how to remove a course on khan academy

by Mrs. Ena Ebert PhD 7 min read

To delete a class:

  1. From the Teacher Dashboard, select the class you want to delete.
  2. Once you are in the class, click on Settings under Admin in the left sidebar.
  3. On the Settings page, click on Delete this class at the bottom of the page.
  4. A confirmation box will appear reading "Are you sure you want to delete the class, Class Name?" Select Ok. ...

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To delete a class:
  1. From the Teacher Dashboard, select the class you want to delete.
  2. Once you are in the class, click on Settings under Admin in the left sidebar.
  3. On the Settings page, click on Delete this class at the bottom of the page.
Sep 20, 2021

Full Answer

When will Khan Academy retire some of its courses?

Sep 20, 2021 · To delete a class: 1: From the Teacher Dashboard, select the class you want to delete. 2: Once you are in the class, click on Settings under Admin in the left sidebar. 3: On the Settings page, click on Delete this class at the bottom of the page. 4: A confirmation box will appear reading "Are you ...

How do I delete a class as a teacher?

Sarah, go to the home page on your Khan Academy, the page they all "Dashboard". Where it says My Courses at top left, there is a link to edit your courses. When the window comes up, you can un-check any courses you don't want tobe in. 67 People Used.

Where can I find health&medicine videos in Khan Academy?

Hi Jasmine! There is currently no way to delete progress made in a subject. You could delete any projects you have in your Programs tab and remake them, but the progress bar on in the subject will still show that you've done it. There's no way around this. Let me know if you have any other questions. Dumitru N.

How do you add and remove courses on Khan Academy?

To switch to a different course or subject, click on the Courses drop-down at the top left of your page, then click on any course name in the drop-down menu. This will bring you to the course page, where you'll find the units and lessons within that course.Sep 20, 2021

How do you edit a course on Khan Academy?

How do I edit the My Courses section on my Home page?Go to your Learning Home page by clicking on the Khan Academy name at the top of any page when you're logged in (this is also the first page you're taken to when you log in).Click Edit on the right-side of My courses.More items...•Sep 20, 2021

How does Khan Academy course Mastery work?

When assigning mastery of a course, students will have to master all skills in the course to reach 100%. Realistically, we recommend students aim to master about 90% of the course. Students will be marked as having completed the course once they achieve 90% or higher mastery.

What is course mastery on Khan Academy?

Course mastery on Khan Academy, is a feature that allows teachers to set and track long term learning goals for students, while encouraging students to work at their own pace. Currently course mastery is available for courses with full practice content.

What is CAS in biology?

California Academy of Sciences (CAS) An in-depth unit on biodiversity can be found within Khan Academy’s Biology, High School Biology, and AP Biology courses. The CAS website is loaded with great resources for Educators and Learners.

What is the Brookings Institution?

The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC whose mission is to conduct in-depth research that leads to new ideas for solving problems facing society at the local, national and global level. Find out more at their website .
