how to recognize child abuse course in pa

by Olaf Bernier 8 min read

What training do I need to become a certified child abuse counselor?

Offers a training course designed for teachers about how to identify child abuse, strengthen families, and report suspected abuse and neglect. Child Physical Abuse The National Child Traumatic Stress Network Provides a series of seven presentations about assessment, engagement, and interventions for families who are suspected of or have experienced child …

Where can I get help with mandated and permissive reporting in Pennsylvania?

Describe the Child Welfare system and define the terms related to child abuse as recognized by the laws of Pennsylvania (PA) Consider the incidence and prevalence of child abuse in PA and the US. Identify the risk factors that contribute to child abuse. Recognize the behaviors and physical indicators of child abuse.

How do I know if my child is being abused?

The University of Pittsburgh's Child Welfare Resource Center to develop a free, web-based training. This training is approved in accordance with Act 126 of 2012 and Act 31 of 2104, for mandated a nd permissive reporters; View a list of additional approved courses for child abuse recognition and reporting training for mandated reporters.

How can teachers address child abuse and neglect?

The course provides the details of the identification, assessment, and reporting of child abuse and reviews Pennsylvania's state laws regarding child abuse and neglect. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, the learner should be able to: Recognize possible clinical, behavioral, and physical indicators of suspected child abuse and neglect. Explain criteria of …

How do you get a mandated reporter certificate in PA?

Go to the Pennsylvania Child Welfare Resource Center for a FREE 3-hour on-line course that provides information on:Recognition of child maltreatment.Your obligation or opportunity to report suspicions of abuse.Detailed procedures for making a report of child maltreatment.

How long does mandated reporter training take pa?

four hourThis program will provide an overview of the significant definitions, requirements and protections of the California Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting Act. The general training module is a four hour training that includes four sections. Each section will include practice test questions or vignettes.

How many sections are there in mandated reporter training in PA?

The Act 126 Child Abuse & Mandatory Reporting training takes approximately 3 ½ hours to complete. Each of the training sessions (Part 1 and Part 2) is broken down into 5 – 6 segments. You do not need to complete the entire training session in one sitting.

What is mandated reporter training?

What is mandated reporter training? Mandated reporter training provides the knowledge and skills to help professionals carry out their responsibilities to identify and report suspected cases of child abuse and neglect.

Does mandated reporter training expire in PA?

Mandated Reporter Training Per Act 126, mandated reporters must take a 3 hour training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse every five years. Act 31 requires all employees licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of State take a 2-3 hour training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse every two years.

Which of the following types of reports must be reported by the child welfare agency to the CACI?

The law requires child welfare agencies to make a CACI report to the CA DOJ whenever they substantiate an allegation of 1) physical abuse, 2) sexual abuse, 3) mental abuse, or 4) severe neglect.

What is a mandated reporter Pa?

Mandated reporters are certain adults, who are legally required to report suspected child abuse if they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is a victim of child abuse. The law requires that the mandated reporter identify themselves and where they can be reached.

What is ChildLine in PA?

ChildLine is part of a mandated statewide child protective services program designed to accept child abuse referrals and general child well-being concerns, and transmit the information quickly to the appropriate investigating agency.

Are Pa mandated reporters required to provide their name?

Must a mandated reporter give their name? The law requires that the mandated reporter identify themselves and where they can be reached. This Information is helpful so that if clarification on the situation or additional information is needed, the children and youth caseworker can contact the mandated reporter.

Are teachers mandated reporters?

Registered teachers are also mandated persons under the Children First Act 2015. Mandated persons are people who have ongoing contact with children and families and who because of their qualifications, training and experience are in a key position to protect children from harm.May 13, 2021

What is the role of a mandated reporter quizlet?

What is the role of a mandated reporter? To report suspected incidents of child abuse or maltreatment/ neglect while acting in their professional capacity.

When was Canra passed?

1980The California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act (CANRA) is a California mandate that was passed in 1980 to provide definitions and procedures for mandated reporting of child abuse.

Indicators of Physical Abuse – Child

  1. Unexplained bruises, welts, human bite marks, bald spots
  2. Numerous bruises in various stages of healing
  3. Marks on many surfaces of the body
  4. Unexplained burns, especially cigarette or immersion burns
  1. Unexplained bruises, welts, human bite marks, bald spots
  2. Numerous bruises in various stages of healing
  3. Marks on many surfaces of the body
  4. Unexplained burns, especially cigarette or immersion burns

Indicators of Physical Abuse – Parent

  1. Contradictory statements about child's injury
  2. Excessive anxiety about child's behavior
  3. Labels child as a “problem”
  4. Says child makes up stories and that child should not be believed
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Indicators of Sexual Abuse – Child

  1. Pain or itching in genital area
  2. Bruises or bleeding in external genitalia
  3. Frequent urinary or yeast infections
  4. Torn, stained or bloody underclothing
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Indicators of Sexual Abuse – Parent

  1. Poor sexual relationship between parents
  2. Frequent changes of adults in household
  3. Lack of supervision of child
  4. Parent relates to child on adult level
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Indicators of Neglect Or Psychological Abuse – Child

  1. Unattended medical needs
  2. Consistent lack of supervision
  3. Persistent hunger, poor hygiene or inappropriate dress
  4. Distended stomach or emaciated body
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Indicators of Neglect Or Psychological Abuse – Parent

  1. Disinterest in or rejection of child
  2. Deserting or avoiding child
  3. Threatening child, yelling, and/or screaming at child
  4. Ignoring medical problems of child
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Indicators of Child Labor Trafficking – Child

  • Source: recognizing-the-signs 1. No freedom to leave or come and go as desired 2. No or very little pay, or payment only through tips 3. Excessive and/or unusual work hours 4. No breaks at work 5. A large debt that cannot be paid off 6. Recruitment through false promises concerning the nature and conditions of the work 7. High se…
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