how to set up a independent study course with deadlines

by Prof. Alivia Koch 8 min read

Our recommended method for scheduling school deadlines is to take the semester’s course load and break it down into manageable steps. Follow these steps to schedule your school deadlines: 1. Look at the big assignments due on your syllabus right at the beginning of the semester.

Full Answer

How do I set up an independent study?

The first step to setting up an independent study is to find out if it’s even a possibility at your school. Start looking into this early, as it can take a month or more to go through the full application process, particularly if you are planning to design your own course.

What is an independent study course?

Independent studies are often self-designed, so they require focused planning and extended forethought well before the start of a new semester. Independent studies are less supervised than traditional classes, but usually students have a faculty adviser who helps to guide their work and offers feedback throughout the semester.

How long does it take to register for an independent study?

Start looking into this early, as it can take a month or more to go through the full application process, particularly if you are planning to design your own course. Check at the registrar to see if they have a formal registration process in place for independent studies.

Should I take an independent study in high school?

If you are a self-motivated high school student who is finding that the class you want to take is not accessible to you at your school, an independent study might be a good option for you.

How do you structure an independent study course?

Develop a timetable for implementation of activities and completion of course requirements.Write a goal statement/purpose of Independent study. Write a brief description of the background, experience and strengths the student brings to the topic/focus area. ... List course learning objectives. ... Develop a timetable and plan.

How much time should you allow for independent study?

Self-managed independent study taught study: 30 hours (roughly 2–3 hours a week) self-managed directed study: 70 hours, including around 40 hours working on assessment tasks (roughly 4–5 hours a week) self-managed independent study: 50 hours (roughly 3–4 hours a week)

What are the requirements for independent study?

Participating in Independent Study Participation in independent study must always be the choice of the pupil, parent, guardian, or caregiver. LEAs shall not require or otherwise obligate the pupil's participation in an independent study program.

Can you start independent study?

Independent study is open to any student in transitional kindergarten through 12th grade.

How much study should you do per unit?

The general rule of thumb regarding college studying is, that for each class, students should spend approximately 2-3 hours of study time for each hour that they spend in class. Non-science courses: For every 1 unit you are enrolled, you are recommended to spend approximately two hours outside of class studying.

What are independent studies examples?

Usually, students look to independent study when they have an interest in a special topic that's not offered at most high schools. Some examples of special topics would be courses like Asian-American history, British Literature, or Chinese language.

What do independent study teachers do?

At the secondary level, independent study teachers specialize in their area or areas of expertise to provide direct instruction to students whether in classes, small groups, labs, or individually; such instruction is provided either on-site or online.

What is an independent study contract?

A short-term Independent Study contract is a voluntary alternative to a regular classroom program of instruction when a student is absent from school for not less than three (3) and not more than ten (10) consecutive school days.

How do I write an independent research proposal?

The proposal consists of a few things:A statement describing the planned independent study. Your statement should be clear and concise. ... A bibliography. Your statement should be paired with a bibliography. ... A proposed title. ... A brief statement describing how this independent study is intended to fit into your degree program.

What is a directed independent study class?

Directed individual study (DIS) is a college, university or college preparatory school level class providing a more in-depth and comprehensive study of a specific topic than is available in the classroom.

Is independent study considered research?

One path for conducting research for academic credit is through Research Independent Study. Courses entitled Research Independent Study are individual research courses in a field of special interest under the supervision of a faculty member.

What activities count as independent learning?

From the skills listed below, decide whether there are any you need to improve.Organising yourself and your time.Note-taking.Gathering and using information.Reading.Listening.Writing.Speaking.Remembering.More items...

Course Deadlines

Most BYU Independent Study courses allow you up to one year from the registration date to complete them.

University Courses

All university course grades are posted on a Brigham Young University transcript. To ensure a course grade will appear within a particular semester or term (for financial aid or graduation deadlines), we must receive all completed coursework and exams (including retakes) by the deadlines below*:

Course Extensions

One three-month course extension may be available for a $20 fee. This option is not available for all courses. If this restriction applies to your course, it will be noted in the course syllabus. No second extensions are available.

Ready to start your journey?

If a school doesn't offer a course you're interested in, you can create your own.

What Is Independent Study?

Independent study allows you to learn about a subject that's unavailable in your school's established curriculum or about a topic you would like to explore in greater depth. You create your course, determine what you study, and then work one-on-one with a faculty member to earn academic credit.

Why Should You Do Independent Study?

Students who enjoy working one-on-one with an instructor and delving into a creative project or particular topic often find independent study rewarding. Independent study requires strong study habits and self-motivation.

How Do You Plan Your Independent Study?

Independent study requires early preparation. When considering potential topics, consult your faculty advisor to make sure the subject you're interested in isn't already covered in your college's curriculum. While school policies differ, the following are common steps you need to take when planning for independent study.

What Are Your Responsibilities in Independent Study?

Independent study occurs outside of regularly scheduled class hours. Before applying for this type of course, make sure you have time. Generally, professors expect students to put in a certain number of hours each week based on the number of credits they'll receive.

What Are the Requirements for Independent Study?

Colleges vary in their requirements for independent study, so check your school's specific guidelines and approval processes. Most institutions require some form of the following:

What is independent study?

An independent study provides students with the opportunity to work one-on-one with a faculty member on a particular topic or creative project. Often the idea for an independent study arises in a course; for example, in a seminar on early 20th-century American history, a student may develop an interest in the Harlem Renaissance and ask ...

How many units are required for independent study?

Independent studies may be taken for two, three or four units. The number of units determines the number of readings and amount of work assigned.

Why do students have to begin a course a semester in advance?

Because the student and the instructor are designing a course, students must begin this process a full semester in advance. Students should: Obtain faculty adviser approval: Students should discuss with their faculty adviser the possibility of conducting an independent study.

Who is the instructor for Gallatin Independent Study?

An instructor for a Gallatin Independent Study should be an NYU faculty member. In rare cases a professor from another university or college might be approved to instruct an Independent Study. Independent studies are graded with letter grades (A through F).

How long does it take to get an independent study?

The first step to setting up an independent study is to find out if it’s even a possibility at your school. Start looking into this early, as it can take a month or more to go through the full application process, particularly if you are planning to design your own course.

What is independent study?

What is an independent study? An independent study is a sequence of study that you undertake on your own, rather than a class that you take in a traditional high school setting. Some independent studies can be arranged during the school day but often they take place outside of normal school hours.

What to do if your academic adviser says independent studies are an option?

If your academic adviser or guidance counselor indicates that independent studies are an option at your school and your proposal moves forward, really narrow down your subject area and make a list of potential faculty advisers who would be best suited to guide you through your work.

What to do if your school does not have an application process?

If your school does not have an application process already in place, meet with your academic adviser or guidance counselor to discuss what options might be available. Go into this meeting with a solid idea of what you’d like to do ...

What are some ways to study outside of school?

Some students take pre-designed independent study courses. These include online college course work, online homeschool programs, or other classes that you can pursue outside of school. These are a good option if you are too busy to take on much planning and can find one in your subject area.

What is an example of a descriptive course name?

For example, the course may be titled Independent Study: Intro to Child Development. This way, the admissions committee will see which subject area you chose to pursue.

What are the disadvantages of pre-designed classes?

The disadvantage is that these pre-designed classes will likely be less specific to your unique interests and you may find the pacing to be too fast or too slow, depending on how quickly you learn . These classes also come at a price.

What Is Independent Study?

An independent study involves creating your own course on a topic of the academic interest of your choice and working under the supervision of a faculty advisor.

Why Should You Do It?

Independent study can be rewarding, particularly to students who enjoy working with an instructor and researching a creative project or another particular topic.

How Do You Plan Your Independent Study?

Independent study needs prior and earlier preparation, such as consulting with your faculty advisor to ensure the topic of your interest has not yet been covered in the existing curriculum.

What Are Your Responsibilities In Independent Study?

Independent study is conducted outside the regularly scheduled lessons. Therefore, before applying for the independent study course, ensure you have sufficient time to conduct more profound research. Your instructor expects you to work on several hours weekly based on the number of credits you will receive.

What Are The Requirements to Undertake an Independent Study?

Schools have different requirements that you need to meet to be allowed to undertake an independent study. You should hence check out the specific guidelines and process of approval of your college. Some of the standard requirements for most colleges include;

What is independent study?

An independent study course is defined as an area of study or research necessitating a high level of self-directed learning. This learning requires students to read, conduct research, complete written examinations, reports, projects, research papers, portfolios, or similar assignments that are designed to measure competency in the stated educational objectives. Courses currently offered through formal instruction, or a new topic within a specialized field not listed in the Course Catalog, can both be elected for independent study by a special arrangement with the instructor and approval by the department chair. It is the departmental decision that if the content or the diculty level is appropriate for an independent study.

How many hours of independent study should be allowed?

When an independent study is designed and proposed, the rationale for the number of credits awarded by the course should meet the following criteria: one semester credit hour for each 40 clock hours of documented independent study activities. The number of allowable independent study credits for any student should be limited to less than or equal to 10% of the total credits required by the entire program.

What is a schedule for a professor?

The schedule is a weekly breakdown of tasks and topics. It is ultimately up to the discretion of the professor if it should be modified. Also, the professor may opt to have presentations organized per article rather than per topic for clarity.

Do you need to fill out an activity log in Moodle?

Scan and upload this form to Moodle as an assignment submission. The activity log must be filled out at least on a bi-weekly basis. All activity logs must be available on Moodle prior to the end of the semester as a part of the independent study assessment. Activities that constitute time spent on an independent study are outlined in the Independent Study Guidelines packet.
