how to make an orienteering course to use a compass

by Brant Shields 3 min read

  • First, place your compass on the map with the direction of travel arrow pointing up.
  • Second, rotate your scope to match the direction of travel arrow with north on the compass. ...
  • Rotate your body with the map and compass in hand, so that the magnetic needle lands within the outline of the orienting arrow. ...
  • Bearings are entirely dependent on a specific location; think of them as a numerical way of describing the direction of travel. In other words, due south equals 180 degrees. ...
  • Place your compass on your map so that the right edge of the baseplate is between your current position and where you want to go.
  • Check that the arrow indicating the direction of travel points in the direction in which you want to move!
  • Rotate the telescope so that the orientation lines match the north/south lines on your map.
  • Check the index line on your compass and record the bearing it indicates to start moving forward.
  • To move to your destination, hold your compass and make sure the direction of travel arrow is pointing outward. ...

Part of a video titled How to Setup a Compass Course - YouTube
Base we'll set that to the direction. And point that exactly at the area that we want to go. AndMoreBase we'll set that to the direction. And point that exactly at the area that we want to go. And then i can read that i'm going to go 120 degrees. And now what i have to do is pace off my steps.

Full Answer

What do all good orienteering compasses have?

Apr 01, 2022 · If you’re new to orienteering, you may wonder how to create a course. Fortunately, there’s nothing to worry about. The basics of orienteering are very simple. You need a compass, topographic maps, and ten or more control points. Once you have the controls set up, you can create the course.

How to use a Suunto compass?

Feb 01, 2020 · The best and most accurate way to use a compass for orienteering is to wear an external watch that will automatically monitor your speed and guide you to the correct direction to keep you safe. Of course, this requires the purchase of a GPS watch.

What are the basic skills in orienteering?

Sep 14, 2019 · Gauge the distance and map the amount of meters you must proceed out. The fixation frequency identifies the selection of fixation each second in the phase of route planning. The Finish control is going to be set under the finish banner and there’ll be multiple stations to protect against any waiting.

How to find your direction without a compass?

May 01, 2020 · This course will help you learn to identify landmarks and find your way to where you want to go. It will teach you how to use a compass for orienteering in the forest, and how to navigate around trees. A really great course is the course by the author who created The Compass Box. For a cheaper course, you could use a course on orienteering at ...

How do I set up a compass course?

Set the Course

Wait till it points steadily in one direction, and turn the compass so “N” lines up with the pointer. Now hold the compass in front of your face, and turn it until the needle points to North. Look to the hiding spot, then look down to the compass and read the “degrees” which point to the spot.

How do I set up a simple orienteering course?

Set up a 100-foot course near your meeting place. As Scouts arrive, have them walk the course and calculate their pace (how far they travel every two steps). Draw a large chalk circle on the parking lot. Place an index card marked “North” at the northernmost point.

How do you use a compass on an orienteering course?

Hold your map horizontally. Place the compass flat on the map. Rotate the map until the "north lines" on the map (a series of evenly spaced parallel lines drawn across the map, all pointing to magnetic north) are aligned with the compass needle. The map should now be oriented to the terrain.

How do you use an orienteering compass without a map?

Simply keep holding the compass steady and in the same relative position to yourself, and you will be heading the way you wish to go. As long as you hold the compass pointing true to your forward direction, and maintain the orienting arrow under the red end of the magnetic needle, you will be on course.

How do Boy Scouts use compasses?

With N on the compass housing touching the direction of travel arrow, set your compass alongside the Magnetic North arrow on a map. Slowly turn the map until the compass needle rests inside the orienting arrow. The compass will be aimed at Magnetic North while the map is oriented to True North.

How do you use a compass?

Part of a video titled How to Use a Compass || REI - YouTube
And rotate the entire compass until it forms a line between your position and your destination. MakeMoreAnd rotate the entire compass until it forms a line between your position and your destination. Make sure the direction of travel arrow is pointing in the direction of the peak.

How do you use an orienteering compass in DAYZ?

To use the orienteering compass it must be equipped in your hands. It can be difficult to see exact numbers on the compass; if you want to get a closer view of the numbers, go into your inventory and use MMB to "Inspect" the item.

How do you use an orienteering thumb compass?

Part of a video titled Orienteering Using a Thumb Compass - YouTube
Level you rotate your body until the North arrow and a compass is parallel to the North lines on theMoreLevel you rotate your body until the North arrow and a compass is parallel to the North lines on the map. So this is a little bit different. So you notice that the arrow is pointing.

Where is north on orienteering compass?

Finding North

To face north, turn your body while holding the compass until the compass needle is lying along the direction of travel arrow. If you rotate the compass housing until the needle is lined up with the red orienting arrow you will also be able to find the other directions.

How do you navigate with a compass and map?

The north marker on the compass' bezel should point north on the map. The number that aligns with your index line is your bearing. To follow that bearing, turn your body until the needle is inside the orienting arrow. The direction-of-travel arrow now points toward your destination.Jul 15, 2019

How do you use a compass in the forest?

Part of a video titled How to Follow a Compass Bearing in Heavy Forest - YouTube
Turn the bezel. So that the red arrow of the compass lines up with the the little hollow red arrowMoreTurn the bezel. So that the red arrow of the compass lines up with the the little hollow red arrow that's painted on and what that does is it tells me that from where I'm standing. As long as I walk.

How do you use a compass if you lost in the woods?

Take a Heading
  1. Determine the direction you want to go. ...
  2. Take your eyes away from the compass and make your way toward the object. ...
  3. The reverse method is to first point the direction-of-travel arrow in the direction you want to go, and then rotate the compass center until the north needle and north markings line up.
Apr 29, 2018

How to use a compass to travel?

2. Place your compass on your map along this imagined line of travel. 3. Now, situate the magnetic needle on your compass in the same direction of the map's compass rose (red). 4. Rotate the bezel on your compass so that the magnetic needle and orienting arrow are on top of each other. 5.

Is orienteering a competitive sport?

Not only is this skill a useful thing to have, but it is also a competitive sport. Usually referred to as orienteering, the sport takes place over a large area in which competitors compete to locate the flags, or "controls", in the quickest way possible.

What are the features of a map?

Basic Features of a Map: 1 Directional Arrows/Compass - Shows direction for orientation. 2 Scale- Used for measuring distance. 3 Key/Legend- Used for distinguishing and identifying the main physical features.

What is land navigation?

At a basic level, land navigation is simply utilizing a map (sometimes alongside a compass) to move from one location to another. Anyone who enjoys the outdoors should take the time to understand the basics of this skill because it is enjoyable, practical, and could save your life one day.

Why is a compass important?

The compass is the second most important tool for navigation. By combining the map and the compass successfully, you will be able to navigate your surroundings. While the compass is a useful tool, remember that it is secondary to the map in its utility.

What is the primary tool of trade?

The primary tool of the trade is the map. Technically, a map is a two dimensional interpretation of a three dimensional space. The map is an incredibly valuable tool because it shows where you are in relation to the world around you in great detail.

How to take bearings with a compass?

A compass with a sighting mirror makes it easy to take very accurate bearings. Hold the compass at eye level and point it at the object. Then tilt the mirror until you can see straight down into the bezel. This way you can see the object and the bezel at the same time.

What is the direction of travel arrow?

A direction of travel arrow reminds you which direction to point the compass when you’re taking a bearing. The big arrow called the orienting arrow which we’ll use to help you orient the bezel. Some compasses have a handy declination scale which makes it easier to adjust declination.

What is a bearing in physics?

First off, a bearing describes a direction in terms of degrees. Bearings are way more precise than just saying go east or west. Instead, you can say to get to the lake, follow a bearing of 79 degrees.

How to find your position?

If you want to find your exact position, you use the process called triangulation. All you have to do is take another bearing but with a different object. That’s at least sixty degrees away from the first. Where the two lines intersect is your position. If you take the third bearing you’ll end up with a little triangle. And the smaller the triangle the more accurate the reading.

What is a liquid capsule?

A liquid capsule that contains the magnetic needle is rotating housing. The liquid helps dampen the needle movement, making it easier to get a more accurate reading. The base plate is clear so you can see the map below it, and there’s always at least one straight edge that you’ll use later for taking bearings.

Types of Orienteering Compasses

There are essentially two main styles of orienteering compasses. The baseplate and the thumb compass. If you are just starting out, it is recommended that you choose a simple baseplate compass. They are less expensive and generally easier to use.

The Role of the Orienteering Compass

Regardless of the type of compass used, the compass can be a very accurate aid to help the orienteer establish direction. Unless involved in a specific training situation, the compass is always used in conjunction with a map. In essence, the compass will be used by the orienteer to do two things:

Parts of a Compass

All compasses share some basic characteristics. It is helpful to be able to be able to identify specific parts when first learning how a compass is to be used.

How to use a Compass

How to use a compass will be explained in the Basic Skills section. For basic navigation, a compass is used primarily to help orient your map to north. In the Advanced Skills Section, you will learn how to use the compass to measure a bearing and establish direction.
