how to make interactive course materials

by Jordy Luettgen Jr. 6 min read

6 Tools for Creating Interactive Educational Materials
  1. Polls, Quizzes and Surveys. The very simplest way to engage anyone is to ask them a question about an issue that interests them. ...
  2. Slideshows & Videos. ...
  3. Webinars. ...
  4. Interactive Timelines. ...
  5. Multimedia Storytelling. ...
  6. Interactive Comic Strips.

How do you create course materials?

Training Material Development Guide ContentsStep 1: Conduct a needs analysis for your corporate training solution.Step 2: Evaluate existing content for your training content development process.Step 3: Incorporate the prior knowledge of learners.Step 4: Create a course outline.More items...•Jun 2, 2020

What are the interactive instructional materials?

Interactive learning materials are interactive resources designed to teach a specific learning outcome. They may comprise of a single or multiple pages that can contain any combination of text, images, audio, video - including screencasts, animations, self test questions and other interactive activities.

How do I make my online courses more interactive?

8 Ways To Make Online Classes More InteractiveIncorporate Active Learning.Combine different media types into engaging learning scenarios.Try running a cohort-based course.Incorporate live lessons.Use Microlearning.Use storytelling methods of teaching.Use Gamification.Pause for questions and answer live chats.Sep 8, 2021

How do I create an interactive training session?

Interactive Training – 9 Tips to Make Training More EngagingDon't take it so darn seriously. ... Have a conversation. ... Speak their language. ... Let a little bit of you out. ... Let the conversations linger. ... Smile. ... Treat people like responsible adults. ... Ask the class.More items...

What are the examples of interactive teaching?

Interactive Classroom ActivitiesEntry/Exit Tickets. ... Free Writing/Minute Paper/Question of the Day Exercise. ... Ice Breakers. ... Think–Pair–Share. ... Case Studies and Problem-Based Learning. ... Debate. ... Interview or Role Play. ... Interactive Demonstrations.More items...

What are the different techniques to make teaching learning more interactive?

Use questions that stimulate response, discussion, and a hands-on experience. Use teaching aids that press for answers, and capture/hold the student's attention. Set up a workgroup environment. Involve yourself as well as the student.Apr 6, 2018

What is an interactive online course?

An interactive course typically describes material of an educational nature delivered in a format which allows the user to directly impact the materials' content, pace, and outcome. Interactive, as defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, is "involving the actions or input of a user".

What is the best elearning platform?

The 7 Best Online Learning Platforms of 2022Best Overall: Coursera.Best for Niche Topics: Udemy.Best for Creative Fields: Skillshare.Best for Celebrity Lessons: MasterClass.Best for STEM: EdX.Best for Career Building: Udacity.Best for Data Learning: Pluralsight.Feb 24, 2022

How do students interact with online classes?

Below are specific approaches you can take to build a hospitable online course and foster student-student interaction.Begin with an Icebreaker. ... Incorporate Group Work. ... Craft Thoughtful Discussions. ... Open Multiple Communication Channels. ... Encourage Social Connection. ... Include Collaborative Writing and Peer Review.More items...

What is interactive training techniques?

Interactive training can be group activities, simulations, games, quizzes, assessments or anything else that keeps employees active within the learning process. Utilizing these various methods, ensures employees are present during training.May 13, 2021

How do you make Zoom Interactive training?

What you will learnBreakout Rooms. Put people into breakout rooms so everybody gets a say. ... See People. Keep slides to a minimum.Gallery/Speaker View. Keep slides to 20% and instead interact with the others in the meeting.Use the Chat Room. ... Using the participants box. ... Hand gestures. ... Polling. ... Use shared documents.More items...