Notify the court. If you are using a Florida driver improvement course to keep points from being charged against your driver’s license, you need to notify the clerk of the court of your intention to take the driver improvement course. You can follow the instructions on your traffic ticket to notify the clerk of the court.
Full Answer
Drivers may elect to attend a driver improvement course at a clerk’s office in the county where the citation was received, or if the officer provided an envelope when issuing the citaition drivers may use it to indicate the intent to attend a driver improvement course.
In some cases, once you complete a course in driver's education online, the program itself will take responsibility for contacting the court to alert them of the fact you've completed the training program successfully.
While any driver can take the driver improvement course, you cannot use the course to dismiss traffic tickets if: You have a commercial driver’s license (even if you were not driving a commercial vehicle at the time of the violation) Getting your traffic ticket dismissed is the most common reason for taking a Florida driver improvement course.
Keep in mind, you can only take the course once per 12-month period. While any driver can take the driver improvement course, you cannot use the course to dismiss traffic tickets if: You have a commercial driver’s license (even if you were not driving a commercial vehicle at the time of the violation)
You can mail your certificate of completion to the Clerk of the Courts, PO BOX 19321, Miami, Florida 33101-9321. If you elect to attend traffic school and do not comply within 120 days of election, you will be subject to a license suspension, point assessment and additional fees.
Certificates can be submitted online via HOVER or by mail to Clerk of the Circuit Court - Traffic, PO Box 3360, Tampa FL 33601-3360.
How many times can I choose to attend a driver improvement course? Drivers can choose to attend a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period and no more than five times in a lifetime.
After completing the school, send the certificate of completion to the Clerk's office by one of the following options: Email to [email protected]. Mail through USPS to the Clerk of Courts, Traffic Office, PO Box 2507, Fort Myers, Florida, 33902.
This certificate must be submitted to the county court where you received the traffic ticket, which may or may not be the county in which you reside. The county court you must submit your certificate to is listed on your traffic ticket.
You may submit your school completion forms within 60 days from the date of election in one of the following ways:In person at any Clerk's Office Location.Send by fax to (904)255-2358.Email to [email protected] by mail to the Traffic Violations Bureau Mailing Address.
Your details are kept on a database held by the National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme and if you're caught speeding again within three years of taking a speed awareness course, you're quite likely to receive a fine and penalty points straightaway.
The Basic Driver Improvement traffic school course takes a minimum of 4 hours to successfully complete. Expect to spend at least this amount of time completing the course. Judge-ordered driver improvement is a total of 8 hours. Advanced Driver Improvement is 12 hours.
You can take your traffic school course before or after you pay the fine for your ticket. Just make sure you pay your fine within 30 days of receiving the ticket.
Faxing and mailing is the final way that an online traffic school certificate can be submitted to the courts. Usually, you will find the mailing address or the fax number on the courtesy notice from the court. No matter what you do, it is necessary that you send the Certificate of Completion on time.
*Driving schools are not responsible for electronically submitting school completion certificates for the 8-hour Basic Driver Improvement, Advanced Driver Improvement, DUI and DUI Level II courses. These must be submitted to our office within sixty (60) days by emailing [email protected].
You must submit proof of completion of the course to the Clerk's office within 60 calendar days from the date you elected to attend. You may mail or bring your certificate of completion to any Clerk's office. You may also email your certificate to [email protected].
A traffic school certificate can be very helpful, however, it isn't a magic bullet or panacea that will make you a better or safer driver.The Purpo...
There are several online traffic schools that provide courses in defensive driving and courses that help dismiss traffic tickets. Online traffic sc...
When you take an online traffic school course, you'll still have to present the certificate of completion to the court authorities in order to rece...
Find out by contacting the court clerk who presides over the court that issued your citation.
A traffic school certificate only certifies that you are aware of the vehicle code of your state and thus can only take points from moving violations that are minor infractions.
When you get a speeding ticket and it stays on your record, your insurance premium is going to go up and the insurance company may drop you when it's time to renew your auto insurance policy.
Driving school completion won't remove certain moving violations such as reckless driving or DUIs. A traffic school certificate only certifies that you are aware of the vehicle code of your state and thus can only take points from moving violations that are minor infractions.
However, if you complete traffic school, obtain a traffic school certificate and properly submit it to the traffic court or Department of Motor Vehicles, whichever your jurisdiction requires, that speeding ticket will be removed from your record and your insurance company won't be informed of the ticket. This means your insurance premiums won't go ...
Before registering with a traffic school, you have to pay the necessary fine to the court. You have to then obtain permission from the court that issued the citation to take a traffic school course. Subsequently, the court will charge an administrative fee to allow you to take the course.
Unsigned certificates are invalid. Confirm that the court has received the Certificate of Completion. If the certificate is handed over in person, get a receipt from the court clerk. If the certificate is mailed, it should be sent by certified mail.
If you do not know the amount, or it is not stated on your ticket, the Traffic Division of the Clerk of Court in the county where you received your citation will be able to provide the information on your fine.
However, effective January 1, 2019, upcoming Florida legislature changes, will allow drivers who complete a BDIC to receive a 9% discount on their citation amount. Visit the Florida Senate website for more details about this legislation update.
First, determine the reason you got the ticket. Was it for speeding? Reckless driving? Running a red light or stop sign? Whatever the reason – it’s okay, we’re judgment-free here at – pay off the ticket with the court clerk listed and then notify them you are electing/volunteering on taking the Basic Driver Improvement Course.
The Basic Driver Improvement Course consists of reading passages accompanied by audio narration – like in an audiobook! – for you to listen to. There are seven sections in total with quizzes that will refresh you on the stuff you have just learned. At the end of the course is a forty-question final exam, which you will need an 80% to pass.
Once you pass the final exam we notify the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles of your completion. If that name is a handful, we find people often refer to them as the Florida DMV.
Getting a traffic ticket dismissed in Florida means you avoid the legal conviction of a traffic violation and stop points from going on your driving record. Points are marks against your good driving record. You still have to pay your traffic ticket, but the cost can be reduced by 18% with a driver improvement course.
Getting your traffic ticket dismissed is the most common reason for taking a Florida driver improvement course. But dismissing the ticket isn’t the only benefit. Driver improvement students also:
Enrolling in a Florida driver improvement course is easy and just takes a few minutes.
As long as you are not charged with a criminal violation and don’t hold a commercial driver’s license, you should be eligible to take the Florida driver improvement course once per 12-month period, up to a maximum of five times.
Before you send the Certificate of Completion to the court, ensure that you sign it . The court will deem all unsigned certificates as invalid. Once you or the traffic school has submitted the Certificate of Completion, you should ensure that the court has received it.
A traffic school certificate can only help you remove points from your driving record that are a result of minor infractions, such as speeding. Of course, different states permit different violations to be removed from the driving record with a traffic school certificate. In most states, the only thing that you can do to remove these violations ...
If you successfully complete the course at the traffic school and submit to the court the necessary traffic school certificate paperwork, you will likely be able to maintain your clean driving record . Therefore, as a driver attending traffic school, it is vital that you learn how to properly submit this paperwork.
Some courts will not allow the driver to submit the Certificate of Completion. Such courts require the online traffic school to submit the certificate, along with other paperwork, electronically. In other cases, the traffic school may have to mail the certificate and paperwork to the court. If the court requires the driver instead ...
No matter what you do, it is necessary that you send the Certificate of Completion on time. If you fail to meet the deadline, you may not be eligible to have the traffic citation removed from your driving record. Therefore, you should send the certificate to the court as soon as you complete the traffic school course.
In some cases, the traffic school will be automatically transmit the certificate to the court. Ensure you talk to a representative at the traffic school to determine if they will take the responsibility of sending the certificate to the court. The certificate can also be sent by email.
You will likely have to submit a proof of identity document along with the Certificate of Completion and receipt. This is especially true if you opted to take the traffic school course online instead of in person. Some courts will not allow the driver to submit the Certificate of Completion. Such courts require the online traffic school ...