how to link my lynda .com course to my linkedin page

by Mr. Torey Boyer Jr. 3 min read

1. Log into 2. Mouse over your profile in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down menu, click on "Certificates". 3. Locate the training certificate you would like to add to your LinkedIn Profile and click on "Share".

How do I add Lynda certificates to my LinkedIn profile?
  1. Locate the training certificate you would like to add to your LinkedIn Profile and click on "Share".
  2. In the pop-up window, click on "Add to Profile".
  3. Log into LinkedIn and click on "Publish to Profile".
  4. Your certificate has been successfully published!

Full Answer

Are all Lynda courses available on LinkedIn Learning?

Note that by unlinking your accounts, no further sharing will occur, but information already shared will not be automatically deleted by either platform. You can link your and LinkedIn ...

How do I sign up for a Lynda account?

Aug 12, 2019 · If you shared a link using this feature (via the share arrow above the video player), it will work, but will not point to the specific content. Instead, it will take you to the associated course overview page in LinkedIn Learning. This will be the case until December 31, 2019. Afterward, links will no longer function in any ...

Where can I find all the courses available in Lynda?

1. Log into . 2. Mouse over your profile in the upper-right corner. In the drop-down menu, click on "Certificates". 3. Locate the training certificate you would like to add to your LinkedIn Profile and click on "Share". 4. In the pop-up window, click on "Add to Profile".

Can I still join Lynda as an individual subscriber?

Jul 16, 2015 · When LinkedIn acquired in April there was a swirl of press, speculating LinkedIn’s motivation considering this was the fourth largest deal in social media history. It moves LinkedIn into the education technology arena, a powerful space. LinkedIn’s mission to connect people and jobs on a massive scale combined with the changing landscape of how people …

How do you add a course to your LinkedIn profile?

To add a course or a learning path certificate to your LinkedIn profile:
  1. Click More to the right of the course title you want to add.
  2. Select Add to profile from the dropdown. ...
  3. From the confirmation pop-up window, check the Share with network box to send an update about your course completion on LinkedIn.

Can I use my Lynda account for LinkedIn Learning?

Yes, LinkedIn Learning allows users to sign up and pay using their credit card.

How do I link to my LinkedIn Company Page?

To connect to a company page, do the following:
  1. Sign into LinkedIn and click to edit your profile.
  2. Under the experience section, find the company and position you would like to edit and click the edit link.
  3. Under company name, click the link to “Change Company.”
  4. Begin typing in the new company name.
May 15, 2012

What happened to Lynda courses?

In 2019 LinkedIn (parent company of announced that the platform would be shutting down, and the Lynda content would migrate to the LinkedIn Learning platform, a paid service through LinkedIn.Sep 3, 2021

Can I still use Lynda without LinkedIn?

If a user chooses not to integrate their LinkedIn profile, they still have access to all of the high quality content and training benefits that came along with 7, 2019

How do I Create a company page on LinkedIn that is not connected to my main profile?

Click the “Work” icon in the top right corner of your LinkedIn homepage. Choose the “Create a company page” option. Choose either the “Small business” option or the “Medium to large business” option depending on the size of your business.Jan 7, 2020 is now LinkedIn Learning

All of’s courses and expert instructors are now on LinkedIn Learning. See all topics

Find the right course for you

Choose from over 17,400 courses and Learning Paths, dozens added each week.

Gretchen Rubin on Creating Great Workplace Habits

Choose from over 17,400 courses and Learning Paths, dozens added each week.

Why do companies pay for LinkedIn learning?

Many corporations pay for LinkedIn Learning so that their employees can keep up with important soft skills or technical skills, continuing education in a specialty. You can check with your HR department if they offer this perk.

Can I access Lynda on my phone? still has its own page (again, for web access use your library link) and once you are logged in, you will be able to access their entire library of thousands of videos covering a wide range of business and technical topics. If you are trying to login via the mobile app on Android or iOS, there is an individual tab as well as an organization tab (see screenshot above) and it can be a little tricky here, so the user experience can vary here -- but I found by entering my library URL under this “Sign in with your organization portal” that it then popped up a new login screen. Numerous comments on the app review pages showed that contacting Lynda help or your library admin guides you to a solution. You can pull these videos up via Chromecast or Apple TV, too.
