how to name my online course

by Pascale Cruickshank 5 min read

10 tips on how to write catchy names and titles for eCourses:

  • 1 Use popular search queries. ‘Search engines know more than the rest of us know about our more intimate thoughts. ...
  • 2 Specify your audience. ...
  • 3 Focus on the key benefits. ...
  • 4 Keep it short and memorable. ...
  • 5 Make it accurate. ...
  • 6 Make it look as good as it would sound. ...
  • 7 Make your audience a promise. ...
  • 8 Always write with a context. ...
  • 10 Course naming checklist. ...

Full Answer

How to choose the name of your online course?

Try a few of these techniques before you decide how to name your online course. Take your time and allow the name to evolve as you develop your course. The title really is the last thing you have to do, but it could be the most important element in selling your course.

What is in a name for a course?

What’s in a name Let’s start with the most important one: Your course name should be benefit-driven. This is where your transformations come into play. Our creator has named his example course: “Moving to New York City: A Guide to Becoming a Local in the Big Apple.”

How do you write a strong course name?

Sprinkle in the details Our second rule of writing a strong course name is focusing on being specific. This can come in the form of adding a quantifiable element to your course’s benefit. Consider: Can you quantify the outcome of your transformation? How many times better is the outcome than the initial state?

How do I decide what to call my course?

You may want to wait until the course is fully developed before you decide what to call it. Your course title will represent what you’re going to teach, and you want this first impression to be captivating.

What should I name an online course?

How to Craft The Perfect Online Course TitleDescribe your audience using demographic information.Choose a Subsegment.Describe Your Audience Using Psychographic Information.Summarize Your Work.Use keyword research tools.Phrase Match.Having Same Terms.Also Rank For.More items...•

How do you name a course name?

There are a few things Amy recommends keeping in mind when coming up with your course name, and those are:Make it easy to remember.Make it easy to say out loud.Use keywords your audience will recognize.Make it interesting.Make sure it's not too creative (you shouldn't have to repeatedly explain what it means).More items...•

How do you name an eLearning course?

How To Create Attention Grabbing eLearning Course TitlesMake your audience a promise. ... Create a sense of intrigue. ... Give them a remedy for their need. ... Be as descriptive as possible without being verbose. ... Think about the context. ... Don't sacrifice clarity for creativity. ... Get them excited about learning!

What is the title of the course?

The purpose of the course title is to provide multiple audiences with a snapshot of what a course is about. Those audiences include current and prospective students, prospective employers, accrediting bodies, other academic institutions, and various other audiences inside and outside of the University.

What is the best course name?

Topic We Cover: Top 10 popular courses in IndiaManagement MBA/BBA.Engineering B.Tech and B.Arch, M.Tech, ME, BE.Computer Application-BCA/MCA.Designing - Fashion/Interior/Web.Mass-communication/Journalism BJMC.Hospitality (Hotel) - Hotel Management.Medical-BDS and MBBS.Finance -B.Com/CA.More items...

How do you name your academy?

Here are 20 of the best suggestions that will hopefully inspire your own name choosing decision.Academy Accel.Academy Bright Side.Academy Passage.Boost Establishment.Bookworm Institute.Bright Institution.Club Academy.College Discover.More items...

How do you pick a catchy name for a training program?

20 More Training Course Name IdeasSkillUp.Disruptor Training.No-Bull Bootcamp.Mentee to Mentor.Active Achievement.Excel and Elevate Training.Practice to Perfect.Strive Training.More items...

How do I name my LMS?

There aren't really any set rules for good LMS names. Organisations who already have a naming strategy for their systems tend to fair well....Other commonly used LMS names include:Learning Hub.Learn Zone.The Core.Aspire.The Link.iLearn.

What are the examples of e learning?

10 Best Examples of eLearning Platforms TodayDocebo. Released in 2008, Docebo is a collaborative learning platform mostly use in formal learning. ... Adobe Captivate. ... Google Classroom. ... iSpring Learn LMS. ... Elucidat. ... Lectora Inspire. ... Blackboard Learn. ... Articulate 360.More items...•

What's a good title?

A good title contains the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents and/or purpose of your research paper. The title is without doubt the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually read first.

What are three course titles?

Full course meals are made up of three courses: an appetizer, main dish, and dessert. Also known as a three-course meal or a standard course meal, you will sometimes see restaurants offering a full menu with these three items.

What is generic course title?

Open-Ended (Generic) Courses These courses, such as readings and seminars, are generally more loosely structured than regular university offerings. Students meet with instructors either individually or in small groups.

How to create an online course?

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience. 1. Describe your audience using demographic information. The demographic profile of your target audience will have an impact on how you create your online course. Here are some guiding questions to help you identify the demographic information of your audience:

Why do people subscribe to online courses?

People subscribe to online courses because of a benefit or a desired end result. Users want to fulfill their needs and improve their lives. Clearly state what your course plans to help potential customers achieve.

What is phrase match?

Phrase match refers to keywords that contain the exact seed phrase you indicated. To get the results for this, I clicked the keyword “Phrase match” under the words “Keyword ideas.”

How many characters should a title be on Google?

How do you create a title that can get you to the first page of Google? There’s a lot that you need to do, but one simple trick to getting on the front page is to limit your title to not more than 65 characters.

How to write a benefit driven title?

The first thing that you need to do is to write a benefit-driven title. Highlight the transformation that students can get once they enroll in your online course. Instead of saying that your course has 15 hours of content, emphasize the outcome of the course.

Can you use Ahrefs for keyword research?

You can easily conduct a keyword research using Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer .

Why is it important to name a course?

So, we have established the importance of a great course name and we understand that for the people who will be coming in contact with your course, the name will most often create the first impression of your course for them.

When to use common name format?

If you’re offering a course series or related courses, this can be a great time to use a common name format.

What is WeShare online?

Weshare is an online platform that allows you to teach paid online classes directly to your customers. We offer you to start your first online class for free. In the last few years we've been helping thousands of influencers and teachers start their online teaching business.

What does it mean to make a title in 3 key points?

We are easily drawn to things that come in threes, so, if you can make your title in 3 key points, you woul d make it attractive and easy to remember .

How much is the eLearning industry worth in 2025?

Especially when you realize that the e-Learning industry is likely to be worth $325 Billion by 2025 .

How to point out the success students can have with your “system”?

Point out the success students can have with your “system” by taking advantage of powerful modifiers.

Why use two part names?

Use a two-part name for simplicity and clarity. A two-part name which is essentially a short, descriptive name with a clarifying tagline is a way to be clear and still have space to expand your topic if the need arises. Those are your examples of two-part names. You can try them out.

Anatomy of the Perfect Online Course Title

A catchy title for your online course is your door into the reader’s mind… and their pockets.

Step 1: Identify Common Search Queries

I think we can all agree that search engines nowadays know more than we do even when it comes to our most intimate thoughts.

Step 2: Narrow Down Your Target Demographic

Almost everybody uses the internet these days, whether it’s to check on the latest news, gossip websites, the weather, or social media. This makes trying to appeal to everyone an impossible task.

Step 3: Uncover their Psychographics

But, your job doesn’t end there. Next, you will have to create an accurate psychographic profile of your audience as well.

Step 4: Identify Keyword Competition

This is where you are going to need to list out your target keywords and keyword phrases. It helps if you know what SEO is and how to use it to your advantage.

Step 5: Identify Keyword Trends

Another great tool that you can use to identify the best performing keywords for your online course and target demographic is Google Trends.

Step 6: Use Headline Psychology to Craft Your Course Title

Ok, so now you have some excellent keyword ideas for your title. This is great, because now you aren't working with a blank slate– you already know which precise word or words that you need to fit into your course name.

Why is title important in online courses?

That’s because it can determine whether a customer (or potential learner) will “click” on the course or not. A good course title has to be able to catch someone’s attention, sparking their curiosity and should work well for SEO purposes, so that it shows up on Google Results. ...

How to attract people to your course?

Set the right expectations to attract the right people for your course. The more clear your title the better. Especially if you work with a niche community of learners. There are some cases that you need to generalize, especially if you are teaching a very broad topic and target a broad demographic, in that case you might also need to rethink about breaking your course into smaller pieces and create a course bundle for the broader topic.

What is the benefit of a catchy training program name?

Let’s break down the advantages of a popular course or training title: Brand Recognition – A unique title with your brand’s characteristics will go a long way while you are building your business’ brand.

Do you need to create a course title from scratch?

If you are looking for attention grabbing course title templates to help you write your own, Pauline Cabrera has a long list for blog post titles that work like a charm for online courses. No need to create one from scratch if you don’t feel creative, use a winning recipe to get started with an advantage.

How do you want your online courses business to be perceived by the public?

How do you want your online courses business to be perceived by the public? A business name should be memorable and catchy, relatable to your clients/customers, and set clear expectations relating to products, services, or a general sense of your business.

How to describe a business name?

Carefully consider your brand and brainstorm adjectives and synonyms that describe your business idea. For instance, if you own an online courses business, ask yourself how you would describe what you’re offering (e.g. expertise, courses, coaching, teaching, etc.). Consider how you want your customers to feel (inspired, educated on topic, motivated, enlightened, etc.), and so on.

How to brand your business?

The name of your city is one great way to brand your business and let your community know that you are open for business. You can also think of nicknames that define what your city or state is well known for or use slogans or historical accounts that define your location. You can use these to your advantage when coming up with business names.

How Do I Name My Training Course?

First, briefly consider what your course will offer interested customers and see what terms are mostly associated with that course. Next, you can explore the names of businesses like yours and see what names work for them. Use those terms to create an interesting and applicable name on your own, or via our name generator . After you single out some unique names you can do a quick survey to see what some in your targeted client base think about the ideas.

What Makes a Good Training Course Business Name?

Names that are catchy, include a smart play on words, or simply have a good sound to them, are always popular. But perhaps your clients want your name to represent what your business is about.

What to ask when deciding on a business name?

When deciding on the perfect business name, don’t forget to get feedback on your ideas from potential customers! Be sure to ask questions like: Does this sound like a trustworthy business? , What quality of product or service would you expect to get from this business? Does the answers align with your business goals? That said, here are some name ideas to help you create the perfect business name:

Why do we use acronyms in training?

Use Acronyms: Training courses these days usually use acronyms. This is to make it easier for potential students to shorten and pronounce the name easily. It is a good way to make your brand name catchy and short. For instance, “Virtual Sales Academy” can easily be shortened to VSA.

How to make a memorable business name?

A great way to make a memorable business name is to use rhythm or alliteration, these types of business names sounds great and are extremely brandable. For example, some names could be: Muscle Masters, Cardio Career, Fit & Fine, Punk Pump.

Does learning end?

For every human and animal on earth, learning never ends! There is a need for constant training in order to become better and better or acquire new skills. Even with age, this quest never ends as it seems like knowledge is a limitless pool of information waiting to be acquired by anyone. This explanation is something you would love to keep in mind when choosing a name for your training course.
