how to set up a hiit course

by Dr. Raquel Considine 10 min read

How to Create Your Own HIIT Class

  • Start by determining the length of your HIIT classes. While high-intensity workouts are typically designed as 30-minute...
  • Then select the exercises and the order in which the athlete will perform them. This is where you can have some fun and...
  • The final piece to putting together a HIIT class is to focus on the workout intervals. This...

Here's how to start with a basic HIIT running workout.
  1. Run/jog at a brisk pace for 30 seconds.
  2. Jog/walk at a slower pace for 2 minutes.
  3. After your rest, shoot for another 30-second run/jog.
  4. Continue until you get tired or after about ten “push/rest” intervals.
Jun 10, 2022

Full Answer

Why HIIT may be the best workout at any age?

HIIT tends to burn more calories in a shorter period of time than other forms of exercise and can help speed up weight loss. Scientists have even studied the effects of HIIT on aging at a cellular level, as they did in research published last year in the European Heart Journal.

How to do HIIT for beginners?

Try This Body-Weight HIIT Workout for Beginners

  • Start on all fours, then lift up into a high plank — knees lifted off the ground, legs extended, feet hip-width apart, hands under shoulders and fingers facing forward.
  • Keeping your hips down and abs and glutes engaged, bring your left knee to your chest.
  • Set it back to join the other, but then quickly draw the right knee up.

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How often should you really do HIIT workouts?

  • After exercise, you may feel exhausted rather than energized
  • Disrupted sleep
  • Mood swings or depression
  • A saturation or drop in training progress

What is the best gym routine for beginners?

  • The Best Beginner Workout Equipment
  • The Best Beginner Chest Exercises
  • The Best Beginner Back Workouts
  • The Best Beginner Leg Workouts
  • The Best Beginner Shoulder Workouts
  • The Best Beginner Core Workouts

How do you structure a HIIT class?

It calls for 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of recovery, repeated eight times in a row for a total of 4 minutes; that might not seem like a lot, but when each 20-second bout is performed at the highest level of effort, 4 minutes is that is needed for a great workout!

How do I become a HIIT trainer?

The first step to becoming an expert in HIT, HIIT, and HIIRT is to complete a comprehensive degree program in personal training or a related area of study, such as exercise science, exercise physiology, or physical education.

Can anyone do a HIIT class?

Though you don't need to be a hardcore gym goer to attempt HIIT—far from it, actually—you'll increase your chances of a safe workout and get the most out of your experience if you are comfortable with certain movements that serve as the basis for much of what HIIT is built around.

How much does HIIT training cost?

between $10 and $35 per classThe cost of an interval training or HIIT class will vary depending on your location, but you can expect to pay between $10 and $35 per class. Drop-in classes will be more expensive than a membership to a local studio, but skip that all when you sign up for classes through the ClassPass app.

How much do HIIT instructors make?

$30K - $40K (Employer est.) This includes but is not limited to social media, online platforms, business tools, and mobile apps.

Are Hit and HIIT training the same?

HIT stands for High-Intensity Training, which is not to be confused with 'HIIT', which is an acronym for 'High-Intensity Interval Training'. People often confuse CrossFit with HIIT because essentially both involve performing different types of exercises at a high intensity within one workout.

How long should a HIIT session be?

about 30-60 minutesThe total duration of a HIIT session should be about 30-60 minutes in length, with warm up and cool down included in that time. HIIT Ratios: As written above, each high intensity interval consists of a work phase and recovery phase.

What are the disadvantages of HIIT?

The cons of high-intensity exerciseHigh-intensity exercise is not suitable for everyone. You should already have a basic level of fitness to take part in HIIT training due to its intensity. ... It can make you dizzy. ... It will make your muscles sore. ... You have a higher risk of injury.

Why HIIT is not suitable for everyone?

Your body replenishes glycogen stores during rest, but if you never rest long enough between HIIT workouts, those stores will struggle to become fully replenished. Low glycogen can make you feel slower and weaker during workouts, and it can also negatively affect the way your body recovers from exercise.

Is there an app for HIIT training?

The Best HIIT AppsSeven.J&J Official 7 Minute Workout.Seconds Pro.Fiit.Workout for Women.Freeletics.Keelo.Workout Trainer.More items...•

Should I do HIIT if my legs are sore?

It may feel uncomfortable, and yes you may need to take a day or two off if it's really sore, but you shouldn't be doing any further damage. Steer clear of high intensity activities at first and reduce to a moderate level of exercise to give your body time to recover and increase strength.

Why am I so sore after HIIT?

"Delayed onset muscle soreness, aka DOMS, is stiffness and pain that you feel between 24 and 48 hours after doing high-intensity physical exercise that your body isn't accustomed to," explains registered osteopath Leah Hearle, who treats sports injuries in top athletes.

What is HIIT training?

HIIT is a workout training technique that alternates intervals of rest or low intensity with intervals of high intensity exercises. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. The intensity level corresponds to how difficult the exercise feels. A high intensity level feels as if you do not want to continue it for long.

What is HIIT workout?

A HIIT workout is also for people seeking weight loss, muscle gains, an increase in metabolism and a decrease in cholesterol. If you have any health concerns, HIIT workouts improve your overall well being and can reduce risk factors such as excess weight and high cholesterol.

How does HIIT improve endurance?

Endurance. The high intensity intervals of HIIT improve endurance through a variety of changes that occur in the body. First, when you perform a workout near your maximum heart rate, the heart adjusts by pumping out more blood with each beat.

How long should a HIIT workout be?

Instead of performing moderate intensity exercise at a consistent level for a set duration such as 30 to 45 minutes, HIIT can be effective in workouts of 20 to 30 minutes.

How to do a HIIT workout on a treadmill?

A sample HIIT workout using a treadmill, looks this like: 1 5 minute warm-up walk at 50 to 60 percent of maximum heart rate, MHR 2 30 second sprint at 90 to 95 percent of MHR 3 30 second slow recovery walk at 50 to 70 percent of MHR 4 30 second spring at 90 to 95 percent of MHR 5 30 second slow recovery walk at 50 to 70 percent of MHR 6 Repeat the spring/rest intervals 6 to 8 more times. 7 Cool down with a 5 minute walk to gradually decrease your heart rate.

What are the peaks and valleys of your heart rate during a HIIT session?

The peaks and valleys of your heart rate during this interval session are the keys to receiving the workout benefits. Much like with other exercise routines, your body will adjust to HIIT. As you feel the improvements, challenge your body by adding new exercises in or increasing the duration of the intensity levels.

How does HIIT help you?

For example, if you play soccer but notice a decrease in your stamina, HIIT workouts help improve your endurance. If you are a runner and want to improve your time, add two HIIT workouts to your weekly routine and notice the difference.

What is the best HIIT workout for beginners?

Later in the article, we will show you the best HIIT exercises for beginners and we will provide a few more HIIT workouts…. 1. Tabata. TABATA is probably the most famous HIIT protocol. It involves one full body exercise, done for 20 seconds at max effort, interspersed with a brief 10 seconds recovery.

How many workouts are there in HIIT?

HIIT For Beginners: 18 Exercises, 5 Workouts & Tons of Training Tips. If you are new to fitness or you are simply stuck in your current mode of low-to-moderate intensity workouts, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can be intimidating.

How long does HIIT keep you high?

However, HIIT workouts are shown to keep high oxygen consumption for up to 24 hours (which relates to your metabolic rate), whereas weightlifting and jogging typically only increase oxygen consumption for a short period of time after the workout ( research study ).

What is the best workout plan?

An ideal workout plan will incorporate weight training (or resistance training of some sort - i.e. bodyweight calisthenics ), HIIT, and cardio. They all have their place in fitness. HIIT for burning fat, boosting metabolism, and keeping your body in tip-top shape. Resistance training for hypertrophy and strength.

How many calories do you burn in a 30 minute HIIT workout?

Although HIIT workouts are typically less than 30 minutes, if you did a 30 minute HIIT workout, effectively, you’d burn up to 3 times the amount of calories as you would with a weightlifting or steady-state cardio workout ( research study ).

What is the max heart rate for HIIT?

A HIIT workout alternates work intervals of 85 to 95 percent max heart rate and rest periods that won’t drop your heart rate below 60 to 65 percent max. If you aren’t in this range, you aren’t doing HIIT. If you have a heart rate monitor, you will know whether or not you are in this range.

What is hit workout?

To simplify it, a hit workout incorporates full-body, compound exercises, typically bodyweight-only, which are done in short, intense bursts, at nearly one hundred percent of your max effort, followed by short, sometimes active rest.

What is a HIIT workout?

An effective HIIT workout should start like any other workout with a comprehensive warm-up consisting of self-myofascial release (SMR) on tight muscles, two-to-four core training, and balance exercises to ensure optimal neuromuscular efficiency.

What is HIIT exercise?

HIIT is a form of cardiorespiratory exercise that alternates between periods of short duration, high-intensity work, and bouts of lower intensity movement to allow for active recovery that uses a 1-10 scale of perceived exertion with ten being the highest.

Why is HIIT important?

Benefits include burning fat, increasing muscle definition, reducing the risk of developing a chronic health condition, or simply burning off some stress. There are many reasons why HIIT you should consider adding HIIT to the workout programs you design for your clients. One of the benefits of working with a NASM-Certified Personal Trainer is ...

Why is HIIT considered a strength training?

Consider HIIT as strength training for the cardiac muscle of the heart. The high-intensity intervals help the heart become more efficient at moving blood around the body, reducing the risk of developing heart disease.

What happens to the body after HIIT?

During a HIIT workout, the muscle will metabolize carbohydrates for fuel. However, after HIIT, type I muscle fibers will metabolize fat for energy in the post-exercise recovery period as the body returns to its normal resting state (Buchheit & Laursen, 2013).

What is the most effective HIIT equipment?

The Most Effective HIIT Equipment in the Gym. In a fitness facility, the most effective HIIT equipment options are the rowing machine and HIIT bike (with the moving arms) because they are ergometers, meaning that there is no adjustment for intensity, like speed on a treadmill, the faster the client works, the greater the resistance.

How to provide additional motivation when using a protocol like Tabata?

To provide additional motivation when using a protocol like Tabata, record the number of calories burned or distance traveled during the workout (take a picture of the display with the client's phone); the next time the client does the same protocol, they will try to meet or beat those numbers.

What is HIIT training?

"HIIT is an exercise program designed to torch fat, increase anaerobic and aerobic capacity, and fit a full workout session into the smallest window possible ," says James Swift, certified personal trainer and owner of Fit Body Boot Camp in Rancho Cordova, California.

What equipment do you need for HIIT?

If you're at home with little to no equipment, Swift recommends a body-weight HIIT session with a strength or cardio focus, depending on your desire for that day. When you're at the gym, you can use anything from barbells, dumbbells, suspension trainers, battle ropes or all of the above.

How long does a HIIT workout last?

The rest typically comes at the end of a circuit, and lasts for 30 to 60 seconds. As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP): When this is part of a HIIT workout, you'll perform as many reps as possible of a specific exercise for a set amount of time. Read more: How to Do HIIT Treadmill Workouts.

How to get a squat down?

Stand with your feet a bit wider than shoulder-width distance. Bend your knees and hinge your hips back to squat down like you're sitting in a chair. Your thighs should be slightly higher than your knees, and your weight should be in your heels. Using your arms for momentum, jump up into the air.

How many rounds of HIIT workouts are there?

Do: Each exercise for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Do six rounds of each exercise before moving on to the next, with a one-minute rest in between moves.

What happens if you do too many HIIT sessions?

If you're performing too many HIIT sessions each week, you may find that you're headed down the path to overtraining. Some of the more common red flags to be aware of include decreased performance, excessive fatigue, restlessness, an increase in exercise-related injuries, agitation and moodiness.

How to ease into workouts?

One way to ease into these workouts is to var y the intensity (aka your speed or the amount of weight you lift), work or rest periods, total workout duration and number of exercises you complete, says Swift. Go at your own pace, and progress when you're ready. 2. Find the Right Schedule.

What to do during a HIIT workout?

Incorporate some strength training workouts, cardio, and stretching and alternate those between the days you do HIIT.”. Additionally, rest is vital during the actual HIIT workout, as it provides solid cardio conditioning—so don’t skip those intervals!

What is HIIT training?

High Intensity Interval Training, known as HIIT, involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise broken up by active rest periods. “A good HIIT to start with might be something like Tabata, a very common HIIT formula ( this is our favorite interval timer ), which is 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest, typically done for four minutes, ...

How long should I work out for HIIT?

To build endurance, Gaulke says to start with 15-20 minutes of a HIIT workout and work up from there. “I would also recommend starting with either equal or slightly higher rest intervals to your work intervals, such as working for :30 and then resting for :30, or working for :30 and then resting for :45.”.

How many HIIT classes should I do a week?

“For an average person, I would say 2-4 HIIT classes a week would be good, depending on how frequently you go to the gym,” says Sanders.

What is Aaptiv workout?

They’re convenient, customizable, and charged with energy. Perfect for beginners, this type of exercise allows you to combine different forms of cardio and strength training to build a long-lasting fitness routine on a busy schedule. Aaptiv has the perfect beginner workouts in categories like cardio, strength training, yoga and more.

Why is HIIT so popular?

HIIT is popular, says Gaulke, due to its ability to burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time. With intervals, your body increases its metabolic rate by constantly increasing and decreasing heart rate – ( we use this tracker ).

What are some examples of low intensity workouts?

One example is holding a plank from your knees rather than doing full-on burpees as part of a work interval, or adding more rest intervals.

How to do HIIT workouts?

How to Do a HIIT Workout 1 Jumping jacks 2 Static wall sit 3 Push-ups (or, if you want a greater challenge, burpees) 4 Crunches or sit-ups 5 Running up steps (or just stepping up onto a chair) 6 Squats 7 Triceps dips on a chair 8 Plank 9 High-step running in place 10 Lunges 11 Push-up and rotation 12 Side plank on your left 13 Side plank on your right

What is HIIT training?

HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training. This type of training emphasizes short bursts of high-intensity exercise interspersed with short recovery periods. HIIT training sessions are shorter and more intense than steady-state workouts, which are moderate-intensity exercises, such as jogging and cycling, ...

What is high intensity training?

A high-intensity training program packs a full-body workout into a short amount of time so that physical activity doesn't have to take a back seat in your busy day. HIIT requires minimal equipment. Most HIIT exercisers use little to no equipment in their high-intensity workouts.

What are some exercises to help with a sprained thigh?

Squats. Triceps dips on a chair. Plank. High-step running in place. Lunges. Push-up and rotation. Side plank on your left. Side plank on your right. You can play with the order of these exercises, but try to maintain a rotation of cardio, stretching, and strength training via bodyweight.

Is HIIT a warm up or cool down?

Many high-intensity workouts naturally incorporate a warm-up and cool-down, and they provide the recovery periods required to successfully build muscle and lung capacity. HIIT workouts are relatively short. A high-intensity training program packs a full-body workout into a short amount of time so that physical activity doesn't have ...

Does HIIT help with heart rate?

HIIT rapidly elevates the heart rate. Intense exercises provide a great cardio workout. Over the long term, this can help lower your resting pulse and blood pressure. It can also improve lung capacity and insulin resistance and bolster overall cardiovascular health. HIIT is efficient.

What is HIIT workout?

In short, HIIT, which involves bursts of high-intensity cardio and strength exercises interspersed with brief periods of recovery, is a great way to get a big workout with multiple benefits in a small amount of time. First, a little bit about what HIIT actually is. HIIT is a particular type of workout—you can do a high-intensity workout ...

How long is a hiit class?

HIIT classes range in duration—some are as short as 30 minutes or less, and some are up to 80 minutes or more. If you’re brand new, start with a class in the 30-minute range, says Straub. “You have to start slow,” she explains.

How much should you push yourself during HIIT?

During the high-intensity bursts, you should be pushing yourself to 80 to 90 percent of your maximum effort, says O’Donnell. This hard work, after all, is what makes HIIT so effective. Though the instructor will (hopefully) be encouraging you throughout class, it’s also up to you to push yourself to the right level.

What is the biggest factor that stops people from starting HIIT?

In O’Donnell’s experience, the biggest factor that stops people from starting HIIT is “overall intimidation.” Her solution? “Don’t worry about what person next to you is doing,” she says. “You will see so many different types of people and fitness levels in HIIT. Use that as motivation rather than intimidation.”

Why is it important to have the basics of the movements down before jumping into a workout?

Not knowing how to maintain proper form in those circumstances increases the chances of getting injured. 2.

Is HIIT a good tool?

HIIT is “a great tool in the fitness toolbox, but shouldn’t be your only tool,” says Vidal. As part of a well-rounded exercise program, it’s important to make time for restorative work and recovery, he says.

How long can you hold a plank without wobbling?

These include the abilities to: squat properly without pain, balance on one leg with your eyes closed for 30 seconds without wobbling, hold a plank for 30 seconds, do a basic push-up, and walk or run without knee and/or back pain, exercise physiologist Rachel Straub, C.S.C.S., tells SELF.

Why teaching future HIIT instructors is my favorite thing

You might think I love leading HIIT instructor trainings so much because HIIT & Flow is the workout I developed.

Curious about what goes down in a HIIT instructor training?

Let's talk nuts and bolts–what's actually involved in becoming a HIIT instructor.

How to get certified as a HIIT instructor

After completing your 35 hours of coursework, there's just one final assignment to earn your certification: teaching a short class on video. If that sounds intimidating, don't worry!

Who is HIIT instructor training for?

Everyone. You. Your best friend. Literally anyone who is committed to personal growth and likes to challenge themselves, and wants to connect with a community that lifts them up.
