how to send email to participants in a moodle course

by Gene Stiedemann 5 min read

You can not send an email from Moodle, but you can send a message that the system will send as an email if peoples emails are activated. Go to the participants page in a course, mark all users and send a message.

Look for the Quickmail block on the right column of your course. Click on "Compose Course Message" and select the recipients. Select "All in course" or choose specific individuals, roles, or groups to email. Compose your email and click on the "Send Message" button at the bottom of the screen.Mar 24, 2021

Full Answer

How do I send an email from Moodle?

To send an email to one or more participants: On the course home page, in the Course administration block, under Course administration > Users, select Enrolled users to go to the Participants page. On the Participants page, filter the list of users you wish to send an email to.

How do I send an email to the participants of a course?

Sep 21, 2018 · If you go to the course and from the Navigation choose Participants, this will display all the participants in the course. Then go to the bottom of the list and click the button 'Select all x users'; then underneath that choose from the 'With selected users ...' drop-down list 'Send a message'. This sends a message that will also email to them.

Is it possible to email all users in a course?

Mar 09, 2020 · To send a message to selected course participants. Enter the course. From the Navigation block, click on Participants or: You will be redirected to the All Participants page. Mark on the checkbox next to the student name you want to send the message to ( OR from the bottom of the page click on Select all button to select all students) From the With selected users …

Does e-mail marketing work for the course site?

Mar 09, 2011 · How to send a global email to Moodle (C4) course participants

How do I send a group email in Moodle?

Send a group message/email using the Participants listIn the Navigation block, select Participants. ... From the drop-down list, search the group you want to email. ... At the bottom left of the list, click Select all. ... From the Choose... ... On the Message course users page, type your message in the Message body box.Dec 18, 2020

How do I send a message to students on Moodle?

Sending a message to selected course participantsGo to the Participants page.Select participants from the list or use the "Select all" button at the bottom of the list.Choose "Add/send message" from the "With selected users..." drop-down menu.Assuming you are satisfied with the message, click the "Send" button.Mar 15, 2021

How do I communicate with students in Moodle?

Go to the Participants page. Select participants from the list or use the "Select all" button at the bottom of the list. Choose "Add/send message" from the "With selected users..." drop-down menu. Assuming you are satisfied with the message, click the "Send" button.Mar 15, 2021

How do you reply to a message in Moodle?

To read and reply to a messageType your reply into the box and then click on the Send a message button.If you receive a popup notification of a message, click Go to message to read and reply to it.Jul 13, 2014

How to send a mail to all students in a course ( Moodle 3.5)

Ive found a question about Moodle 2.3, but is not clear the solution and i need a 3.5 solution.

Re: How to send a mail to all students in a course ( Moodle 3.5)

If you go to the course and from the Navigation choose Participants, this will display all the participants in the course. Then go to the bottom of the list and click the button 'Select all x users'; then underneath that choose from the 'With selected users ...' drop-down list 'Send a message'. This sends a message that will also email to them.

Re: How to send a mail to all students in a course ( Moodle 3.5)

What about using the Announcements (formerly News) forum? Anything you post there is also emailed to all enrolled users.
