how to pass semper fit tobacco cessation marinenet course

by Candelario Ryan 8 min read

What are the requirements for Semper Fit training at TECOM?

Training or . MarineNet OPSECUS001 (CY) – ... Tobacco Cessation is the only required Semper Fit courses. Commanders may also choose to train using additional Semper Fit courses based

Where can I find free tobacco cessation training?

Tobacco Cessation Program. The Marine Corps always leads the way in innovative thinking and performance. With this in mind, the Operation Tobacco-Free Marine (OTFM) Tobacco Cessation Program was developed to provide the Marine Corps community with the first of its kind, evidence-based tools to help tobacco users quit successfully. The standardized nature of the …

How many continuing education credits are needed to become a tobacco specialist?

Prevention and Cessation through Semper Fit Health Promotion sponsored classes or Semper Fit distance learning through MarineNet. 6 . ... Training (HITT), tobacco cessation, and …

What are the different types of tobacco cessation instructor certification?

“NEW” Tobacco Cessation THURSDAY ;-) Semper Fit Tobacco Cessation course code SFTOBCESS0: This interactive course presents the health risks associated...

What is Operation Tobacco Free Marine?

With this in mind, the Operation Tobacco-Free Marine (OTFM) Tobacco Cessation Program was developed to provide the Marine Corps community with the first of its kind, evidence-based tools to help tobacco users quit successfully. The standardized nature of the program is intended to provide Marines and families consistent health education programming and continuity of care as they attempt to quit tobacco; while also dealing with the challenges of military life. OTFM consists of a curriculum, training initiative, and an awareness campaign.

What is OTFM training?

The OTFM training initiative includes training Semper Fit Health Promotion staff as the primary Tobacco Cessation SME aboard Marine Corps installations. All Installation Tobacco Cessation SMEs are trained as Tobacco Treatment Specialists (TTS) and OTFM Course Facilitators, including the capability to train others as OTFM Course Facilitators. These trainings are required in order to conduct tobacco cessation classes and provide tobacco cessation resources aboard their installations. TTS training guides the provision of intensive treatment for tobacco dependency and grounds this practice in the best evidence for effective treatment. TTS designation includes the mandatory 24 hours of training in the 11 core competencies outlined by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence. OTFM Course Facilitator training familiarizes the Installation Tobacco Cessation SME with the Marine Corps’ tobacco cessation curriculum. Additionally, this training incorporates a train-the-trainer model where the Installation Tobacco Cessation SME will train Tobacco Cessation Champions (TCC), from organizations such as Navy Medicine and Behavioral Health Programs, as OTFM curriculum facilitators. The TCC will also conduct tobacco cessation classes aboard Marine Corps installations and will report metrics back to the Installation Tobacco Cessation SME. This collaborative approach offers more access to tobacco cessation support, including delivery of tobacco cessation classes at the unit location, than if the OTFM curriculum was provided from a single office.

What is OTFM in medical school?

The OTFM curriculum is an evidence-based program that incorporates the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control and the Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service. The curriculum was written by staff at the Florida State University College of Medicine Tobacco Treatment Specialist Program in collaboration with staff from the Tampa Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center’s Smoking Cessation Clinic and the Bay Point Veteran’s Affairs Health System. All authors of the OTFM curriculum are Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists. The USMC Semper Fit and Recreation Health Promotion staff also contributed to the development of the curriculum and oversaw inclusion of key topics affecting Marine readiness. Topics covered in the curriculum include health consequences of tobacco, barriers to quitting, familiarization with nicotine replacement therapy and other medications, creating a quit plan and accessing support resources. The curriculum includes scenario-based interaction with a decision-making instructional approach and provides the user with many resources to quit tobacco.

What is OTFM in the military?

The standardized nature of the program is intended to provide Marines and families consistent health education programming and continuity of care as they attempt to quit tobacco; while also dealing with the challenges of military life. OTFM consists of a curriculum, training initiative, and an awareness campaign.

What is the Commander's intent?

Commander's Intent and Concept of Operations (1) Commander's Intent. To ensure that all individuals responsible for assisting all authorized patrons with fitness and health promotion programs are provided adequate guidance and information pertaining to policies, procedures, and responsibilities.

What is the definition of muscular fitness?

Muscular Fitness: Consists of strength (i. e., the force a muscle produces in one effort) and endurance (i.e., ability to perform repeated muscular contractions in quick succession, e.g., the lower body, the middle body, the upper body), and exercising with free weight and machines.

What is the primary duty of a health educator?

The primary duty of the Health Educator is to coordinate, conduct, and evaluate all Semper Fit Health Promotion programs through such avenues as screenings, briefs, classes, and health fairs, one-on-one counseling and in keeping with current industry standards.

How does smoking affect breathing?

Slowly destroys a person’s ability to breathe. Smoking is also the major cause of emphysema, the other type of COPD, which slowly destroys a person’s ability to breathe. Oxygen gets into the blood by moving across a large surface area in the lungs. Normally, thousands of tiny sacs make up this surface.

How much nicotine is in a cigarette?

Commonly used as an insecticide. Tobacco use allows for the absorption of 1-2 milligrams of nicotine per cigarette. Nicotine is only found in tobacco. Nicotine can simultaneously act on the brain as a stimulant, depressant, or tranquilizer, depending on the dosage.

Is e-cigarette smoke free?

E-cigarettes are smoke-free and tobacco-free, but they're not nicotine-free. The liquid in e-cigarettes is typically a combination of . nicotine. , flavorings (such as bubble gum or watermelon), propylene glycol (a solvent), and other additives.

Why is nicotine considered an addictive drug?

Causes rapid, shallow breathing. Because nicotine has similar effects on the brain like heroin, cocaine, and marijuana, it is appropriate to consider nicotine an addictive drug. In order to break free from the dependence, participants must recognize that they have an addiction.

What are the symptoms of COPD?

Noises in the chest (such as wheezing, rattling, or whistling), shortness of breath during activity, and coughing up mucus (phlegm) are some of the early signs of COPD. Over time, COPD can make it hard to breathe even at rest. It limits activities and causes serious health problems.

Is smoking a cause of COPD?

Smoking is the main risk factor for COPD -- about 80-90% of COPD deaths are caused by smoking. The longer and heavier a person smokes, the higher their COPD risk. There’s no cure for COPD. COPD most often starts unnoticed in young smokers, and usually gets far worse before it’s diagnosed.

How does emphysema affect the lung?

In emphysema, the walls between the sacs break down and create larger but fewer sacs. This decreases the lung surface area, which lowers the amount of oxygen reaching the blood. Over time, the lung surface area can become so small that a person with emphysema must work very hard to get enough air, even when at rest.

Who is John Melton?

Expert, comprehensive and highly experiential training for becoming a Certified Smoking Cessation Therapist. For more than a decade, John Melton has studied and developed these proven techniques at the Hypnosis Motivation Institute.

Why do people seek hypnotherapy?

One of the most common reasons people seek hypnotherapy is to quit smoking! An effective smoking cessation program is a must for every hypnotherapist. Build your client base and increase your income by helping your smoking clients to quit in as little as 1, 2 or 3 sessions. John Melton will supercharge your confidence to help people stop smoking.

Is hypnosis a substitute for hypnosis?

American Hypnosis Association Continuing Education Courses are not a substitute for your Hypnotherapy training. This seminar does not teach basic Hypnosis skills or general Hypnotherapy knowledge and is designed for professionals who already have completed or are in the process of Advanced Hypnotherapy Training.

Do I need to be an HMI to get a stop smoking certificate?

You must be an HMI Foundations in Hypnotherapy Course Graduate to receive the AHA Stop Smoking Certification. You are welcome to enroll, participate, and take the course but, you must successfully complete HMI's No Charge Foundations in Hypnotherapy Course to become Certified for Stop Smoking.

What is tobacco cessation training?

Tobacco cessation instructors undergo specialized training that prepares them to work with patients who want to quit smoking. Oftentimes, the specialized training comes from certification programs, which teach cessation methods and confer a designation.

How often do you need to recertify for tobacco treatment?

Most certification programs require instructors to recertify every few years, typically every one to three years . The recertification process generally includes another application process and completing a certain number of continuing education credits in the years between renewal. The Mayo Clinic's Tobacco Treatment Specialist program requires 18 continuing education credits every two years. Typically, the certification provider requires that the continuing education credits be from classes or courses focused on tobacco cessation.

What is training and certification?

Training is a major part of any certification program and typical topics covered in the courses include treatment of tobacco dependence, health consequences of tobacco dependence, tobacco control and nicotine addiction. The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, suggest that healthcare professionals should know ...

What are the requirements for a practicum?

Other requirements for earning certification include undergoing an application process, submitting a resume and letters of recommendation and paying the application and program fees.
