how to pass fema course requirements

by Pascale Marquardt 6 min read

You will be required to register a FEMA SID Number to complete the courses. Anyone can sign up for an SID, even non U.S. residents. You will just need to provide your name, contact information such as email and phone, and the country/city/state, and date of your birth.

Full Answer

What are the requirements for applying for FEMA assistance?

When applying for FEMA assistance, an applicant must declare, under penalty of perjury that the information provided is true. The application is a legal document. FEMA may use external sources to verify the accuracy of the information entered.

How do I apply for a FEMA independent study course?

How to apply for a FEMA Independent Study course (Online Course) Register for a Student Identification Number (SID) if you have not done so already. Select a course from our course list. Review course materials by choosing any one of the options. Select the "Take Final Exam Online" link (found on each Course Overview page).

What kind of training does FEMA provide?

FEMA Training Courses and Requirements. FEMA employs the National Training Program (NTP), which is an organized approach to training for both emergency managers and emergency response providers. The NTP, which supports National Preparedness Guidelines, provides policy, guidance and resources to address training, development, and evaluation.

Can I apply to FEMA's emergency management institute online?

Please familiarize yourself with the NETC Policy before visiting the campus. FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI) will now be accepting online applications for the following courses that start on August 19, 2019 or later: Field deliveries of the National Emergency Management Basic Academy courses (L0101-0105 and L0110).

How many times can you take the FEMA final exam?

In order to maintain the integrity of our courses, we do not distribute test scores or questions missed. Our exams are based upon pass/fail criteria with the benchmark for successful completion set at 75%. Our program does not limit your exam attempts.

Can you retake FEMA exams if you fail?

Answer: Independent Study Program course certificates never expire. If you want to refresh your skills, you may retake the exam; however, our system will not re-score the exam and the original date of completion will remain on your certificate of completion.

How do you know if you passed FEMA test?

You can contact the Independent Study Program's Customer Support Center at (301) 447-1200 or [email protected]. One of our Customer Support Representatives will look up your student record, verify your course completion and issue you a certificate via email.

How long is the FEMA IS 700 course?

approximately 3.5 hoursThis course should take approximately 3.5 hours to complete. To help you keep track of your place within the course, the current lesson title will be displayed in the center of each screen.

Are online FEMA courses free?

The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) offers self-paced courses designed for people who have emergency management responsibilities and the general public. All are offered free-of-charge to those who qualify for enrollment.

What time is the FEMA test?

2:20 p.m. ETThe national test will consist of two portions, testing WEA and EAS capabilities. Both tests will begin at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021.

Are FEMA exams open note?

Basically, it is an open book test.

How many times can you take ICS 100 test?

In order to maintain the integrity of our courses, we do not distribute test scores or questions missed. Our exams are based upon pass/fail criteria with the benchmark for successful completion set at 75%. Our program does not limit your exam attempts.

Is 300 a FEMA course?

ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents: ICS-300 provides training and resources for personnel who require advanced knowledge and application of the ICS. This course expands upon information covered in the ICS-100 and ICS-200 courses.

How long does NIMS 100 take?

You should allow 2 to 4 hours to take one of these courses. Allow more time if it's your first course, i.e.: IS-100. HCB. Independent Study program office as they are unable to provide assistance with these requests.

Is 700 a certified?

IS-700 NIMS: An Introduction is a Web-based awareness level course that explains NIMS components, concepts and principles. Although it is designed to be taken online interactively, course materials may be downloaded and used in a group or classroom setting.

Is 200 a certification?

IS200, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, reviews the Incident Command System (ICS), provides the context for ICS within initial response, and supports higher level ICS training. This course provides training on, and resources for, personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory position within ICS.

What is the FEMA program?

FEMA’s Protection and National Preparedness program coordinates the preparedness and protection activities for FEMA, including planning, training, exercises, assessments, continuity, grants, individual and community preparedness, and national capital region coordination.

How does FEMA work?

FEMA employs a wide array of professionals, and there are many career paths that can be pursued, including: 1 Permanent full-time employees: All permanent, full-time employees are hired through a competitive process that includes an application and interview. 2 On-call response/recovery employees: On-call response/recovery employees are hired to work for a specific period of time, which is usually between 2 and 4 years. They may be hired through either a competitive process or a streamlined process. 3 Reservists (intermittent) employees: Reservist employees are hired to perform work on a temporary or intermittent basis. They are often hired to help FEMA to respond to emergencies and disasters. 4 Temporary local hires: Temporary local hires are hired to fulfill disaster operational staffing needs. They are hired on 120-day terms, and their term may be extended in increments of 120 days, up to one year. 5 FEMA Corps: FEMA Corps is a FEMA-devoted unit of 1,600 service corps members within the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. Their work is dedicated to disaster preparedness, response and recovery. It is designed to prepare 18- to 24-year olds for careers in emergency management and related fields.

What is FEMA Logistics?

FEMA’s Logistics Management Division provides strategic, logistics planning support and coordinates all domestic emergency logistics management and sustainment capabilities. The Directorate assumes responsibility for standards, execution, and logistics support, as well as policy guidance and operations. FEMA Logistics also oversees Logistics Management and Resource Support and General Services Administration.

How many members are in the FEMA Corps?

FEMA Corps: FEMA Corps is a FEMA-devoted unit of 1,600 service corps members within the AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps. Their work is dedicated to disaster preparedness, response and recovery. It is designed to prepare 18- to 24-year olds for careers in emergency management and related fields.

How many incidents has FEMA responded to?

In total, FEMA has provided coordinated federal response and recovery for more than 1,800 incidents to date. Its mission of serving the nation includes coordinating efforts and resources with any number of local, tribal, state and federal partners, as well as the private sector and nongovernmental entities.

What is the mission of FEMA?

The mission of FEMA is to support citizens and first responders as to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards, whether natural or manmade. FEMA has been the lead agency within the federal government for responding to and recovering from crises since 1979.

What is the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center?

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Center is an interagency law enforcement training organization that serves more than 90 federal agencies. It also provides training to state, local and international law enforcement agencies. Back to Top.

What is the minimum passing grade for a knowledge exam?

Minimum passing grade for a knowledge examination is 75% . The test bank must have a minimum of 10 test items (questions). The test bank must contain at least four test items per enabling objective. True/False and Yes/No test items may not be used.

How many hours of pre-course assessment?

The developer shall develop pre- and post-course assessments for all courses consisting of 12 or more contact hours (which equates to roughly two-full days of classroom instruction). Online courses do not require pre-course assessments.

What is a skill assessment?

Skill assessments must, at minimum, assess all steps of the skill/task to be gained as a result of training. Skill assessments shall utilize an objective evaluation guide, or rubric, to evaluate student mastery of the skill. An example rubric can be provided by the COR. The Skill Assessment shall be contained in the IG.

When will FEMA start accepting applications?

FEMA's Emergency Management Institute (EMI) will now be accepting online applications for the following courses that start on August 19, 2019 or later: Field deliveries of the National Emergency Management Basic Academy courses (L0101-0105 and L0110).

Can I take an EMI course more than once?

To take an EMI course, applicants must meet the selection criteria and prerequisites specified for each course. Participants may not take the same course more than once. Enrollment in EMI courses is generally limited to U.S. residents, however, each year a limited number of international participants are accommodated.

Does FEMA use a SSN?

To reduce the risk of identity theft, FEMA, the National Fire Academy (NFA), and the Emergency Management Institute (EMI) are eliminating the use of the Social Security Number (SSN), where possible when applying for training. FEMA has implemented the use of a Student Identification (SID) number.

How does FEMA verify identity?

FEMA typically verifies an applicant’s identity at the time of application through an automated public records search and through a series of questions associated with the applicant’s credit file or public records.

What is an unmet need after insurance?

Unmet Need After Insurance. When you apply for FEMA Individuals and Households Program assistance, it must be after your insurance, or other forms of disaster assistance services, were not sufficient to cover the expenses and serious needs directly caused by a declared disaster. Applicants are required to inform FEMA of all insurance coverage ...

Is FEMA a legal document?

The application is a legal document. FEMA may use external sources to verify the accuracy of the information entered. If the applicant intentionally makes false statements or hides information to try to get assistance, it is a violation of federal and state laws.

Does FEMA need to ensure that assistance is not duplicated?

FEMA must ensure that the assistance provided does not duplicate assistance from another source , was spent appropriately on disaster-caused necessary expenses and serious needs and was not obtained through fraudulent means.


Conditions to Receive Individuals and Households Program Assistance

Each type of assistance within the program requires verification of the specific unmet need and that it is caused by a disaster declared for Individual Assistance. However, these general conditions must be met for an applicant to receive any assistance within the Individuals and Households Program.
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Apply For Assistance

  • If you meet the above eligibility criteria, you can complete an application for FEMA Individuals and Households Program assistance at You can also apply in person or by phone.
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FEMA's Legal Requirements

  • FEMA must ensure that the assistance provided does not duplicate assistance from another source, was spent appropriately on disaster-caused necessary expenses and serious needs and was not obtained through fraudulent means. Federal agencies are required to take action to identify and recover improper payments obtained by fraud, per the following federal laws: 1. Deb…
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