how to say "sure" or "of course" in danish

by Ms. Gerry McCullough PhD 5 min read

How do you say Of course in French?

English Danish Contextual examples of "of course" in Danish ... The Commission can accept this, and we shall of course make sure that it happens. more_vert. open_in_new Link to source ... to see the gap between what public figures say and what they do in private.

What is another word for of course?

You can say lige et øjeblik (just a moment) if you need some time to think of your next Danish word. It’s pronounced something like leeeet oyy-blick. Another useful word is selvfølgelig (of course, obviously, sure). The ‘v’ and the last ‘g’ are silent.

Is Danish hard to learn for English speakers?

of course. Contexts . . Adverb. Indicating enthusiastic agreement. As might be expected. As is (reluctantly) acknowledged to be true. In accordance with …

What are the similarities between Danish and Scottish words?

How to say of course in French. of course. French Translation. bien sûr. More French words for of course. bien sûr adverb. obviously, certainly. bien entendu adverb.

What are some common phrases in Danish?

Danish Greetings and Basic ExpressionsGoddag. - Good day.Hej. - Hello.Farvel. - Goodbye.Ja. - Yes.Nej. - No.Tak. - Thank you.Undskyld. - Excuse me.Hvad hedder du? - What's your name?More items...•Nov 17, 2019

Is Danish easier than German?

They shared an equal level of complexity, distinctiveness, profoundness, and depth. Generally, Danish is easier to learn, but, practically speaking, German is likely better. However, with each language, when you get nearly efficient at it you'll probably get a better grasp of their complexities.

Is Danish harder than Swedish?

Danish language Because of the several pronunciation variety that made Danish apart from other languages, specifically the vowels, hard prosody and consonants, it is often considered to be the hardest language to learn and understand. Danish is quite has a harder pronunciation than Swedish and Norwegian.

Is Danish a difficult language?

Learning to speak Danish can be difficult, even if you speak its close linguistic cousins, English and German. While the written language isn't too tough to figure out, the spoken language is a headache. Danes pronounce only small bits of each word and smash those small bits together.Apr 21, 2018

Do Danes speak English?

Denmark has one official language: Danish. However, there are several minority languages spoken throughout the territory, if you include The Faeroe Islands and Greenland. Danes are taught English from a very young age and 86% of all Danes speak English as a second language.

What are Level 5 languages?

5 – Native / Bilingual Proficiency Someone at this language proficiency level was either raised speaking the language as their native tongue or has been speaking it so long that they are completely fluent. They have little or no accent.

What's the easiest language to learn?

And The Easiest Language To Learn Is…Norwegian. This may come as a surprise, but we have ranked Norwegian as the easiest language to learn for English speakers. ... Swedish. ... Spanish. ... Dutch. ... Portuguese. ... Indonesian. ... Italian. ... French.More items...•Nov 9, 2021

Why is Danish so similar to English?

Danish and English share a lot of phonetic similarities, which means some of their letters make the same sound. The latter has a lot of words that were derived from the Old Norse and Danish is a descendent of Old Norse, so one can imagine the similarities. 1% of Danish vocabulary is made up of English loanwords.

Which Scandinavian country speaks the most English?

Denmark#2 Denmark The Nordic countries are famous for their English speaking skills and the next four countries on this list are all from the Nordic region. First is Denmark with 4.8 million English Speakers, about 91% of the population speaks English as a second language.Apr 6, 2017

Do Danes like the English?

Danes love English So, English is everywhere in Denmark. And Danes love English. When you come to Denmark, you'll find that shops and youth programs and rock bands have English names because the Danes think it sounds cool. Danes also like to tuck bits of English into their Danish speech, like 'Du fik et nyt job?Aug 24, 2014

How long does it take to be fluent in Danish?

For those wondering how long is takes to learn Danish, the FSI has an answer for that too. You need approximately 575-600 hours or 23-24 weeks of study to reach Danish fluency.

Can Danes understand Swedes?

Many Danes understand Swedish fairly well these days, and almost one in two young Danes say Swedish is an easy language to understand. This varies regionally though, with Danes living close to Sweden having a much better understanding of Swedish than those living closer to Germany, for example.Feb 13, 2022

How many vowels are there in Danish?

For an English speaker, Danish has some familiar vocabulary, and grammar shouldn’t be too big a challenge. But there are three extra vowels in the alphabet and about 40 vowel sounds, some strangely pronounced consonants and silent letters – not to mention confusing numbers. In addition there is a hiccup/abrupt stop.

Do Danish speak English?

Most Danes also speak fluent English. A lot of students of Danish are surprised – and probably relieved – that it has many similarities to English. Words like datter, hus, arm, sten (daughter, house, arm, stone) are examples of basic concepts and things, and their likeness to English shows the historical relationship between the two languages.

What You Need To Know About Danish Language

Danish is the national language of the Danes, who are the native citizens of Denmark. It's a North Germanic language with over 6 million native speakers, who mostly reside in Denmark. The Kingdom of Denmark is located in the south of the Scandinavian region of Europe.

How To Say Thank You In Danish

This is the most basic, general way of saying thank you in Denmark. It's universally used by the native Danes in every context - formal, informal, or semi-formal. Despite the formality or the circumstances, it's the main vocabulary in conveying thank you to other people.

Other Important Phrases In Danish

Let's see and learn other common Danish phrases beginners as you must know. If you've already skimmed through, you'll notice how the words resemble similar features with each equivalent English word. Yup, you're not wrong about that. Both Danish and English originated from the same root, the Germanic language family.

Learn Danish Language Today

So, I hope you learned a thing or two from today's blog. The key takeaway is that learning a new language is always a fun thing to do. Try learning this particular Nordic language. You can never go wrong with the Danish language. Just so you know, Danish is one of the easiest North Germanic languages to learn.

Danish crash courses

Learn Danish in half the time! If you want to learn Danish very fast, our crash courses are for you.

Crash courses: learn Danish extra fast

Our crash courses have been developed for those of you who need to learn Danish extra fast. In almost no time you will learn enough Danish to get by in simple everyday situations at work, with family and among friends.#N#Classes are taught two or three times a week to make sure you are engaging with Danish most of the time.

What language can lead to

Daniel from New Zealand has learned Danish at Studieskolen – in only 2½ years he has made so much progress that he speaks Danish almost flawlessly. He can cope with any situation – on the job, in his family and among friends.

How long does it take to learn Danish?

8 weeks duration. It’s easy to learn Danish if you already speak Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic or Faroese. At Copenhagen Language Center, you can take a Danish course specially designed for Nordic students. Classroom...

Is Danish phonetics a barrier?

Danish phonetics are in a league of their own, and many people find that pronouncing Danish words is a barrier to their ability and courage to speak Danish in everyday life. Our course in Danish pronu...

Is Danish online course right for you?

Our Online Danish Course is right for you if you are motivated and focused. This flexible course is conducive with a hectic and changing everyday life. The combination of competent guidance from your ...
