how to re inroll in a course on jko

by Tommie Kulas 8 min read

STEP #1: Log into ( your student desktop on JKO (reference picture above for all steps). Your My Learning Plan section will be populated with your assigned courses. STEP #2: Select the “Enroll” button and then select “Continue” for a given course to enroll in it. The course will move to your My Training section.

Full Answer

What is Joint Knowledge Online (JKO)?

We are the Department of Defense (DoD) unique and authoritative source for online joint training. JKO provides continuous, career-long development of joint knowledge and joint readiness for individuals, staffs, Combatant Commands, Combat Support Agencies, and the Services.

What is JKO in the military?

Welcome to JKO We are the Department of Defense (DoD) unique and authoritative source for online joint training. JKO provides continuous, career-long development of joint knowledge and joint readiness for individuals, staffs, Combatant Commands, Combat Support Agencies, and the Services.

How do I browse the JKO catalog?

You can also browse the catalog using partial information. For example, you can enter a topic such as “Cultural Awareness” or “Joint Planning” in the search box above the “Title” column, click “Search” and it will return a listing of all courses in the JKO database containing that topic in the title. How do I enroll in a course?

Do I need to print or send my certificate to JKO?

It is not necessary to print or send your certificate to JKO. If you do not see a certificate icon after clicking the refresh icon ( ) launch the course and go to the last lesson. Click “Next Lesson” to trigger the certificate generation. What should I do if the system does not appear to be responding?

How do I enroll in a Jko course?

To enroll in a course selection, click the “Enroll” button associated with that course in the “Course Status” column. When prompted to confirm course enrollment selection, click “Continue.” The course will move to your “My Training” tab.

How long are Jko courses good for?

AT/FP certificates are valid for 1 year. The AT/FP training takes approximately 2 hours to complete and it must be done in a single sitting. This training is housed by Joint Knowledge Online (JKO and requires Internet Explorer.

How do I drop a class at Jko?

To cancel or withdraw from an enrolled course click the “My Training” tab. Find the course you wish to cancel or withdraw from and click the “Withdraw” button. You will be asked to confirm that you want to withdraw from the course selected. JKO course completions are recorded and tracked in the “Certificates” tab.

Can you log into Jko without a CAC?

To login to JKO you must have an active user account. DoD military and government civilians who have been issued a CAC are able to self- register for a JKO account. Individuals that do not have a CAC, but have a government or military email account (i.e., ending in . mil, .

Are Jko courses worth promotion points?

No! On JKO, there is an option in the catalog to select courses that are worth DL points (see attached photo). Make sure you only take courses that JKO has annotated are worth points! Otherwise, needless to say, they won't count towards promotion.

Can you access Jko on phone?

Free JKO Mobile app for iOS and Android mobile phone and tablet users. Joint Knowledge Online is the DoD advanced distributed learning capability for military and civilian individual and staff online training.

Where is Jko located?

JKO is accessed on military classified and unclassified networks. Information on JKO is found at for unclassified access and for classified.

Who can use Jko?

Who Can Use Joint Knowledge Online. Generally, military members and DoD civilians can create and register accounts on JKO. You will be required to use your Common Access Card to access JKO materials across its networks whether you sign into JKO classified or unclassified systems.

What is Joint Knowledge Online?

Joint Knowledge Online is the Online Learning Program of the Joint Staff J-7. Our Mission • Develop, deliver, track, report, and support online distributed learning to enhance individual and staff proficiency in joint operations and improve operational readiness of the joint enterprise.

Why won't Jko work on my computer?

Some users experience problems accessing JKO using CAC. This problem is often the result of a well known and documented problem with incorrectly configured Internet Explorer settings. This problem is known as the “DoD Root Certificate Chaining Problem” per Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA).

How do I access my Jko on my home computer?

Go to and click “OK” on DoD Warning banner. Under “Login Options” click “Login with CAC” and select your current CAC certificate in the “Select Certificate” pop up box and click “OK.” You will be prompted to input career information and business email, then click “save”.

How do I contact Jko?

Contact JKO. For 24/7 account and course-related assistance, visit the JKO Help Desk page or submit a help desk ticket via email [email protected] or phone 757-203-5654.

What is JKO organization and members report?

The Organization and Members Report displays all the details of different JKO Organizations, including counts and Organization ID number. This report, as with all Standard Reports, can be sorted, printed, or exported in CSV format. The Organization Hierarchy or Organization Name can be entered by keyword or partial word (labelled as Wildcard). The phrase “joint” was entered for this demonstration resulting in those organizations containing the term Joint in it.

What is enrollment by course?

The Enrollment by Course is a generic report where you search for the course(s) you want to view by specific dates. By choosing a Course from the Select options (which is required) the user can then choose ONLY ONE of the following three options: 1. Course ENROLLED START/END Dates 2. Course COMPLETED START/END Dates 3. Course MODIFIED START/END Dates

What does the Report Builder do when you hover over a field?

As the user hovers the mouse over a field name or icon, in this case over the Edit Column icon, the Report Builder displays a pop-up message assisting the user with information about that field/icon and its contents.

What version of Report Builder is Certificate of Completion?

Additional fields displayed on this report right of the screen capture, simply cut-off from the size of the display, include newly added in Version 1.03 of Report Builder – Certificate of Completion.

What is course name field?

Note: The Course Name field can be used with portions of a word, such as searching for course descriptions with the word LANGUAGE in them – or even parts of a word, such as MEDIC, which will find MEDIC or MEDICAL words (or text). NOTE: “WILDCARD” indicates KEYWORD or PARTIAL WORD search capability.

Can you include all of the status filter criteria in a report?

The Report User can also include any or all of the Status filter criteria. This is handled just like the User selection method. Users select the checkbox next to the Status they desire, and if more than one is desired, then click additional items in this scroll list. Here is the Status filter showing two items are chosen.

Can you filter on section number in JKO?

Users can include User ROLE filter criteria if desired, which will further constrain the report results to just those students taking courses, who are also assigned to a specific ROLE on the JKO LCMS. Report user can also filter on Section number in this report.

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