how to keep course beards untangled

by Eryn Champlin 7 min read

You will need a comb to untangle hair that might be intertwined and a boar’s hair brush to shape them into place. Keep your brushing strides short, simple, and in a downward motion and continue for one or two minutes. Repeat daily and like any other training, be consistent and make sure to not miss a day.

Full Answer

How to stop your beard sticking out?

Doing a little bit every day will avoid you having to do big interventions with your beard. Coming up with your own daily maintained schedule will be your best offense for keeping your beard tangle-free! Deep hydration. Sometimes you beard just needs a good nourishing treatment to make sure that your beard isn’t dry and prone to tangling!

How to take care of a rougher beard?

 · Follow these five steps to keep beard hairs from sticking out: Wash your beard Apply beard oil Comb your beard Apply beard styling balm Shape with a beard brush How to Get Your Beard to Lay Flat 1. Wash Your Beard Ok now you have you got everything you need. It is firstly time to hop in the shower and give your beard a wash.

How to apply conditioner to a beard?

 · 3. Remove any visible Ear or Nose Hairs. This is mandatory, no one likes ear or nose hairs, they must be trimmed or plucked. No excuses. 4. Above the Ear to Lip Line. If you trace a finger and draw a line from the middle of your ear, to the corner of your lip, you will get what is known as the cheek line. It will be diagonal and cut through the ...

How to train your beard to grow in a certain direction?

 · 1. Beard Shampoo. As previously stated, beard shampooing should play a major role in your beard care routine and it can surely make your beard soft from day one. A clean beard is a good looking beard! That’s why the first product we recommend is the Woodland Harmony Beard Shampoo.

What do you use beard balm for?

Beard balm moisturizes your beard and helps to style it. Beard balm can be used daily for grooming and shaping.

What are the best beard care products?

Beard balm and beard oil are the most essential products you need for grooming. A good pair of trimmers and a beard wash are also very useful.

Is it good to comb your beard?

Yes, combing your beard helps to shape it. Combing also distributes oils and reduces tangling.

Is coconut oil good for your beard?

Yes, coconut oil moisturizes and protects beard hair. However, it may clog the pores of your skin, so avoid if you are prone to breakouts.

How to keep beard from tangling?

As you can imagine from the previous points being made, we are now going to suggest some ways to keep your beard from tangling. 1. Let them grow out. When it comes to growing a beard, there is a fine line between neglecting to trim and overtrimming and you want to be right in the middle of it.

How to train a beard to lay down?

Well, no matter the texture and shape, you can train your beard to lay down and grow towards a specific direction and the most important step is to comb and brush it every single day. You will need a comb to untangle hair that might be intertwined and a boar’s hair brush to shape them into place.

Why is my beard curly?

There’s a variety of reasons why a beard can become curly over time. The most important factor about that is genetics. Other reasons are the shape of hair follicles, environmental factors, and also dieting and eating habits.

How to get rid of clogged pores on beard?

Exfoliate. Last but definitely not least, you should never miss out on a chance to exfoliate! By thoroughly scrubbing your beard and the skin underneath it, you remove the dead skin and hair cells, get rid of any clogged pores, and increase the blood circulation on your face.

Why do you need to condition your beard?

Conditioning will moisturize and nourish your hair and that is why you should start it from the first stages of your journey in order to prevent many wild beard hairs from appearing later.

How to keep beard moisturized?

By using thick, tough brushes you will also manage to evenly disperse the natural oils on the whole length of your beard keeping it moisturized while simultaneously cleaning it from the dirt and sweat that has been accumulating throughout the day.

When to do a beard touch up?

After a good night’s sleep, some hair will be set in place while others might have different progress. That is why the next morning will be a good time to do some touching up on any rogue hair (no pun intended) and perfect the shape of your beard.

How to keep your beard looking good?

A regular routine will help you maintain your beard and keep it looking it’s best. You can’t go too wrong with brushing your beard but you don’t want to cause any extra damage to your beard.

How to work my beard towards my chin?

I always work my beard towards my chin in long sweeping motions with a wide toothed comb, getting right to the skin with each stroke.

How many hairs do you snip off a beard?

They allow precision – I only typically snip off one or two hairs to perfect the line of my beard.

How often should I trim my beard?

I like to trim my beard every couple of weeks once it is at the stage where I want to maintain it’s length and keep the lines looking defined.

When to use beard conditioner?

I tend to use a beard conditioner when I’m at the end of my grooming – a little goes a long way. I use a narrow tooth comb or beard brush to distribute it through my beard.

How to get rid of excess beard oil?

After the beard oil has been given a few minutes to sink in, I will use a beard brush to lightly go over the entire beard surface. I find that this removes any excess beard oil (if I have been a little overzealous with the oil) and provides a perfect positioning.

What is the difference between boar hair and synthetic bristles?

You have to choose between natural boars hair or synthetic. Boars hair has the potential to absorb some of the beard oil that you are placing on your beard while synthetic bristles are cruelty-free and will last a little longer than boar hair.

How to stop beard from sticking out?

Note: Using beard balm itself might well be the answer to help you to stop your beard sticking out and getting it to lay flat. This will only really work for those who have got quite a tame beard though and is only slightly unruly — where just a bit of help is needed.

How to get rid of intertwined beard?

Comb it through to help spread the beard oil right throughout the beard and untangle potentially any beard hairs that have become intertwined. Make sure you do it in a motion that isn’t tugging on the beard — short simple strides is fine. If you prefer to use a beard conditioning balm here that’s fine too, but instead of a comb — I’d recommend reaching for a brush instead.

How to grow a beard in a certain direction?

In addition to this, reach for the boar bristle brush and run it through your beard and do this regularly for a few weeks. This will start to train your beard to grow in a certain direction. You are essentially shaping it into place. Then for the really sticky out bits, either just give them a snip or reach for a wax to apply just to that particular section.

How to make beard flat?

Now reach over to the beard styling balm and emulsify it through your hand and start to spread it out across the beard and right through it. Then gradually start to shape it downwards towards your cheeks and face. Essentially, with the hold that the balm is giving you, you will be able to help it lay flat.

Can you use beard oil on your beard?

Now, once you have washed and towel patted dry your beard to a certain dampness — you can apply some beard oil. This is a great time to do this as this is when your skin pores are most exposed. Continue to pat and dry off your beard.

Does shampoo strip beard oil?

A standard shampoo acts to firstly not only strip the natural oils that are within your beard (such as sebum) to keep it moist but it will also provide a coating that will prevent extra moisture from getting in. Great, for making it look healthy and shiny, bad for the actual beard.

How to wash a beard?

Ok now you have you got everything you need. It is firstly time to hop in the shower and give your beard a wash. Make sure the water isn’t too hot (as this can potentially damage the beard by drying it) but at a luke warm temperature and that you wash the beard with a ‘beard friendly’ conditioner (usually not the same stuff that you used for your head) and certianly not a standard shampoo.

How to make your neck beard look bigger?

1. Shave Under the Chin. A Neck beard is the area of your beard that grows from your Adams apple (mid neck) down to the top of your chest and it should be shaven completely. The reason for this is twofold, if you have hair on your neck it makes it seem like your beard is much dirtier and not organised. The 2nd purpose is to make you chin seem ...

How to get rid of neck hair?

2. Under the Ears. If you trace a finger under your ear lobe down your neck, you may have some awkward neck hair that extends out towards the back of your head away from your face. You want to shave or trim the hair behind and below your ear. 3.

How to cut the top of your lip?

Simply take a cutting tool, either scissors or an electronic trimmer and make a defined line where the top of your upper lip meets the skin. Be careful as the lip is quite sensitive and you do not want to cut it.

Do you have to trim nose hair?

This is mandatory, no one likes ear or nose hairs, they must be trimmed or plucked. No excuses.

What happens if you shave your neck too far up?

Warning, if you shave too far up your chin it will make your neck appear like it has too much skin, achieving the opposite effect of making you look fatter. 2. Under the Ears.

How to trim your chin?

To decide where to trim, simply put two fingers together and run them up your neck till they hit under your head. This is the point that your neck meets your chin. Shave everything under this line.

Does hair grow above the lip line?

Hair does not normally grow above this line, but if it does you want to shave off any hairs that are above the line. 5. Neaten the Upper Lip. When you have a conversation with others, its common to watch lips as others speak and nothing more uncomfortable than hairs that reach over your upper lip and enter the mouth.

How to keep a healthy beard?

First of all, in order to maintain a healthy, good-looking beard, you need to wash away all the dirt of the day. So, give your beard a proper shampooing and conditioning. Our motto in terms of hygiene is that there is no such thing as too clean. So don’t worry about washing your beard too often.

How to make your beard soft?

Routine for the softest beard 1 Wash your beard with beard shampoo. Give it a proper massage while you’re at it. It will not only clean it properly, but it will also improve the quality of your skin. Experience with lots of beard shampoos tells us that Seven Potions is a healthy, wise choice. But we won’t hold it against you if you chose differently! 2 Towel dry it when you finish. Use a blow dryer if needed. But no matter your choice, be gentle. As previously said, your beard, while attached to your face, is alive. You don’t want to upset it! It has many ways to get its revenge! 3 Apply beard oil or balm on dry (not wet) beard. Apply a few drops in your hands and massage your beard working your way towards the roots. Massage the roots as well. Here again, our trial and error experience tells us that a safe choice in terms of ingredients and results would be the Seven Potions products. But if you find something better, tell us about it! 4 Use beard brush to distribute oil or balm evenly across beard and face. As previously mentioned, it will help you tremendously to obtain a soft, healthy beard!

What foods help grow a beard?

It is a crucial nutrient helping with growth and cell regeneration. Try to eat eggs, nuts, avocado, salmon and low-fat cheese, all very rich in biotin.

Does hard water harm beards?

Washing with hard water can have negative effects on the quality of your beard as well. What do we mean by hard water?

Does cold weather affect beards?

You didn’t think cold temperatures affect the health of your beard? Well, think again. Just like your skin gets dry, your beard gets dry as well. After all, it is a living organisms as long as it is attached to your face. Low temperatures can have a devastating effect for the quality of your beard! Why? Because the effect of dryness is, guess what? A rough hard beard!

Did nobody invent the beard protection mechanism?

Unfortunately, although we are currently living the second industrial revolution, as far as we are aware, nobody invented a protection mechanism for our beards yet.

What does dirty beard mean?

It cannot fight debris, food or dust. In such case, a dirty beard means an unhealthy beard. An unhealthy beard means a rough beard. A rough beard means an ugly beard.

How to stop beard from curling?

This will extend the hair to full length, and as your hair dries it will stay in the same position. Repeatedly combing your hair in the same way every time will train your hair to keep a certain shape, which is a great way to stop your beard from curling.

How to dry beard naturally?

Using heat to dry your beard is more harmful than simply letting it air dry naturally. When you get out of the shower, pat your beard until it is damp, wait a few moments, and then use the coolest setting on your blow dryer after applying some beard oil. Keep the blow dryer about six inches from your face, blowing downward.

Is straightening your beard reversible?

Using chemicals to straighten your beard is not reversible, so be sure that you want this method before choosing it.

Can you use beard balm on unruly hair?

Using Beard Styling Balm. There is no problem with using a styling product when you are trying to wrangle unruly hairs. Luckily, there are special versions of these products designed for beard hair. After gently brushing or combing your beard, try applying a small amount of beard balm or beard butter.

Can you straighten a bushy beard?

If you do not straighten your beard in some manner afterwards it will stay curly. Curly beards are definitely a style that works for a lot of people, but they can be tough to groom. A bushy beard can be a hassle to untangle, but the more you avoid any sort of grooming the more tangles and knots you will have to deal with.

Why is my beard curly?

There can be several reasons, but the number one reason for curly beards is genetics. Your DNA determines how many waves you get in your beard by deciding the shape of your follicles. A rounder follicle opening will give straighter hair while an oval shaped follicle will grow a curled beard.

Does heat damage facial hair?

Also, do not forget that heat can damage your hair, so make sure to put on some beard oil when you finish to keep your facial hair’s softness.

How to shape a beard?

Also, don’t forget to comb the hairs away from your mouth. But first, begin by starting at your neck and combing your way upward to your chin and cheeks.

Why is beard combing important?

First, they’re a great styling tool because they help you get the look you want. Consistent – as in daily – beard combing trains your facial hair to grow in a certain direction, which is helpful for maintaining your preferred style.

How to get blood flow to facial hair?

Beard brushes gently massage the skin underneath your beard, which helps increase blood flow to your facial hair follicles.

Do you need a beard brush?

If you want your beard to look nicely groomed, you need to invest in a quality beard comb. There’s no getting around it. And you’ll need a beard brush, too, which we’ll talk about soon enough.

Can you use beard balm on a shorter beard?

That’s not to say you can’t use it for shorter beards, since it provides hydration to your beard and skin much like beard oil, but keeping your beard well-sculpted typically becomes more challenging as it continues to grow. A key ingredient in beard balm is beeswax, which holds stray whiskers in place.

Is beard balm thicker than beard oil?

Beard balm is, as you’d expect, thicker than beard oil (much thicker) while also providing many of the same benefits.

Why is beard balm a product?

You’ll often hear beard balm referred to as the “lovechild” of beard oil and beard wax, because beard balm combines some of the moisturizing qualities of beard oil with some of the hold of beard wax.

What to do when you catch yourself pulling at your beard?

If you catch yourself pulling at your beard, you need to stop it and do something else with your hands: Sit on your hands or put them in your pocket. carry a beard comb or a brush with you at all times - brushing your beard will better than picking at it. Get a piece of paper and start drawing.

What happens if you pull at your beard?

Pulling At Your Beard. Picking or pulling at your beard can cause hair loss and bald spots or holes in your beard. It can really ruin your beard, imagine how you'd look with a hole in your beard. This can ruin all the hard work you put into growing it.

Where to put your fingers on your neckline?

Put two fingers near the top of your Adam’s apple. The top of your index finger indicates where your neckline should end. Move it up or down a little if it doesn’t look quite right.

What is the neckline of a beard?

Your neckline outlines the bottom portion of your beard and face.

What is a beard brush?

A beard brush is a totally different story, the bristles are cut in different lengths to make sure not a single hair is missed. It will distribute oils evenly throughout your beard and will untangle, tame and soften your beard. Boar hair brushes are the most popular. Same goes for cheap combs.

What to use to soften beard?

You should use a beard shampoo or beard soap, they are all natural, contain essential oils and other natural ingredients that won't strip the natural oils from your facial hair, will nurture and soften your beard, eliminate beard itch and beardruff and will keep your beard clean.

Can you stroke your beard with dirty hands?

When you stroke your beard with dirty hands all that dirt and oil gets onto your beard and skin. It can cause acne or make beardruff worse. If you know your hands are not clean, you should refrain from stroking your beard. If you just love stroking it, at least make sure your hands are clean.

How to wash a beard?

Wash his beard with the sea salt mixture three to four times a day. Massage a small amount into his beard for about 30 seconds, ensuring that the hair is completely saturated . Be sure to rinse well with lukewarm water. Wash his beard with hydrogen peroxide once a day.

How to get a schnauzer's beard to tangle?

Work cornstarch into her beard with your fingers, then comb through. Cornstarch can help to absorb extra oils and give you an opportunity to feel your Schnauzer’s beard for any tangles or burrs with your fingers.

How to keep a Schnauzer's beard clean?

Combine 4 tbsp. of sea salt with 1 gallon of distilled water and keep the mixture in the fridge. Sea salt kills bacteria and will help keep your Schnauzer’s beard (or any other hair that has become discolored) clean and free from the oxidized saliva.

Why is my Schnauzer's beard discolored?

Here are the top reasons your Schnauzer’s beard may become discolored: Brown stains are around your Schnauzer’s eyes and mouth, especially if paired with an odor, could be signs of a yeast infection or other illness. Consult with your veterinarian.

How to grow a beard in a Schnauzer?

As you work through the tangles, it’s best to start on the outer edge of the beard and work your up. Gently pick or slice at the hair. Continue as long as your Schnauzer (and you) can tolerate the process.

Can a Schnauzer be matted?

However, as you can imagine, the area around your Schnauzer’s beard is sensitive, and removing matted hair can be painful. In addition, if your fur friend is anything like our Livi, she sometimes attracts burrs to her beard while out on walks.

Is daily grooming a habit?

With daily cleaning and combing, avoiding problems is simple. In addition, once this level of grooming and cleaning is part of your routine , it becomes a manageable habit.
