A Course of Love (ACOL) is one of those few: a book that changes lives. ACOL is a complete course on Self-knowledge leading to lasting benefits to your life. It’s not a book of mental concepts, but one that reaches into your heart and works a transformation. Listen, for example, to the words a reviewer posted on Amazon.com:
Top Relationship Courses (Udemy) 2. Conscious Uncoupling with Katherine Woodward Thomas (Mindvalley) 3. Reduce conflict and get more connected (Ready Set Love) 4. The Ultimate Guide to Love, Dating and Relationships (Udemy)
Read on and learn some of the doable ways in which you can learn how to love — become more loving, win your partner back, and enjoy a satisfying relationship. Once you know what genuine love looks like, it will be easy to implement. You might be thinking, This is too good to be true. And that’s fine, you can’t always help what you think.
The Combined Volume, published by Take Heart Publications, includes all three books that form A Course of Love: The Course, The Treatises, and The Dialogues. Its presentation is developed carefully. It is easiest to understand when the three books are read from the beginning and in sequence.
How to Like the Course You HateGo to the class. Skipping classes will only make the situation worse. ... Try. ... Don't procrastinate. ... Talk to the professor. ... Engage with other students. ... Try to connect the class to something you do like.
- Play on pleasure, develop fun and interactive activities. - Illustrate the title of a course with an image inserted in the section, this can make it more attractive. - Encourage exchanges between participants, especially between students, so that they actively participate in the course.
A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.
These are our top tips for studying the day before an exam:Wake up early. ... Choose the right place to work. ... Go to the library prepared. ... Create a plan before you start. ... Refrain from panicking. ... Use lecture slides and past papers. ... Study without technology and social media. ... Re-read your lecture notes and highlight.More items...•
Here are five simple ways to engage your learners by making your online learning program more interactive.Ask for feedback. Any chance the learners have to leave feedback is a great opportunity for interaction. ... Let people choose the way. ... Make it social. ... Invite learners to contribute. ... Encourage peer evaluation.
So how do you make the best utilization of the self-paced online course that you've signed up for?Estimate the time you can give. ... Build the online habit. ... Understand and learn the technical requirements beforehand. ... Reach out for help if you need it. ... Remember to network – online or offline!
When students feel comfortable in their learning environment, they feel confident to express their ideas, ask questions, and connect with the course in a meaningful way. The second ingredient is caring about students' well being and expressing genuine concern for their success.
Course quality standards are a valuable component in the instructional design process. They help guide course writers and identify needed improvements within courses and programs, and they create consistency in both faculty expectations and the student experience.
To design an effective course, you need to:Consider timing and logistics.Recognize who your students are.Identify the situational constraints.Articulate your learning objectives.Identify potential assessments.Identify appropriate instructional strategies.Plan your course content and schedule.
10 proven tips to study smarter, not harderStudy in short chunks. Short study sessions help the synapses in your brain process information much better than lots of information in long sessions. ... Get in the zone. ... Sleep well and exercise. ... Write flash cards. ... Connect the dots. ... Set goals. ... Test yourself. ... Aim to teach it.More items...•
Simple memory tips and tricksTry to understand the information first. Information that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize. ... Link it. ... Sleep on it. ... Self-test. ... Use distributed practice. ... Write it out. ... Create meaningful groups. ... Use mnemonics.More items...
Six Steps to Smarter StudyingPay attention in class.Take good notes.Plan ahead for tests and projects.Break it down. (If you have a bunch of stuff to learn, break it into smaller chunks.)Ask for help if you get stuck.Get a good night's sleep!
How do I forgive myself? How do I stop worrying about my kids? Am I good enough? All these questions and more are answered in “You Got This!”
Crushed is an inspiring true story so raw and unflinchingly real that you will feel like you’re reading your own story and will begin to believe in your own happy ending.
If you're ready to learn new perspectives and practice actions that generate greater happiness, confidence, success and self-love, then you're perfectly prepared to take this course.
You're bright, talented, motivated, and deserving, but SOMETHING keeps holding you back from the success you logically deserve in finances, romance, and/or life satisfaction. What could it be?
This course is geared for people who want to be happier and love themselves better, and it recognizes that you probably have thoughts and feelings that get in the way. The course does its best to guide you through the process of implementing new life patterns, but best results happen when you make commitments and do your homework.
Shaun Roundy's cv reads like a character from an action-adventure movie.
Love the stories and lessons to learn through them. Thank you for the example to constantly seek growth.
The course is ideal for singles, students, families, couples, divorcees, and specialists. The instructor, Kain Ramsay, has already helped more than 300,000 people improve their communication skills to nurture relations.
Ready Set Love is all set to help you improve your love life and relations in the bigger picture. With various audios, videos, and blogs, you can learn from the comfort of your home and grow your relationships stronger. The courses are not just limited to couples with conflict. Anyone who wants to communicate better can enroll for the courses here to learn and implement methods for sound relations. The course instructor uses scientific methods to help you with techniques to develop deeper connections and intimate relationships. Don’t forget to check the Best Negotiation Courses curated by us.
Commit to Your Relationship. Decide that you are going to be in the relationship; that you are going to work toward its growth; that you will nourish it to the best of your ability. Without that commitment, you don’t have the necessary foundation to build a loving relationship.
In order to be more loving, you have to understand what love truly is. It’s not just a feeling. It’s a Commitment. It’s an Action. It’s a Decision. Those initial feelings–the butterflies, the heart flutters, and the buckling knees, are all part of “falling in love.”. It’s like a knee-jerk reaction.
As Jim Rohn says, “What is easy to do is also easy not to do.” And this is an underlying principle that will carry through in all aspects of communication. Distractions are a surefire way to ensure a lack of understanding or interpretation of a conversation, which in turn, will create inefficiencies and a poor foundation for communication.
After all, time is our most prized possession. You show someone you love them by spending quality time with them. If you want to become more loving, find time every day to connect with your loved one.
Relationships are partnerships. Often, one or both of the people involved forget that; they’re a little too self-absorbed, always wanting what they want when they want it regardless of how their partner feels. Since all relationships require some form of compromise to be successful, the couple has to work as a team.
Yes, it’s good to spend time together. In fact, I recommend it, but it’s also good to find a healthy balance. Providing space means you allow your partner to express himself/herself in the way they enjoy. Allowing your partner time with friends and family is important. You don’t have to be by their side 24/7.
All the heart flutters, the butterflies in the belly, and the buckling knees, can’t replace genuine loving acts. Don’t allow your relationship to be fed by simply stringing a set of words together. It takes a great deal more than that. It takes a Commitment, an Action, and a Decision. Done over and over again.
Self love is about unlocking your potential and becoming the woman you dream of being. Self love is about no longer settling and finally feeling worthy and capable of your desires. Self love is about boundaries, pleasure, authenticity, and making more time for your most important asset – you.
A radically fresh approach to self-love, that is practical, fun and actually works. One that does involve doing the inner and outer work to bust through your blocks, step into your self-worth, and makeover your life to match your heart and soul.
A Course of Love enters our lives to transform us. A Course of Love (ACOL) is one of those few: a book that changes lives. ACOL is a complete course on Self-knowledge leading to lasting benefits to your life. It’s not a book of mental concepts, but one that reaches into your heart and works a transformation. Listen, for example, to the words ...
The Dialogues: third book in A Course of Love. As the title suggests, The Dialogues are an exchange between the reader and Christ-consciousness, which is present in all that she or he is in relationship with. You are invited not only to listen but also to respond.
While The Course describes the foundational principles on which our true Self rests and seals the rift between mind and heart, The Treatises help us to bring that wholehearted connection into everyday life.
The mind may say, “Yes, yes, I know. Tell me something I don’t know.”.
Learning is not meant to last. You have realized that all of your learning and studying has taken you as far as you can go. But now the time is upon you to leave learned works behind in favor of observation, vision, and revelation. Now is the time to leave behind study for imagining, envisioning, and desire.