how to load a tcx course to garmin 820

by Noel Terry 10 min read

Plug in your garmin access it like a thumb drive. find the file "new files" open it. drag the tcx file into that.

Full Answer

Can I use a TCX file for Garmin navigation?

So, alongside Garmin’s dedicated navigation, you get beeps and text for each pre-planned cue entry in the cue sheet. This is especially helpful if you have custom cue sheet entries, as well as a nice double check to Garmin’s own navigation. The downside to a TCX file for navigation is the Virtual Partner.

How do I import a third party course into Garmin Connect?

Importing a Third-Party Course Into Garmin Connect Web. Login to Garmin Connect from a computer. Select from the navigation menu on the left. Select Courses. Select Import (Bottom Right of the Course List Window. Example below.)

What kind of navigation does the edge 820 use?

The Edge 820 can use either a GPX Track, FIT Course, or TCX. A TCX Course has the advantage of embedding your planned route’s cue sheet. So, alongside Garmin’s dedicated navigation, you get beeps and text for each pre-planned cue entry in the cue sheet.

How can I upload a course to TCX?

Some people have made courses uploadable by using GPSsies to convert them to TCX files. I have tried GPSies and loads of other editors and converters including editing the text myself to mimic a course I had created in GC but to no avail.

How do I load a TCX file into my Garmin?

Importing CoursesLog in to Garmin Connect web from a web browser.Select Training. ... Select Courses.Select Import (located in the bottom right of the course list).Drag and drop the course file into the box or select Browse to search.Select Get Started.Select a course type, then select Continue.Select.More items...

How do I upload a course to my Garmin 820?

Planning and Riding a CourseSelect Navigation > Courses > Course Creator > Add First Location.Select an option: ... Select Use.Select Add Next Location.Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you have selected all locations for the route.Select View Map. ... Select Ride.

How do I transfer routes to my Garmin Edge 820?

Following a Course From Garmin ConnectSelect an option: Open the Garmin Connect Mobile app. ... Create a new course, or select an existing course.Select Send to Device.Follow the on-screen instructions.On the Edge® device, select Navigation > Courses > Saved Courses.Select the course.Select Ride.

Does Garmin use TCX files?

A TCX file is an XML formatted file used by various Garmin devices and applications (e.g. Garmin Connect) to store as well as transport GPS and fitness data between Garmin products.

How do I load a route into my Garmin?

Garmin Connect AppOpen the Garmin Connect app.Open the Menu: Android: Select. ... Select Training.Select Courses.Select Create Course.Select a course type from the list provided.Select a Drawing Method: ... Once you're done creating your course, select Done or Save.

Can I send a route to my Garmin?

Garmin offers the ability to sync routes from Strava to your Garmin device through Garmin Connect. Once you've enabled this feature, you can star your favorite routes in your Strava account and they will be sent to your Garmin device the next time you sync.

How do I upload a route to my Garmin Edge?

How do I load A Route Onto The Edge 520?Plug in your Garmin.On the website, navigate to your route or ride.Go to the Export tab.Click TCX Course or FIT Course.If your computer prompts you to save the file to a specific location, place it somewhere memorable like the desktop.More items...

How do I transfer a GPX file to my Garmin?

With the release of the 2.9 version of the Garmin Explore app for iOS and Android, users are able to import GPX files from their smartphone which can be synced to a paired Garmin device....Importing a GPX File From MapTap .Select Import GPX File.Select a file source.Select the GPX file.Select Done.

How do I import a GPX file into Garmin Connect?

Uploading Fitness Data from a GPX File into Garmin ConnectConnect the device to computer using a USB cable.Log into Garmin Connect.Click.Select Import Data.Select Browse.Locate device showing as a mass storage drive.Click Garmin folder.Click GPX folder.More items...

How do I use TCX files?

To manually open a TCX file, rename the ". tcx" file extension to ". zip" then expand the archive with a Zip decompression program, such as Corel WinZip, Apple Archive Utility, or 7-Zip. To create a TCX file, simply reverse the aforementioned process.

Does Garmin use TCX or GPX?

GPX, or GPS Exchange Format, is a common an (xml) data format which can describe waypoints, tracks, and routes. TCX or Training Center XML format is also an xml data format, but was created by Garmin. It is very similar to GPX but treats a track as an Activity rather than simply a series of GPS points.

Is GPX or TCX better for Garmin?

GPX Track This file type contains the thousands of points used to draw the map. Your GPS will follow this track and is the next most common format we recommend for units that cannot use a TCX Course file.

What happens when you load a TCX course?

If you load a TCX Course or a TCX History of an uploaded ride on the site (a ride that you or someone else recorded and uploaded to our site) you will get virtual partner speeds identical to the speeds actually ridden along the ride. This is helpful when riding against your previous time, or someone else’s previous time.

What is Garmin Edge 820?

Garmin Edge 820. The Garmin Edge 820 is a top of the line GPS unit for navigation and training. It offers many features that may be useful, though for 99% of users the Edge 810 or Edge Touring is just as capable. We recommend the Edge 820 only for those who wish to have the latest and greatest features available from Garmin.

What is TCX course?

A TCX Course has the advantage of embedding your planned route’s cue sheet. So, alongside Garmin’s dedicated navigation, you get beeps and text for each pre-planned cue entry in the cue sheet. This is especially helpful if you have custom cue sheet entries, as well as a nice double check to Garmin’s own navigation.

What is the downside of a TCX file?

The downside to a TCX file for navigation is the Virtual Partner. When we create a TCX Course file for a pre-planned route, we have to embed fake timestamps on each point, which is used for the virtual partner speed on the GPS unit. As a result, you’ll end up racing against the virtual partner.

Does Garmin map always have North?

Some users strongly prefer the map always be displayed with North at the top of the map. The default setting on the Garmin is for the map to always rotate so your current heading is towards the top of the map. To change this:
