how to import prior course into canvas

by Mr. Braeden Hayes 5 min read

  • Select the course you would like to import the content into (i.e. a new course site)
  • Click Settings on the Course Navigation menu
  • Click Import Course Content on the right side of the page
  • In the Content Type menu, select Copy a Canvas Course.
  • Locate the course you want to copy content from by typing the name of the course
  • Click to select the desired course when it appears
  • Choose what you want to copy. We recommend copying all content and then clean up material you don’t rather than copying multiple times from the same course. ...
  • Canvas gives you the option to manually shift events and due dates or have the system shift the dates. We recommend manually updating the dates after you import the content.
  • Click Import.

Import Process
  1. Select the course you would like to import the content into (i.e. a new course site)
  2. Click Settings on the Course Navigation menu.
  3. Click Import Course Content on the right side of the page.
  4. In the Content Type menu, select Copy a Canvas Course.

How do I import a canvas course into a course?

On the course home page, click Import Existing Content on the right. On the next page, choose Copy a Canvas Course from the Content Type menu, and then locate and select the course that will be imported. The course list is arranged by term for easier identification.

What assignments does canvas import?

When selecting assignments only, Canvas imports all assessment items within the Assignments page (including any associated quizzes and discussions). Assignments will remain in their assignment groups if an entire assignment group or all assignments are imported.

What behaviors apply to canvas copies and course imports?

The following behaviors currently apply to Canvas copies or imports: Draft State settings are retained in course imports. If an assignment is unpublished in a course when it was copied or exported, the assignment will also be unpublished in the content import.

How do I import content from a past course?

Complete the "Import Content" form that appears. Search for a course: Select the course you want to import from using the drop down menu, or search for the course name in the adjacent text box. If the course is in a past term, make sure to click the " Include completed courses " checkbox to find it.

How do I restore a previous version of Canvas course?

The following steps can be taken to restore content:Navigate to the home page of the Canvas course in question. ... Add /undelete to the link and press enter (Navigating to that link). ... You will see a list of Canvas content that can be restored. ... Click the restore button for the content you wish to restore.More items...•

Why are my past courses not showing up on Canvas?

A course site isn't visible to students until the instructor manually publishes the Canvas site. If the semester/term has already started and you are definitely registered for the course, contact your instructor and ask them to publish the course. You may have previously set your Courses List to show other courses.

How do I import a module from one course to another in Canvas?

Open Modules. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.Open Module Item Options. Locate the module item you wish to copy and click the Options icon [1]. ... Copy Module Item. Click the Copy button.View Copy Notification. Canvas displays a notification when the module item copies successfully [1]. ... View Copied Module Item.

How do I export a course from one course to another in Canvas?

Canvas for Elementary export packages retain the Canvas for Elementary theme.Open Settings. In Course Navigation, click the Settings link.Export Course. Click the Export Course Content link.Select Export Type. In the Export Type heading, click the Course radio button [1]. ... Download New Export.

How long does it take courses to show up on canvas?

During busy enrollment periods (e.g., weeks before semester begins or first day of the semester) it may take up to 24 hours for the enrollment to show up in Canvas. Prior to the first day of the semester your courses will be listed under Future Enrollments.

How do I make a course available in canvas?

If your institution is using a course template, your new course will be populated with content from that template.Open Dashboard. In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Dashboard link.Create New Course. In the Dashboard sidebar, click the Start a New Course button. ... Add Course Details.

Can you copy a course in Canvas?

You can copy course content such as assignments, modules, pages, and discussions from previous Canvas courses into existing courses. You only have access to copy content from courses in which you are enrolled as a user with instructor permissions. This option allows you to copy content into existing courses.

Can you copy modules in Canvas?

External Tool (LTI) Assignments—A module cannot be duplicated if it contains an external tool (LTI) assignment. If a module contains an external tool assignment, the option to duplicate a module does not display in the module menu. Modules can be duplicated by removing the external tool assignment from the module.

How do I share my old Canvas course with another teacher?

To add an another teacher to your course to share your content, follow the instructions below.Navigate to the People tab in your course.Click on the +People. ... Enter the appropriate email address. ... Select Teacher from the Role dropdown menu.If Canvas can validate the User ID, you will see a green check mark.More items...•

Can instructors move content from one class into another?

Import Content allows you to copy content over from another Canvas site. This feature is helpful for instructors re-using course materials in a different term or duplicating existing content. Teachers can import an all content or select specific content.

Import a Blackboard or Moodle archive

If you have a .zip archive of either a Blackboard or Moodle course, you can import that from the Import Existing Content page.

Import a QTI quiz file

QTI is the common file format for quizzes in some LMSs, especially Blackboard and Canvas. Create a QTI .zip file by exporting your quiz out of the previous LMS. It's this .zip that will be imported into the Canvas course.

Need help?

Contact [email protected] for help importing and converting previous course material to Canvas.

Do announcements retain the name of the user who originally created the course content?

Announcements and Discussions do not retain the name of the user who originally created the course content. Additionally, students do not receive announcement notifications for imported announcements. However, a badge indicating a new announcement displays on the Card View and Recent Activity Dashboards.

Do masterypaths need to be re-created?

MasteryPaths conditional items are not retained in course imports, and paths must be re-created after the import is completed. Copying content retains any links or files associated with the content, such as in an assignment.

Can assignments be moved into other assignments?

However, assignments can be moved into other assignment groups as necessary. Enrollment-related data, which includes course users, collaborations, conferences, groups, and sections, and feature option settings are not included in course content imports.

Can you copy a course on Scorm?

SCORM content should only be copied within accounts that use the same key and secret configuration. When manually copying a course, the user who copies the course will automatically be added to the course with an instructor role.

Can you import content into a course?

The Course Import Tool does not import user content. Note: Importing a course more than once may have unintended consequences. If you import content into a new course, edit the content in the new course, and later import the previous content again, the imported content will override the existing content.

How to copy a Canvas course?

1. Navigate to the Canvas course in which you wish to copy material into. Click "Settings" in your course navigation bar. 2. Click on the "Course Details" tab across the top. 3. Click "Import Course Content". Zoom: Click on "Settings", click on the "Course Details" tab, and click on "Import Course Content". 4.

How long does it take to import a course?

Depending on how large your course is, this process may take several minutes to complete. You will be able to see the progress under the "Current Jobs" section of the Import Content page.

How to import all content from a course?

To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1]. If you want to select specific content, click the Select specific content radio button [2]. Note: If you select the specific content option, you are required to select the content you want to import after you review the remaining page options.

Can you import a course more than once?

Importing a course more than once may have unintended consequences. If you import content into a new course, edit the content in the new course, and later import the previous content again, the imported content will override the existing content.

Can you copy a Canvas course?

You can copy course content such as assignments, modules, pages, and discussions from previous Canvas courses into existing courses. You only have access to copy content from courses in which you are enrolled as a user with instructor permissions. This option allows you to copy content into existing courses. You may be able to copy content ...


Check Links

Reset Your Home Page

  • When you import existing content, Canvas will import your original course home page, if you used one. However, due to the IU Canvas Home Page Template settings, it will not replace the template home page with your imported one automatically. To reset your course home page: 1. Click on the Pages tool in the left-side navigation 2. Click the “Show al...
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Check For Typed-In Dates

  • Always check imported content to see if there are typed-in dates from the previous semester that need to be updated. Updating due dates in the import process will not change dates typed directly into assignment text, assignment names, announcements, or module names.
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Combine Sections If Needed

  • If you need to combine (cross-list) multiple sections of the same course into one Canvas site, make sure you do that from the site that has your content. This will pull the other section(s) into that site. If you start from a different site that does not have content, you will lose all the content in any other cross-listed sections. For instructions on using the Cross-listing Assistant, see the K…
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