how to raise a course progression on khan academy

by Carlie Ernser PhD 8 min read

1. Choose your subjects

Khan Academy has thousands of articles, practice problems, and videos to help you learn a wide range of subjects. Click on the Courses tab at the top left of our site or search for a topic to get started.

2. Focus on specific units

Once you have chosen your course, you can look for the exact unit you want to learn or review. Select the main unit or an individual lesson to see relevant videos, articles, and practice exercises.

3. See what you already know

Once you choose a unit, you can take a quick unit test to see which concepts you’ve mastered and which you may need to practice more. Or, you can dive in from the beginning by doing the first practice exercises.

5. Practice what you learn

As you build confidence with concepts, put yourself to the test! There are exercises, quizzes, and unit tests in each unit, and a course challenge that includes skills from the entire course to help you demonstrate your understanding and track your progress.

6. Try a Mastery Challenge

Mastery Challenges are a way for you to review and practice skills you’ve previously learned in a course. It's also another way for you to level up or down in Mastery, in addition to taking unit tests and course challenges.

7. Build a routine

Set a schedule for yourself, and study at least a few times a week. That way, you’re more likely to remember the new things that you’re learning.

8. Remember: learning takes time!

And finally, be patient and persistent. We know that sometimes in your learning journey, things will be stressful and frustrating. You won’t always understand something right away, and that’s okay! Your brain is like a muscle: the more you use it, the more it grows. We believe that you can learn anything.

Using the Assignment Scores Report

You can view an Assignment report for any student by clicking on Scores under Assignments in the left sidebar.

Using the Course Mastery Progress Report

You can track your students' mastery progress at the course level to see how the class is trending as a whole in the Course Mastery Progress Report.

What were the two assumptions of progressive reformers?

The first was that human nature could be improved through the enlightened application of regulations, incentives, and punishments. The second key assumption was that the power of the federal government could be harnessed to improve the individual and transform society. These two assumptions were not shared by political conservatives, who tended to believe that human nature was unchanging, and that the federal government should remain limited in size and scope.

What is the Progressive Era?

The period of US history from the 1890s to the 1920s is usually referred to as the Progressive Era, an era of intense social and political reform aimed at making progress toward a better society.

What were the problems of industrialization?

Though industrialization in the United States raised standards of living for many, it had a dark side. Corporate bosses, sometimes referred to as “ robber barons ,” pursued unethical and unfair business practices aimed at eliminating competition and increasing profits.

What are robber barons?

Corporate bosses, sometimes referred to as “ robber barons ,” pursued unethical and unfair business practices aimed at eliminating competition and increasing profits. Factory workers, many of them recent immigrants, were frequently subjected to brutal and perilous working and living conditions.

When did sterilization start?

In 1907, the United States became the first country to pass a compulsory sterilization law. The genocidal policies of Nazi Germany ultimately discredited the “science” of eugenics, but not before over 60,000 American men and women were forcibly sterilized to prevent them from having children.

What was the purpose of eugenics?

The purpose of eugenics was to eliminate "undesirable" attributes from the human race. Since poverty, mental illness, and different racial and ethnic backgrounds were considered biologically undesirable traits, the process of sterilization was used as an unethical means to "cleanse" humanity of biological weaknesses.

Is a high school transcript important?

Most colleges consider your high school transcript to be the single most important factor in your college application. Though taking (or not taking) any specific class will not determine the outcome of your college applications, there are certain general guidelines for selecting classes during high school to put you on the most straightforward path towards admission at a more selective college.

What classes do selective colleges take?

More selective colleges prefer high school students who take at least five core academic classes most semesters (math, English, history, science, foreign language), in addition to a few classes in the arts. Let’s take a look at these subjects in more detail to prioritize potential courses:

What to do if you like animals?

If you like kids and are patient you could a teacher. Try volunteering (probably with a parent or other adult as they don't always let kids under 16 volunteer) Start off by working to make solid A's and forming good study habits, such as note taking and time management.
