how to see if a book is on course reserves at wwu

by Mr. Luigi Becker PhD 9 min read

To find physical course reserves in the library catalog:

  1. Using the link below, search by the course number or instructor's name.
  2. The catalog will indicate which library is holding the materials for your course.
  3. Go to the appropriate library's checkout desk to request an item on reserve.

Students can access course reserves lists and view physical reserves availability via a library-managed 'Library Resources' tab on the class Canvas page, as in this sample Canvas reserves list.

Full Answer

What is coursepacks WWU?

Coursepacks are coordinated by the Coursepack Office, in cooperation with the Student Bookstore and the Copy Center. The Coursepack office offers one-stop service for faculty as the initial contact point for requesting a printed coursepack. For details about initiating a coursepack request and copyright permissions, visit the Coursepacks page at WWU's Business Services website .

What is open educational resources?

"Open Educational Resources are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse, without charge. OER often have a Creative Commons or GNU license that state specifically how the material may be used, reused, adapted, and shared." –OER Commons

What is Creative Commons license?

A Creative Commons license allows creators to place conditions on their copyrights. This gives flexibility by allowing the creator (copyright holder) the ability to to grant some of their rights to the public while retaining other rights.

Can you add a reserve to Canvas?

WWU Libraries Faculty Services staff can create a Course Reserves list to be added to the Canvas page for any course, even if the instructor is not otherwise using Canvas for the course. The list can contain direct links to electronic items, and/or links to library catalog pages showing current location and availability of physical items.

Is a work in the public domain?

Works without copyright protection are included in the Public Domain and are available for everyone to use freely.

What can't be put on reserve?

To put an item on reserve, complete the online reservation form. Note that we cannot place items from other libraries on reserve.

What if the CRC has a copy, but it's not available?

We can recall items that are checked out to make sure they're available for your students. Requests that include materials that are checked out may take longer to fill. If something is missing or damaged, we can order a replacement copy. To make a request for purchase, please contact Head Librarian, Colleen Boff.

What is Avalon online?

Avalon is an online service that provides round-the-clock access to streaming audio and video content. This content includes some course reserve materials, library-owned items, and locally created content from campus departments.

What is the Music Library?

The Music Library provides access to sound and video recording reserves on and off campus through Avalon, our audio and video streaming platform. All audio reserve requests from our physical collections will be placed on the streaming server, unless you are using a published anthology (which will only be available as a traditional reserve in the Music Library and Bill Schurk Sound Archives because of copyright limitations). Submit all of your reserve requests as you ordinarily would and send us a list of your course roster so that we can enroll the students in their appropriate section. We'll also enroll you as a student so that you can see the reserve system as they will.

How to contact BGSu?

If you have any questions about the process at any point, please contact course reserves at 419-372-7908 or [email protected]. We can answer questions or help you make arrangements for special situations.

What to do if something is missing in Trinidad Linares?

If something is missing or damaged, we can order a replacement copy. To make a request for purchase, please email Trinidad Linares.

How long does it take to recall a request?

If a requested item is checked out, we will recall it. This process usually takes about two weeks.
