how to judge a horse trail course

by Laverne Ward 10 min read

The trail class is judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider, and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses that: negotiate the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, provided correctness is not sacrificed

The trail class is judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider, and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses that: negotiate the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, provided correctness is not sacrificed. show attentiveness to the ...Jan 29, 2020

Full Answer

What is it about it horse trail course guide?

Jan 29, 2020 · The trail class is judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider, and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses that: negotiate the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, provided correctness is not sacrificed. show attentiveness to the obstacles.

How do you train a horse to overcome obstacles?

JUDGING CRITERIA – DESIRABLE: 1. Horses should negotiate obstacles correctly and quietly, while still showing interest in them. 2. Stops to be quick & hard with shut down of forward momentum, and demonstrating an ability to get down on hindquarters, as in a working ranch situation. 3. Horses should stand quietly awaiting next maneuver. 4.

Is it hard to compete in a trail class with your horse?

Feb 19, 2019 · Enough space must be provided for a horse to jog at least 30 feet and lope at least 50 feet for the judges to evaluate these gaits. Walk-overs should be spaced in increments of 20 – 24 inches apart. Trot-overs should be spaced in increments of 3 – 3.5 feet apart. Lope-overs should be spaced in increments of 6 – 7 feet apart.

Why build trail obstacles for horses?

JUDGING CRITERIA RECEIVING SCORES Judges will visualize a perfect 10/10 score for their obstacle and score you according to their ‘perfect performance’. You are being judged on your partnership with your horse. Equine and rider are awarded 0-10 points each for their obstacle.

What should I look for in a trail horse?

Russ' Traits for a Good Trail Riding HorsesA calm disposition.Ability to get along with other horses.Good feet that are healthy and in proportion to his body.Pronounced set of withers.Good traveler – will walk about 4 mph alone, but can slow to 3 mph when leading a pack string.Stands tied patiently without pulling back.More items...

How do you make a horse trail course?

1:266:50Easy DIY Trail Obstacles You Can Make Yourself! - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSet into a triangle shape you could use cones or buckets for this. But if you walk your horse in onMoreSet into a triangle shape you could use cones or buckets for this. But if you walk your horse in on one side of the triangle.

How is road to the horse judged?

The Scoring All scoring throughout the entire competition is based on 70 being the average and a scale of 3 points up, to 3 points down to reward excellence and penalize ineffectiveness. In the finals, scores are awarded for completing rail work and for each obstacle.Apr 17, 2020

How wide should a horse trail be?

The recommended minimum width is 8 feet (2.4 meters) for double-track horse trails and 6 feet (1.8 meters) for single-track horse trails.

How far apart are lope over poles?

between 6 to 7 feet apartA lope-over is defined as a pole or set of poles that are spaced between 6 to 7 feet apart or increments thereof, and may be elevated up to 8 inches high.

How far apart are jog poles?

The length of the poles runs anywhere from 3 to 12 feet. Typically, the distance between poles, whether you walk over them or between them, is around 20 inches.Sep 10, 2007

How do you get into road to the horse?

Tickets to the 2022 event can be purchased online or by calling Etix at 1 (800) 514-3849. Individual ticket prices range from $95-$225, and each ticket serves as a three-day pass to the event. Again, no ticket is required for the activities that take place on March 24.Mar 25, 2022

How does the road to the horse work?

Road to the Horse is an annual colt-starting competition held at the Alltech Arena in the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Kentucky. Three trainers are invited to choose a colt from a remuda of untouched three-year old Quarter Horses provided by the American Quarter Horse Association.

How much space do you need for a horse to jog?

Enough space must be provided for a horse to jog at least 30 feet and lope at least 50 feet for the judges to evaluate these gaits.

How many feet should a box be?

Boxes made of poles should be 5-to-8-foot squares. If you ask the exhibitors to travel through a box without stopping, you must create a box that allows for the appropriate stride distances mentioned above. This may mean overlapping poles or not having poles touch at each corner.

What does "measurements should be checked before the next exhibitor is allowed on course" mean?

This means that any time a pole or any object is hit by a horse, measurements should be checked before the next exhibitor is allowed on course. They allow obstacles to be spaced according to an average horse’s stride length.

How far apart should a trot over be?

Trot-overs should be spaced in increments of 3 – 3.5 feet apart. Lope-overs should be spaced in increments of 6 – 7 feet apart. Wooden bridges must be a minimum 3-feet wide and 6-feet long. Back-through obstacles between cones must be spaced a minimum of 28 inches apart.

How many feet of poles are used in horse shows?

The elusive 12-foot pole. Here’s the dilemma: Most patterns are designed to use 12-foot poles while most horse shows have only 8-foot poles. This means that serious considerations and alterations must be made when laying out a trail course.

How far should a horse pole be from a cone?

This will essentially create a circle with a 29-foot diameter. If an 8- foot pole is being used for this obstacle, the inner-most edge of the pole should be 6.5 feet from the cone placed in the center. This will create a path that will allow a horse to successfully travel the circle or curve.

How far should a 12 foot pole be from the center of a fan?

A cone should be placed in the center and the inner-most edge of a 12-foot pole should be 2.5 feet from the edge of the cone. This will essentially create a circle with a 29-foot diameter.

What should a rider use to negotiate obstacles?

Rider should allow horse full use of his head, neck, and eyesight to negotiate obstacles, especially on the trail; hills, ravines, down-fall etc. Rider should use one hand on a leverage/shank bit for an optimum score.

What figure should leadline be in?

Leadline should be in a figure 8 , not coiled around the hand. USE OF AIDS: Soft or minimal use of aids such as reins, bit, spurs, whips, sticks, and voice is optimum. Penalty will occur if use of reins/bit causes equine to raise or throw head up, gaping mouths, hollowed-out back etc.

What should a horse's hands be forward?

Rider's hands should be forward giving the equine his head for movement. SIDEPASS: Penalty if sidepass does not possess good lateral movement with hips and shoulders moving simultaneously with crossing feet (not a shuffle). USING ROPES: Always hold rope in a figure 8, not coiled around your hand.

What is the best attitude for a horse?

A good attitude of the equine is most desirable including no excessive swishing of the tail, pinning ears, pawing, kicking, or bucking. Maintain cadence with all forward and backward movement.

What should a rider have?

Rider should have a centered and balanced seat, straight posture and eyes forward. Heels, hips, and shoulders all in alignment. Heels down. Soft use of reins/bit will be rewarded. Subtle/refined cues will score higher than obvious cues or harsh use of aids (reins, bit, spurs, whips, sticks, voice).

What is plus in horse racing?

A plus for the equine and/or rider are awarded at the judge’s discretion and may be given to any score range. Pluses are used to break ties, they are not added to the score. Examples of pluses given would be for patience, finesse, or for an unusual circumstance during the obstacle. Judges award according to the scoring scale:

What is the allure of trail class?

Part of the trail-class allure is that courses are never the same. But the basic training elements needed to negotiate each obstacle never change. Practice, composure and attention to detail can make the difference between an also-ran and a shining star.

Can you sidepass with a back through?

The sidepass element can be combined with the back-through or stand alone as a separate obstacle. In either case, it is important to keep the pole aligned behind the rider’s heel and ahead of the back cinch. Unlike the back-through, it is necessary to look down while sidepassing, but LaRae cautions riders to look where they are going, not where they have been. “I don’t know why riders want to do this, but it is a sure-fire way to hit the poles,” says LaRae.

What to do after first pole gauge?

If the first pole is gauged correctly, all a rider has to do after that is stay out of the way and guide the horse through the rest. If the approach is off, the horse must drop a stride, take an extra one, switch leads or hit poles.

Are you ready to have your own Trail Course?

You have looked online and seen all the pictures and ideas for trail obstacles. It looks like they are having so much fun!

How to Build Simple Trail Obstacles

It is the perfect guide for horse riders who want their own horse trail obstacles and course for fun, practice and training.


To order, first decide if you would like an EBOOK (PDF) or a PRINT Book. The EBOOK is available immediately after you pay. The PRINT book is a physical spiral bound book shipped directly yo your address. Allow up to 10 days for the book to arrive.

Are you ready to have your own Horse Trail Course?

How to Build Simple Horse Trail Obstacles shows you step-by-step how to build a trail course.
