how to see course syllabus on uc doorways

by Erling Little 8 min read

What is UC doorways and does my school need it?

What is UC Doorways and does my school need UC Approved Courses? UC (University of California) Doorways is the portal that schools use to submit their high school courses for UC approval. A-G requirements refers to the rigorous sequence of courses in seven subject areas required to be eligible for acceptance into the University of California.

What is the difference between UC doorways and a-G requirements?

UC (University of California) Doorways is the portal that schools use to submit their high school courses for UC approval. A-G requirements refers to the rigorous sequence of courses in seven subject areas required to be eligible for acceptance into the University of California.

How do I get a course description from UCI?

Course Descriptions The most common reason for requesting a course description would be to provide the description to another academic institution in order to determine course equivalency. Descriptions of current and previous courses at UCI can be obtained by accessing the UCI General Catalogue for the appropriate year and using the print feature.

Where can you create a profile to track your progress towards AG coursework?

Go to and click on Create an Account. Create a Plan of Study. Using the Plan of Study tool they can map out their high school coursework to ensure they are on track to meet A-G requirements.

What are UC approved classes?

UC-approved high school coursesone year of world history, cultures or historical geography (may be a single yearlong course or two one-semester courses), year of U.S. history or one-half year of U.S. history and one-half year of civics or American government.

What honors courses are approved by UC?

Registered users can access the repository of A-G approved courses in the A-G CMP and view full course descriptions.A History / social science.B English.C Mathematics.D Science.E Language other than English.F Visual & performing arts.G College-preparatory elective.

What is the AG course list?

A-G Approved Course ListA - History/Social Science (2 years required) ... B - English (4 years required) ... C - Mathematics (3 years required, 4 years recommended) ... D - Laboratory Science (2 years required, 3 years recommended) ... E - Foreign Language (2 years required, 3 years recommended)More items...

Do senior grades matter UC?

UCs do look at courses you take in senior year and take the rigor into consideration when evaluating you for admission; but as long as you maintain satisfactory grades (typically an unweighted B average, with no non-passing grades, is sufficient), your performance in your senior year courses will not affect your ...

Can you get into a UC without extracurriculars?

It's possible to get into college without extracurriculars, especially when applying to non-selective schools with an open admissions policy where the only requirement is a high school diploma or an equivalent. Some high school students think that they have no extracurriculars when they really have.

What is a good UC GPA?

What Is A Good UC Capped GPA? Looking at the most competitive UC campus, UCLA, the average UCLA GPA amongst accepted students was 4.24. So, if GPA is at or above this number, your GPA will be competitive for all of the UC campuses.

What is the maximum UC GPA?

Academic Statistics The fully weighted GPA includes an extra grade point for all UC-approved honors courses (which include AP, IB, school-based honors and transferable college courses) in which a grade of C or higher is earned. The maximum value possible is 5.00.

What GPA does UC look at?

UC has a specific way to calculate the grade point average (GPA) it requires for admission. California applicants must earn at least a 3.0 GPA and nonresidents must earn a minimum 3.4 GPA in all A-G or college-preparatory courses to meet this requirement.

What is D1 and D2 in ag requirements?

Area D1 is for Biological lab sciences. Select from the class list below and enter grades for the respective semesters. Area D2 is for physical sciences, select from the list below for your physical science classes. Area E is for Foreign Languages (or Languages Other Than English - "LOTE" in CSU terms).

What are G electives?

Courses specifically approved in the G subject area include those such as political science, economics, geography, humanities, psychology, sociology, anthropology, journalism, speech or debate, computer science, computer programming and others or be interdisciplinary in nature, drawing knowledge from two or more fields ...

What to do if no college accepts you?

Rejected? Here's What to Do If You Were Not Accepted to CollegeLook For Colleges That Are Still Accepting Applications. ... Take a Gap Year. ... Attend a Local or Community College. ... Make a Plan to Apply Again Next Year.

Who is responsible for submitting courses to UC?

Course and reference list managers are responsible for submitting courses to UC for review via the A-G CMP. All A-G CMP users with basic permissions must forward courses to their course or reference list manager, who must review each course before making the final submission to UC.

What is a brand new course?

Brand new courses are courses created by your institution. Before you start writing a course, review the A-G subject requirements to ensure course meets the criteria and guidelines of its respective subject area.

When will online publisher courses be added to A-G?

Self-reporting online publisher courses. As of February 1, 2020, schools add online publisher courses to their A-G course lists by certifying and self-reporting courses from UC-registered online course publishers.

Can you model after another institution's course?

Modeling after another institution's course. Schools can model after courses already approved at another school using the "Model after another institution's course" feature on the A-G CMP. When modeling after another institution’s course, make edits to the course description as necessary to reflect how the course will be taught at your institution ...

Why do you request a course description?

The most common reason for requesting a course description would be to provide the description to another academic institution in order to determine course equivalency.

How are courses arranged?

Generally, courses are arranged under the School in which the course was offered, then by Department, then by undergraduate courses, and/or graduate courses. Locate the page number of the School and/or Department in which the course was offered.
