What is the best response to a thank you? The best response to a thank you is ‘you’re welcome’, which fits every occasion. How do you respond to a thank you from your boss? To respond to a thank you from your boss, say:
When replying to thank you, another thank you is a completely viable option. Take this example. A guy notices your hilarious T-shirt. Guy: Hey man, nice shirt! You: Thank you, stranger! Guy: No, thank you! That joke made my day! You: No thank YOU, that compliment made my day! Guy: No, no no nononono my friend, thank you!”
When someone says to you “thank you for coming” It is a very polite and formal response to say “ thank you for having me /inviting me/ etc.” 2. You’re Welcome This response is the stereotypical response because it is often the best response.
Synonymsyou're welcome. phrase. used in reply to someone who has thanked you.no problem. phrase. ... not at all. phrase. ... don't mention it. phrase. ... it's no bother. phrase. ... (it's) my pleasure. phrase. ... it's/that's all right. phrase. ... it's nothing/think nothing of it. phrase.More items...
When someone asks for permission, and we answer with “Of course,” we are answering with an emphatic “yes.” This is a polite way of using the expression. Other times, a person may wish to confirm information. In this next exchange, listen for the answer “Of course.”
If you've done something for someone and you say 'you're welcome' after they thank you, the implication is kind of, 'Yeah, I really did you a favor and you should be grateful,” she said. “So 'certainly' or 'of course' means you're kind of belittling what you just did, which is more courteous.”
Yes, of course. Of course means the answer is obvious. You know I want to help. Please go ahead. So when people ask us for something, we often say 'of course'.
The best response to a thank you from your boss is "you're welcome". It is the standard response because it's the best one. If your boss was thanki...
It is a good idea! Responding to a thank you email will only strengthen your connection with the recipient. It will also keep you at the forefront...
No! Not usually. Usually, "you're welcome" is a very polite response. The only time that it might be considered rude is if someone said "thank you"...
Here are 15 ideas for how to respond to ‘thank you,’ verbally: This is a good response for someone with whom you are close, or have helped out in the past.
Ways to respond to ‘thank you’ in a text. When someone says ‘thank you’ through a text, your response can come in a variety of forms. Here are 10 different text-message-friendly ideas for how to respond to ‘thank you.’. 16 “Emoji”. When someone says ‘thank you’ in text, your response can be in the form of an emoji.
When someone says, ‘thank you,’ the most obvious way to respond is by saying, ‘you’re welcome .’ But, returning the sentiment in the same way over and over again can often feel disingenuous.
If someone is a good friend to you, sometimes there’s no real need to say ‘you’re welcome’ because you know they would do the same for you in a heartbeat. You’d do the same’ is a perfect response to for a good friend, because it lets he/she know that that your confident in the foundation of your relationship.
When someone thanks you out loud, your reply is usually a quick one. When you receive an email in gratitude for something, you have more time and space to choose your words carefully. This particular response communicates that you take pleasure in helping out when you can.
There’s a saying attributed to author John Maxwell that goes, “Teamwork makes the dream work.”. This saying emphasizes the importance of working together in a collaborative environment. If you have a coworker that helps your work go more smoothly, be sure to repay the favor.
When someone writes you a thank you note, you don’t generally need to reply to it. It would be silly to go get a “You’re Welcome” card to stamp and send off. But emails are instantaneous. It’s a lot easier to reply to a thank you email. Here are some ways you can respond to a thank you in an email: "My pleasure.
If someone wants to thank you over a text message, receive it graciously with the verbal suggestions above, or if the thanks was over something small, an emoji is sufficient: smiley face, thumbs up, etc. are appropriate.
There are many occasions on which someone might send a professional thank you email to someone else. For example, you might receive a thank you email from someone to:
When someone who you want to impress says “thank you” or is in earshot when someone else says “thank you” or if you are just in general in a formal situation, these are some responses that would work best to make you seem polite.
If one of your friends or peers or family members say “thank you” you will still want to reply to seem polite but you can use one of these informal responses.
If you still have some questions, that is completely OK and understandable. And, don’t worry! You are not the only one, below are some frequently asked questions that will hopefully answer any further questions you have.
Mostly you’ll find yourself in casual situations where there isn’t any pressure to respond professionally.
On the opposite side of the formality spectrum, you will be thanked a lot in professional settings as well, where the rules from the streets don’t apply.
The best response to a thank you is ‘you’re welcome’, which fits every occasion.