how to search linked course in ccp

by Lauren Blanda 5 min read

How do I find new courses on LinkedIn Learning?

Feb 17, 2022 · We currently offer two dedicated courses designed to equip you with the technical experience, skills, and know-how to pass your AACE CCP exam and gain professional accreditation. Both courses are ...

How do I search for courses in a specific program placement?

For listing of all internet courses, select DIS-DISTANCE EDUCATION as campus location. For listing of all hybrid courses, click on the Advanced Search Option link below and search by course type. Click here for Regional Center and Neighborhood Site …

What does “linked course required” mean?

Sep 22, 2016 · Search for courses. - [Instructor] Let's take a quick look at how you can search for content in the LinkedIn Learning Library. Now at the top …

What is this LinkedIn Learning Guide for?

Oct 26, 2017 · Community College of Philadelphia with more than 70 associate's degree, certificate and continuing education programs is your path to possibilities. 1700 Spring Garden Street , Philadelphia , PA 19130 215-751-8000

What is link code?

Link Codes are used to link two courses together. For example, Chemistry labs and lectures are tied together by Link Codes, since you must take a lab with a lecture. If you search for CHEM 110, you will see this in the search results: Link: E1 (lecture) and Link Required: F1 (lab).

What is placement in college?

Your placement refers to the level of classes you are placed into as determined by your placement test. To search for courses in a specific placement, click on the College Placement search. If you are required to take courses in a specific program placement, your advisor or counselor will tell what your placement is and can help you select ...

What is an X list?

X-List is short for cross-list. It is designed to help you determine if some of the courses you want to take are being offered at conflicting times. In the X-List column, courses are cross-referenced by room number. The X-List shows you different sections of the same course, including class times, that meet in the same room and/or sections of another course within your subject search, along with the class times, that meet in the same room.

Can you take prerequisites before a course?

Prerequisites must be taken before a particular course; corequisites can be taken either at the same time or before enrolling in a particular course. If you do not understand what courses you need as prerequisites or corequisites, please contact Academic Advising at [email protected] or 215-751-8777.

What is a print and online publication course?

This course instructs students how to create their own basic print and online publications, as well as assist in the design of more complex publications. Students will learn to design newspapers, magazines and newsletters and be shown how to use the web to deliver articles, photographic images, audio and video.

What is the reading component of the second of four pairs of integrated courses?

The reading component of the second of four pairs of integrated courses that develop reading and writing skills in English. Teaches reading and writing as processes, vocabulary development, study skills, critical thinking, and reading comprehension. Introduces expository essays, summaries and reading responses, compound verb forms and compound and complex sentence structures.

What are English courses?

English Courses. On the basis of placement tests in reading and writing, students are assigned to English courses at an appropriate level. There are courses at the pre-college level, including a sequence of courses for students learning English as a Second Language, as well as a variety of transferable college courses.

What does MP mean in college?

In all courses up through 099, students must receive a "pass" grade in order to take the next higher course in that skill. A "making progress" or "MP" grade indicates the need for an additional semester, but does not affect the grade point average.

What is the first part of the speaking and listening course?

The first in a three-part series of academic speaking/listening courses. Speaking and listening practice with basic vocabulary and sentence structure. The course parallels the study of grammar in English 081 and English 091, and provides the competence in basic listening and speaking in preparation for college work. Credit will not be applied toward graduation.

What is the last course in a three-part series of academic speaking and listening courses?

Last course in a three-part series of academic speaking and listening courses, it provides practice in complex communication tasks, including oral presentation s, with emphasis on sentence intonation and word stress. It continues the study of grammar begun in English 071 and 072, and prepares the student for note-taking, discussion and advanced reading skills necessary for college work.

What is the first part of English composition?

This course is the first of a two-part sequence in English composition, in which students learn to read critically, synthesize ideas from a variety of texts, and write essays that develop significant ideas in support of a thesis. Students will write academic essays in various rhetorical modes, while improving their basic writing skills in preparation for English 102 and other higher-level courses.

What is the most powerful thing about LinkedIn?

One of the most powerful things about the LinkedIn platform is its search capability, although it takes many people a while to discover the power of people search. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to share some of the less obvious features of LinkedIn search, which when mastered can take your efforts to a whole new level.

What are the advantages of LinkedIn?

One of the biggest advantages of the LinkedIn platform is that the data about people is in a structured format. This means that you don't have to combine everything into a generic keyword query - you can actually specify query terms for specific fields.

Step 1

Identify one advisor for the major you want to change to from the Find Your Advisor grid.

Step 3

Using your CCP email, contact the advisor with the subject “Change of Major” and include the major you would like to change to and your J number.
