Click on the Canvas icon. Open the course that you want to move the materials into by clicking on the title. lick on Settings in the course side menu. lick on “Import ontent into this ourse”.
Sep 16, 2018 · Technically, you cannot "move" an assignment you created from the "Assignments" screen to the "Modules" screen. However, you can add any assignment that you create on your "Assignments" page to your "Modules" screen. The items on your course navigation (Pages, Quizzes, Discussions, Assignments) are where you build your content.
Open Assignments In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link. Drag and Drop Assignment You can use the drag and drop option to reorder assignments. Click the drag handle next to the assignment name. Drop the assignment in the desired location by releasing the mouse. Move Assignment You can also use the Move To option to reorder an assignment.
Oct 30, 2020 · How do I add course content as module items? You can add new or existing content items in Canvas to a module. You can also add an item to multiple modules, or multiple iterations of an item to one module. When you add items to a Module, please be aware that the status of the Module overrides the state of the individual module items.
If you wish, you can copy the assignment into a specific module and location within a course. Click or type a module name in the Select a Module field [1]. Then select the module for the copied assignment. To select a location within the module, click the Place drop-down menu [2]. You can select to copy the assignment to the top of the module ...
Locate the assignment you wish to copy, then click the assignment Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].
Enter the name of a course or course code in the Select a Course field [1].
Copied assignments display on the Assignments Index Page in the Imported Assignments group for the course into which it copied.
1. Navigate to the Canvas course in which you wish to copy material into. Click "Settings" in your course navigation bar.
1. If you opted to "Select specific content", you will see your import listed under the "Current Jobs" area of the Import Content Page. To choose which parts of your source course will be copied, click the "Select Content" button to the far right of the job.
When you import one course into another, during the import process, there is an option to modify the due dates and availability dates all at one time.
While Import Course Content brings over much of the content developed in a previous version of the course, there are a number of external applications that need to be updated to work correctly in this new copy of your course.