To request Passed/Not Passed grading for a letter-graded course when the action requires approval, use the Optional P/NP Grading Mode Change petition. The form is available for students who are not in good standing to petition their Dean’s Office based on recent Academic Senate flexibilities; petitions must be submitted before the deadlines above.
Full Answer
Jan 28, 2021 · From the calendar view, select the course or from the list view, and then find the course. Select Edit next to Letter or P/NP grading. Select appropriate Letter grading or Optional Pass/No-Pass. Select the checkmark to submit changes. Note: Undergraduate Students are not able to change the grading option for courses with a repeat limit restriction.
For more information about the UC Davis duplication of credit and course repeat restrictions, see Restricted Credit. ... a ‘P’ grade for pass/no pass graded courses, and an ‘IP’ for deferred graded courses. For graduate students, it is a ‘B-‘ or better for letter-graded courses and an ‘S’ grade for S/U graded courses. ...
Students at Continuing and Professional Education may opt to take an academic credit course as Pass/No Pass (P/NP) or may choose to Audit. If a student decides to change their grading type they must complete a Petition for Grading Option Change form and submit it to the Student Services office before the last class meeting. Once the grading type is changed, grades cannot …
The Optional P/NP Grading Mode Change petition is used to modify the grading option of a course from letter grading to pass/no pass grading when the action requires approval. IMPORTANT : For most students, this form is not accessible, unless the student is authorized/asked to fill out this petition by an advisor. The advisor will issue a form request …
Students may modify the number of units of a variable-unit course by the 25th day of instruction. Obtain permission from the instructor and using Schedule Builder:
Students can reinstate the original grade mode for Grading Variance courses by completing the Undergraduate Course Change form by the 25th day of instruction.
Repeating a course with a passing grade is not allowed. For undergraduate students, a passing grade for repeat purposes is a ‘C-‘ or better for letter-graded courses, a ‘P’ grade for pass/no pass graded courses, and an ‘IP’ for deferred graded courses. For graduate students, it is a ‘B-‘ or better for letter-graded courses and an ‘S’ grade for S/U graded courses. You are re-enrolling in a course for which no grade has been assigned. Effective Fall 2012, undergraduates may be dropped from the course if they receive a passing grade once grades have been processed for a previous term.
Enrollment into a course for which you have a pending Incomplete 'I' grade—you may not re-enroll in a course if you have an unresolved Incomplete ‘I’ grade for that course. Schedule Builder will prevent undergraduate students from re-enrolling in a course with an unresolved ‘I’ grade.
Some courses may have restrictions on the number of units or times they are repeatable. If a course is approved to be repeated for credit, the description of the course in the General Catalog states the restrictions for repeating the course.
An undergraduate student in good standing on the basis of GPA may request to take specific courses on a Passed/Not Passed basis and is subject to regulation by the faculties of the colleges and schools.
Read and understand all information and policies about petitioning for optional P/NP grading - including important information about timing and potential impact on minimum progress and graduation.
Registration takes place during two intervals called “Passes.” Undergraduate students are assigned a registration appointment time during each of the two passes.
Graduate students do not have assigned appointment times and may enroll in classes anytime Monday–Friday 6 a.m.–midnight and Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m.–6 p.m.
To register in courses after the 12th day of instruction without any prior existing enrollment for the current term, submit a General Appeal Petition to the Office of the University Registrar. For inquires, contact the Office of the University Registrar.
To change the unit value of a course after the 25th day of instruction, but on or before the last day of instruction, approval of a graduate advisor with signature authority and the dean of Graduate Studies is required.
If permission is granted, a permission to add (PTA) number will be issued by the instructor or the department. A PTA number is valid for only 72 hours after it is issued ...
To drop a course after the deadline 10-day or 20-day drop deadline, approval of a graduate advisor with signature authority and the Dean of Graduate Studies is required. A graduate advisor with signature authority must endorse the Permission to Drop Petition Form. Submit the form to Graduate Studies for Dean's approval.
To modify the grading option of a course after the 25th day of instruction, but on or before the last day of instruction, approval of a graduate advisor with signature authority and the Dean of Graduate Studies is required.
Here are some of the ways students and their families can connect with UC Davis Undergraduate Admissions:
How will Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) grading in 2020-2021 affect my admission to the University of California (UC)?#N#UC has temporarily suspended the letter grade requirement for A-G courses completed through summer 2021 for all students, including UC’s most recently admitted freshmen.
I had to take Pass/No Pass (Credit/No Credit) this term. Will it affect my ability to enroll?
If I am applying for fall 2022, am I still required to take the SAT or ACT test? What if the test was canceled? Can I take the SAT or ACT and submit scores if I would like to?