-called prison consultants masquerade as experts, citing time they served as their credential. They sell fear, preying upon people who are more vulnerable than ever.


Michael Santos was arrested in 1987, when he was 23. He served the next 26 years in prisons of every security level and he relies upon his experience to teach others how to master the challenges that accompany proceedings through the criminal justice system.

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The information provided on this website is not intended to, and does not, constitute legal advice. Instead, all information, content, and materials available on this website are for general informational purposes only. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.


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