how to make a living writing course

by Callie Baumbach 3 min read

The next way to make more money as a writer is to create courses based on your book and blog content. In fact, you can even use slightly modified versions of your books and blog posts as the actual scripts for your courses. This is by far my favorite way to make more money from my books and blog posts, and I highly recommend it.

Full Answer

How to make a living with writing online?

To make a living with writing online, you need to have an inbound strategy whereby prospects come to you for your writing service. The writers that fail or don’t make enough money to quit their full-time job spend most of their time pitching and hustling.

Can you really make a living writing books?

If you want to make a living writing books, invest in your book (particularly getting a good book cover) so that it sells. Bottom line: Write and publish consistently, write high-quality books people want to buy, expand your reach by publishing across multiple platforms, and stay up-to-speed on the latest marketing strategies that are working.

Is it your goal to finally make a living writing?

Is your goal to finally make a living writing? Whether you're ready to quit your day job to earn a living as a writer full-time or you're looking to increase your existing writing income, the opportunities are practically endless.

How to make a living as a short story writer?

To earn a living as a short story writer, you would have to supplement your income with writing articles for blogs and magazines and other media that pay a lot better. Also, breaking into the short story market can be tougher than other forms of writing.

Can I make a living from writing?

There are many ways to earn a living as a writer. It's not always easy--and it takes time and skill to get there--but it's definitely possible. If you're looking to get paid to write, these strategies can help you break into the field and work your way up to higher paying opportunities.

How can I make a living from home writing?

The 5 Most Realistic Ways to Make Money WritingGet Paid to Write Articles for Blogs, Magazines, and Journals.Make Money by Creating Collateral for Content-Hungry Businesses.Get Paid to Write by Becoming a Best-Selling Kindle Author.Make Money Writing as a Conversion-Focused Copywriter.More items...•

How can I earn money by writing?

Start a blog. Blogging is a tried-and-true method for writers to make money online. ... Create blog posts (for others) ... Establish a niche website. ... Self-Publish a book. ... Create affiliate content. ... Write scripts for video creators. ... Write show notes for podcasts. ... Create written content for social media.More items...

How do you develop a writing course?

7 Tips for Creating An Online Course For WritersPick a small niche. ... If you want your course to be low-maintenance, choose an evergreen topic. ... Break the project into smaller tasks. ... Invest in equipment and up-skill as needed. ... Re-record the first episodes after finishing all the videos. ... Create a workbook.More items...•

What percentage of writers make a living?

According to the survey, “Just over 77% of self-published writers make $1,000 a year…with a startlingly high 53.9% of traditionally-published authors, and 43.6% of hybrid authors, reporting their earnings are below the same threshold.

How many hours a day does JK Rowling write?

Pretty much, Rowling writes for six hours a day. That is a good amount of time and acceptable for a writer who is doing this for a living.

What kind of writers make the most money?

Medical writers earn a median $70,896 per year, while experienced writers pull in more than $136,000 annually. Most have at least a bachelor's degree in a scientific field and many are qualified doctors, which explains why medical writing is one of the highest-paid writing jobs.

How do I start my own writing business?

How to Start a Freelance Writing Business & Become a Writer!Find your Niche(s) ... Create a Website. ... Create your Portfolio. ... Officially Form your Business. ... Create a Legal Contract. ... Marketing. ... Customer Reviews and Referrals. ... Build a Great Reputation.

Can you make a living as a freelance writer?

Freelance writing is the ultimate side hustle. It's flexible, it pays well, and it's enjoyable. In fact, freelance blogging helped me go from earning $1,600 per month to earning more than $5,500 per month.

How do I create a course to sell?

In this article, you'll find an overview of the 10 major stages of online course creation:Pick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.More items...•

What are the 7 strategies of writing?

To improve students' reading comprehension, teachers should introduce the seven cognitive strategies of effective readers: activating, inferring, monitoring-clarifying, questioning, searching-selecting, summarizing, and visualizing-organizing.

What is online writing jobs?

Online Writing Jobs is looking for talented freelance writers with strong writing skills and an even stronger motivation to create great website content for the brands and companies we work with. Our clients come from a variety of different fields, including, but not limited to: Automotive. Education/Academic.

The Numbers

First, let’s talk about some numbers, so you understand the market as it is.

How to Make a Living with Your Book

The first step to making money with your book is to become better than the average writer. The publishing industry rewards superstars. You become a superstar writer by becoming the best at writing books.

How to Make a Living with Your Knowledge

One of the best ways to make money with your knowledge is through public speaking.

How to Make a Living with Your Writing Skills

With each book you write, you get better at writing. Your writing skill set is very valuable. The fastest, easiest way to put that skill into practice is to become a freelance copywriter.

How to Make a Living with Your Celebrity

You can make a living as a writer on the strength of your our credibility alone. And you don’t even need to be that famous, just trusted by a few thousand people.

You Only Need One Tactic

Not every writer can or should implement all these tactics. Consider this article a pantry where you can pick up only the ingredients that will enhance the dish you’re preparing. Don’t use all of them at once.


I crafted this plan with bestselling and award-winning author James L. The Five-Year Plan is a step-by-step guide for your writing career. Learn what to do in each quarter of the year to avoid the mistakes that hijack success for most authors. Set yourself up for success. Learn more at .

What was the path of a writer before the internet?

Before the Internet became a thing, the path of a writer was a long, and often frustrating profession, guaranteeing nothing even after years of committed writing. You have heard the stories of famous authors rejected multiple times before getting published.

Why do authors fail to make a living?

Here are 4 reasons authors fail to make a living writing: They only write one book. You need momentum with your book platform to generate enough monthly sales to support your lifestyle. This is possible with building out a library of books and maximizing on the earning power for each.

What is author platform?

Your author platform is the structure of your writing career. It should consist of multiple income streams. This begins with your platform. According to Michael Hyatt, bestselling author of Platform and Free to Focus, a platform is, “The means by which you connect with your existing and potential fans.

How difficult is it to make money from one book?

Making money from one book can be very difficult. Most authors who earn a living as a successful writer have several, if not many, books in the pipeline.

What is every writer's dream?

It is every writer’s dream: to make a living writing the kind of books you love to read.

Can you offer readers another version of your book in large print form?

Did you know you can offer readers another version of your book in large print form? This isn’t a huge market but, depending on the age range of your readers, a great option for children’s books or readers with impaired vision.

Is it worth making a living from writing?

Making a living from your writing is definitely worth it and, as a writer who wants to earn cash online from their craft, it is one of the most rewarding achievements you will experience in the self-publishing business.

What is freelance writing website?

Your freelance writing website is a place to show your credibility as a freelance writer – even if this is your FIRST DAY! or you JUST landed a freelance writing job. And it will be how you make a living as an online writer.

What to do when pitching a freelance writer?

When pitching, try to have a process so that you stick to it, and make it part of your hustle strategy. For some new freelance writers, sending that first pitch brings a lot of fear. Fear in pitching doesn’t have to cripple you and stop your dreams of making a living as a freelance writer.

How to be successful in the inbound process?

To be successful with the inbound process, you need to effectively market your freelance writing service. Funnily enough, when I first started understanding the marketing side of business, I fell in love with what I was learning.

When you find a freelance writing job that you are interested in, it’s time to send your pitch.?

When you find a freelance writing job that you are interested in, it’s time to send your pitch. Your pitch should mention where you found the ad, who you are and how you can help the prospect.

Can I build a portfolio with Upwork?

Places like Upwork value bulk content for the cheapest rates. And, your writing is mostly ghostwritten, so you can’t build your portfolio with Upwork.

Is freelance writing a poplar?

Freelancing is becoming bigger and bigger each year and it’s projected to be a poplar choice for the masses. And with the internet and ease of access, it’s easier than ever to start a blog and make money from your blog by offering your writing services.

Is it possible to cold pitch for freelance writing?

As a mom to twins, I had no time to cold pitch or find freelance writing jobs month after month. Yes, I did do this in the beginning and I was successful; but that is only a short term strategy.

Should I Write for Myself or Write for Clients?

As you can see, there are tons of ways to make a full-time living writing. And the beautiful part is, you don’t have to do one or the other. That brings me to a question I received from a reader of this blog. I wanted to share the response I gave this writer because it’s a conundrum many may find themselves in. She wrote:

The Quickest Way to Make Money Writing? Writing for Myself or for Clients

I just want to add a couple of more points to clarify my answer because which route you should pursue first depends on your personal circumstances.

Learn How to Make Money Writing Romance

I’ve earned as much as $3,200 in one month writing short romance novels and selling them on Amazon (and other outlets). You can too! Learn how to:

How to Make a FT Living Writing: A Quick, 5-Step Action Plan

Following is a quick action plan to get you started making a living writing.


There is no set way to make a living as a writer. I’ve said this a lot the last few years, but it bears repeating – in my opinion, there has never been a better time in the history of the world to be a writer, especially if you embrace writing for yourself.

How do you become a successful fiction writer?

To become a successful fiction writer you have to write consistently, read often, find a process that works for you, and publish at least 1 book a year on average.

What is Self-Publishing School?

We help you save time, money, and headaches through the book, writing, marketing, and publishing process by giving you the proven, step-by-step process and accountability to publish successfully. All while allowing you to maintain control of your book–and its royalties.

What is traditional publishing?

Traditional publishing is probably the method you’re most familiar with. It’s when a book is published through a traditional publishing company, typically having gone through an agent acquired through a query process.

Do all writers benefit from a platform?

No matter how you’ve published, all writers benefit from a platform.

Is writing a good investment?

The most worthwhile time investment for a writer is, surprise, writing! Even if it isn’t to produce new content you intend to monetize, writing for practice is a great use of your time. There are loads of writing seminars you can take online. And check out free writing tutorials on YouTube!

Do hybrid authors publish?

There are plenty of authors who hybrid publish.

Is it easier to become a fiction writer?

But remember: becoming a full-time fiction writer is easier now than it has EVER been before.

When did Ginny Swart start writing?

Ginny Swart started writing short stories in 2001, and to date has sold over 700 short stories to women’s magazines all over the world. Her more serious work has appeared in literary publications in South Africa, Canada, and New Zealand and on the Web.

How do you get paid for short stories?

Magazine journalists usually pitch their ideas to the editor of their target publication and if the editor is interested, they can usually consider their article sold. What’s more, they know upfront how much per word the publication pays.

What does it mean to submit multiple stories?

This multiple submitting means that some stories can earn quite a bit of money, but this needs good record-keeping: date submitted, acceptance/ rejection, payment made, date published etc. Or you could end up submitting a story twice to the same magazine. Embarrassing!

How many words does Elizabeth Dale write?

Elizabeth Dale, an extremely successful writer, aims at completing one story per day, of between 1000 and 3000 words.

How many times can you sell a short story?

With a short story, the trick is to sell it more than once .

What is the difference between a journalist and a short story writer?

Perhaps the main difference between journalists who write for their living (and earn a lot more) and those of us who write short stories, is that for them, writing is their job. For short story writers, it is our pleasure, and actually getting paid for them is the icing on our literary cake.

Do magazines pay the same for shorter stories?

Most magazines have standard rates for a shorter or longer story, others pay the same no matter what the length. Some have a sliding scale: for the first story of yours which they accept, you are paid ‘beginner’s rates’ and as they accept more submissions, your remuneration improves until it is more than double your first payment.
