how to review transferable course at wolfpaw

by Prof. Lucinda Gulgowski DDS 8 min read

Review transfer credits – After your official final transcript has been processed by our office, credit will be awarded for any transferable courses. After being admitted, transfer students can view a transfer summary report on MyPack Portal. View all credit opportunities here.

Full Answer

Can I add test scores to my wolfpaw account?

Review transfer credits – After your official final transcript has been processed by our office, credit will be awarded for any transferable courses. After being admitted, transfer students can view a transfer summary report on MyPack Portal. View all credit opportunities here. Submit official test scores – If test scores were used in your application review, you must submit …

What is the wolfpaw portal?

After you have applied, any additional test scores can be added on your wolfPAW account. We will not accept standardized test scores on your high school transcript. If you choose to enroll at NC State and opted for test scores to be considered during your application review, official SAT (code: 5496) or ACT (code: 3164) test scores will be ...

How do I get a fee waiver for transfer applications?

Before beginning your application, you should review the variety of majors we offer at NC State. It is important to identify your program of interest as it is heavily considered in the application review process and recommended coursework varies by program. Once your application is submitted, a wolfPAW account will be created for you.

How do I Find my Wolfpack?

Confirm your enrollment. Once you’ve made the decision to join NC State, there are a few things you’ll need to do to help you become a member of the Wolfpack. Take the time to review the New Student Programs website to complete the New Student Checklist, register for orientation, and discover all programs and opportunities for transfer students. Review and complete the New …

What is the maximum of transferable units allowed at NC State?

Transfer Credit Policy The max transfer credits accepted from a 2-year institution is 65 semester hours, 90 from a 4-year. You must earn 30-45 credits, depending on your major, in residence at NCSU to receive your bachelor degree.

Is it harder to get into NC State or UNC Chapel Hill?

Therefore, the acceptance rate alone is not a good indicator that University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) is a better school or will be more difficult for you specifically to get into....University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)North Carolina State University at Raleigh (NCSU)Acceptance Rate31507 more rows

Is it easier to get into NC State as a transfer student?

In 2019, NC State University received 4659 transfer applicants. The school accepted 1936 students. Therefore, the transfer acceptance rate for NC State University is 41.55%. This indicates how hard it is to transfer into NC State University.

Does NC State take transfer credits?

A transfer credit summary will be available to admitted transfer students. Newly enrolled first-year students taking dual enrollment courses in high school or attending an early college should submit an official final college transcript by July 15.

How prestigious is UNC-Chapel Hill?

According to U.S. News & World Report's 2020 Best Colleges rankings, Carolina tied for fifth place in national public universities overall. For 15 consecutive years, UNC-Chapel Hill ranked No. 1 as the best value for public universities, and this year landed among the top ten universities for best value nationwide.Sep 9, 2019

Is UNCW better than NC State?

On the flipside, University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) is easier to get into based on acceptance rate alone....University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW)North Carolina State University at Raleigh (NCSU)Average Financial Aid$2,745$7,971Total Undergraduates12971224586 more rows

What is Uncg acceptance rate?

87.5% (2020)University of North Carolina Greensboro / Acceptance rate

What is the average GPA for NC State transfer students?

Transfer students make up approximately 20% of NC State graduates each year. The incoming transfer class represents 83 North Carolina counties, 32 of the 50 states and 20 countries. We enrolled over 1,700 new transfer students in 2017 and the average GPA was 3.29.Sep 5, 2017

What is Duke acceptance rate?

7.7% (2020)Duke University / Acceptance rate

Do transfer credits affect GPA NC State?

Credit accepted for transfer from another institution is shown only as credit hours and is not included in the computation of the grade point average.

What is the minimum GPA for NC State?

Applicants must have either a 2.5 weighted high school GPA or a minimum test score on the ACT (19) or SAT (1010). The average high school GPA was 3.1 for fall 2020 new students. The average SAT score was an 888.Nov 2, 2021

Does NC State accept dual enrollment credits?

How do I know if my college or dual enrollment credits transfer to NC State? We do not require your dual enrollment transcript when you apply, but you will need to submit an official final college transcript if you decide to enroll at NC State and would like credit for your college coursework.

How To Be Competitive

Learn what factors we take into consideration during application review and how to be a competitive first-year applicant.

Credit Opportunities

See how you may be provided college credit for courses and exams completed in high school using our transfer credit database.

Early College Students

View application options for North Carolina high school students studying at an early college.

High School Counselors and Community-Based Organizations

High school counselors and CBO’s play a vital role in a student’s college selection and application processes. We are here to do everything we can to support you.

After You Apply

Two weeks after you submit your application to NC State, you will receive an email with credentials to log in to wolfPAW, your applicant portal. Here, you can check for missing items and stay up-to-date on the status of your application.

Pre-college resources

We offer pre-college programs to help you prepare for college while also experiencing life at NC State.

Parents and Families Services

We’ve provided resources to help guide you and your family through the admissions process.

Prepare to Apply

If you're looking to transfer to NC State, you're in good company. Nearly 20 percent of our students are transfer students.

Transfer to NC State

Sign up to join our mailing list to receive up-to-date information on NC State events and admissions information.

Meet an admissions officer

Hear from an admissions officer about what it takes to be a competitive applicant and how to prepare to successfully transfer to NC State.

Plan Your Path

All transfer applicants should have at least 30 transferable college credit hours including specific coursework and a competitive GPA based on the major you are applying for.

Schedule a visit

Register to attend an information session and campus tour to learn more about the transfer admissions process and what it is like to be an NC State student.

Application and Missing Items

Two weeks after submitting your application to NC State, you will receive an email with information regarding your applicant portal, wolfPAW. Your wolfPAW account is where you can view your application status, missing items and view your admissions decision once it has been released.

Major Selection

At NC State, we admit students directly into the major they select on the application. First-year applicants can select up to two major choices on the application based on your interests, while transfer applicants will select only one. Check out our tips for choosing your major here.

Test Scores

COVID-19 has caused many disruptions in every part of our lives, including testing opportunities. We’ve made a modification to our testing policy and will be test-optional for 2022 spring and fall first-year applicants. Learn more about our test-optional policy here.

Course Selection and Schedule Changes

Our office doesn’t offer advice on proposed schedule changes. If you are considering a schedule change, we would urge you to discuss it with your school counselor to consider the impact of the change and to ensure you will still meet the UNC System Minimum Course Requirements (MCR).

Transfer Credit

An official evaluation of your credits will be not be completed until you apply and submit your official transcript. A transfer credit summary will be available to admitted transfer students.


The Residency Determination Service (RDS) is responsible for all tuition residency classifications, reclassification requests and appeals. To apply for in-state residency consideration for tuition purposes, you must apply through the Residency Determination Service (RDS) for a Residency Classification Number (RCN).

University and Undergraduate Admissions Contacts

All of our admissions officers are able to assist with any questions you may have. We do not have admissions counselors assigned to specific regions or schools. You can email us with any questions at [email protected] and one of our admissions officers will get back to you as soon as possible.


Application and Missing Items

  • Two weeks after submitting your application to NC State, you will receive an email with information regarding your applicant portal, wolfPAW. Your wolfPAW account is where you can view your application status, missing items and view your admissions decision once it has been released. Missing items on your wolfPAW account take time to be processed in our system, so g…
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Major Selection

  • At NC State, we admit students directly into the major they select on the application. First-year applicants can select up to two major choices on the application based on your interests, while transfer applicants will select only one. Check out our tips for choosing your major here. For first-year applicants, some majors on the application are first-choice majors only and cannot be sele…
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Test Scores

  • COVID-19 has caused many disruptions in every part of our lives, including testing opportunities. We’ve made a modification to our testing policy and will be test-optional for 2022 spring and fall first-year applicants. Learn more about our test-optional policy here.
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Course Selection and Schedule Changes

  • Our office doesn’t offer advice on proposed schedule changes. If you are considering a schedule change, we would urge you to discuss it with your school counselor to consider the impact of the change and to ensure you will still meet the UNC System Minimum Course Requirements(MCR).
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Transfer Credit

  • An official evaluation of your credits will be not be completed until you apply and submit your official transcript. A transfer credit summary will be available to admitted transfer students. Newly enrolled first-year applicants taking dual enrollment courses in high school or attending an early college should submit an official final college transcript by July 15. We will then evaluate your c…
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  • The Residency Determination Service (RDS)is responsible for all tuition residency classifications, reclassification requests and appeals. To apply for in-state residency consideration for tuition purposes, you must apply through the Residency Determination Service (RDS) for a Residency Classification Number (RCN). At NC State, the application review process is the same for both i…
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University and Undergraduate Admissions Contacts

  • All of our admissions officers are able to assist with any questions you may have. We do not have admissions counselors assigned to specific regions or schools. You can email us with any questions at [email protected] one of our admissions officers will get back to you as soon as possible. Students in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New …
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  • NC State continues to work with county and state health officials to monitor and respond to the evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Due to its impact, NC State has implemented changes and accommodations to facilitate the admissions process and protect the health and safety of our students. With the safety of our guests and staff as our top priority, we encourage you to co…
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