how to say yes of course in french

by Prof. Aracely Baumbach 4 min read

What is the meaning of yeah of course?

A1 informal. used to say yes or to give someone permission to do something: "Can you help me?" "Of course."Apr 6, 2022

How do you spell course in French?

French translation of 'course'to be on course [ship, aircraft] suivre son be off course [ship, aircraft] dévier de son be on course for sth [person] être en bonne voie pour run its course, to take its course [disease, process] suivre son cours.More items...

What is Ne vous en faites pas?

Ne vous en faites pas : Don't worry.

Is Ouais rude?

Like ouais, ouaip is very informal and could be considered rude if you're talking to someone in a professional or formal setting. Ouais and ouaip are two awesome additions to your oui toolbox, but remember that to only use them with people you're close to, that is with people you use tu with.Nov 2, 2021

What is classes in French?

[ˈklɑːs ] 1. (= group of children or students) classe f.

How do you say different classes in French?

histoire. feminine. (n) history. J'enseigne l'histoire. ... géographie. feminine. (n) geography. ... politique. feminine. (n) politics. ... biologie. feminine. (n) biology. ... chimie. feminine. (n) chemistry. ... physique. feminine. (n) physics. ... maths. feminine. (n) math. ... art. masculine. (n) art.More items...

Why do French say bah?

Essentially, “bah” means “you idiot” or “yeah duh.” So if someone asks if you're going to watch the next season of Game of Thrones, you say, “Bah ouais, c'est la fin de la série.” If you didn't remember it's your coworker Daisy's birthday until she brings a cake out at lunch, you'd exclaim, “Bah oui, c'est ton ...Nov 30, 2018

Is Mais oui rude?

In French, you say mais oui or ben oui ! Always be careful in blurting these as it can be considered rude, condescending or passive aggressive.Jan 23, 2019

Does SI mean yes in French?

“Si” means “Yes” after a negative question or affirmation. “Si” also means “So much”, like “tellement.”Mar 3, 2020

1 – How To Say Yes in French?

Yes in French – oui – is pronounced more or less like ‘we’ in English, and we use it a lot.

3 – Beware of Yep in French

If you are a school student of French, your teacher may not approve of you saying “ ouais “.

4 – The Aspirated French Yes

As I said above, the pronunciation of the French yes can vary quite a bit.

5 – The Double French Yes

A new approach to learning both traditional and modern French logically structured for English speakers.

9 – Synonyms of Yes in French

There are many, many different ways to agree to something in French. Of course, you can just say “oui”. But that’s a bit…flat.

How to say "yes" in French?

It’s no surprise that the most commonly-known way to say “yes” in French is by saying oui. Simply put, it means “yes” and can be used in pretty much any situation where you need to give an affirmative answer.

What does "si" mean in French?

Si is a way to “yes” in French that is only used in really particular situations. It can be viewed as a straight-up “yes” like oui, but only used in certain circumstances where you are contradicting a negative statement or question. Let’s see this in action…

Who is Hunter Van Ry?

Hunter Van Ry, the owner of, has spent extensive periods of time living in both France and Canada learning and studying the French language. He created Frenchplanations as a way to help others improve their French with easy-to-understand explanations.

What does "it rolls" mean?

Literally translated as “it rolls” it’s simply another informal way to express that you understand what someone else has said.

What does "bien sûr" mean?

Bien sûr is most often used as the French translation of “of course”. When answering something with bien sûr the person that you’re speaking with should have no doubt that you mean “yes”.

Is evidemment the same as bien sûr?

Évidemment is more or less the same things as bien sûr. The only thing that that should be said about this one is that it’s more formal than bien sûr.

What is a French sentence for "mais oui"?

This is the typical French sentence: "mais oui... sacrebleu...blah blah blah"...#N#I really don't know why. I promise you French people don't say "mais oui" all the time... "Mais oui" is actually quite strong. It means: but yes, of course, it's obvious, isn't it? It's often used when you're annoyed.

What does "si" mean in French?

" Si " is another French word to say yes, but we only use it in a very specific situation. To contradict someone who made a statement in the negative form.

Who is Camille Chevalier-Karfis?

By. Camille Chevalier-Karfis. French Language Expert. Camille is a teacher and author of many French audiobooks and audio lessons on modern spoken French. She co-created and runs French Today, offering original audio for adult students. our editorial process.

Can I speak French like a native?

But there are some secrets to be revealed about this simple French word if you want to speak like a French native. Yes, I do. Yes, I am. Yes, I can...Just "oui" in French. Saying yes looks pretty straightforward.
