how to see past course in cabvas

by Ali Abbott 7 min read

To access an old course:
  • Log in to Canvas.
  • Click the Courses tab on the garnet global navigation menu on the left of the screen.
  • Click the All Courses link from the menu that appears.
  • On the All Courses page, scroll down to Past Enrollments. From here, you can access a previous course by clicking on its hyper-linked course name.

To access a Canvas site for a past course, please log into Canvas, click on the Courses tab, and then click on the View All Courses link. On the next page under “Past Enrollments,” you will be able to view your past courses.Mar 20, 2015

Full Answer

How do I view past courses in canvas?

Jul 02, 2019 · To access a Canvas course from a past semester: Log into Canvas Click on the Courses tab from the Global Navigation menu. Then, click on the All Courses link. On the next page, scroll down to view Past Enrollments, where you will be able to view your past courses. Enter a course by clicking on its link.

What happened to past canvas courses?

Jan 18, 2018 · This quick instructional video demonstrates how to access past completed courses in Canvas. The courses are accessed as read-only after completion, but can b...

How do I access a previous course?

How to: Find a Past/Missing Course in Canvas (Video Tutorial) Here’s a very short video on how to get what you want on the Canvas Dashboard. It’s the first place to look for a course, but every now again, a class just doesn’t make the cut. Call us or the Technical Support Center if you still can’t find it and we’ll get it sorted out ...

How do I view a page history in a course?

After logging into Canvas, you can view your current courses. You may also be able to view past and future enrollment courses in Canvas. Note: Some institutions may restrict the option to view or access future enrollment courses before the participation dates and/or restrict the option to access concluded courses after the course has ended.

At a Glance

This guide for teaching teams and students shows you how to access a past course in Canvas after the term ends. Canvas automatically removes these courses from your Dashboard at that time.

Access a Past Course

Your courses for the current term appear on your Dashboard, along with your Favorited courses. After a term ends, courses from that term (unless previously favorited) are automatically removed from your Dashboard. To find past courses:

Learn More

See How Do I View All My Canvas Courses as an Instructor for in-depth information from Canvas.

What happened to my old Canvas courses?

Canvas Support has removed Canvas courses of past semesters from users' Courses menu and enabled date restrictions on past courses in Canvas to make them read-only. This prevents both students and instructors from making any additional changes to the site.

Why can't I access certain content in my old courses?

The read-only status affects your access to certain content in your old Canvas courses.

Why can't I enroll people in my old Canvas courses?

As with content access, the read-only status prevents you from editing your old Canvas courses, including any attempts at enrolling new people. If you want someone to have access to your old Canvas course, please contact Canvas Support.

Is there anything else I should know?

Yes! Please note that the read-only status for past courses does not affect the ability for instructors to copy old course content into new Canvas courses. Copying content from an old course into a new course occurs during the course-site creation process.

What should I do if I need help?

Please contact Canvas Support at athelp if you need assistance.

What is participation in a course?

Participation includes submitting assignments and replying to discussions. If a future course does not include a link [2], the course cannot be viewed until the start date. Note: Some institutions may not allow future enrollments to display in the Courses page.

What is view all courses?

View All Courses. All Courses are courses that are part of the current semester or term. However, depending on access settings for a course, My Courses can also display courses that have not yet started or are unpublished. Active courses that are available to you are listed in blue text [1]. These courses have been published ...

Can you view a future course before the start date?

However, some institutions may restrict you from viewing published courses before the start date. If a future course includes a link [1], you can view course content but cannot fully participate in the course until the start date.
