how to import modules from one course to another in canvas

by Dorothea Wehner 3 min read

  1. Open Modules. In Course Navigation, click the Modules link.
  2. Open Module Item Options. Locate the module item you wish to copy and click the Options icon [1]. ...
  3. Copy Module Item. Click the Copy button.
  4. View Copy Notification. Canvas displays a notification when the module item copies successfully [1]. ...
  5. View Copied Module Item.

How do I import content from one canvas course to another?

May 06, 2022 · From the "Content Type" drop down menu, select "Copy a Canvas Course."Complete the "Import Content" form that appears. Search for a course: Select the course you want to import from using the drop down menu, or search for the course name in the adjacent text box. If the course is in a past term, make sure to click the "Include completed courses" …

Canvas course home page be set to the modules page?

Results for each term are sorted alphabetically and display the course name [2], course code [3], and term name [4]. Select the course into which you want to copy the module [5]. Note: The Select a Course drop-down menu only displays courses in which you have an active or future enrollment. Modules cannot be copied to a concluded course.

How do I import a course from another course?

Select Migration Content. To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1]. If you want to select specific content, click the Select specific content radio button [2]. Note: If you select the specific content option, you are required to select the content you want to import after you review the remaining page options.

How do I copy a module in canvas?

On the course home page, click Import Existing Content on the right. On the next page, choose Copy a Canvas Course from the Content Type menu, and then locate and select the course that will be imported. The course list is arranged by term for easier identification. Select All content to import all the content into the current course.

Can you copy modules in canvas?

Modules can be duplicated by removing the external tool assignment from the module. The only exception to LTI tools is New Quizzes.

Can you move a module into another module in canvas?

You can manually drag and drop the module, or you can use the Move To option, which is also accessible for keyboard users.

Can you merge modules in canvas?

When you merge sections in Canvas, you are simply taking the students in one section and moving them into the main section. The same applies when you are merging courses. Within Canvas, the process is called “cross-listing”.

How do I copy one module to another?

Open Module Options

Locate the module you wish to copy and click the Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].

How do I move modules in canvas?

Move Module
  1. Place Module Location. In the Move Module sidebar, click the Place drop-down menu [1]. Select the placement of the module you are moving [2]. ...
  2. Place Before or After. If you selected the Before or After option, click the second drop-down menu [1]. ...
  3. Move Module. Click the Move button.

How do I import a module into canvas?

Click on the title of module you wish to import - this will bring you to the module details page. In the Import Into Canvas section on the right side of the screen, click the checkbox for the course(s) you want to import the module into, then click the Import into Course button.

How do I merge course sections in canvas?

Part of a video titled How to Combine Course Sections in Canvas - YouTube
So I'm going to enter the section. And I'm going to click on settings. And sections I'm going toMoreSo I'm going to enter the section. And I'm going to click on settings. And sections I'm going to click on the title of the section under the course sections header. And then I'm going to click on

How do I link one course to another in canvas?

From that course, click on Settings —> Sections (tab). Click on the blue link (course name) under Course Sections. Look to the far right of the screen for “Cross-List this Section” button and click.

How do I cross list sections in canvas?

Part of a video titled Cross-listing Courses in Canvas - YouTube
You wish to cross list select settings from the menu bar on the left again choose sections from theMoreYou wish to cross list select settings from the menu bar on the left again choose sections from the top menu. And click on the name of the course.

Why can I not duplicate a module in canvas?

There are some limitations to duplicating Modules: Modules containing quizzes created using the Classic Quiz tool in Canvas cannot be duplicated. Only quizzes created with the New Quizzes tool can be copied. A Module containing an External Tool (LTI) assignment cannot be duplicated.Apr 27, 2021

How do I export a module from canvas?

Enter a Canvas site and click on Modules. Click on the Export Course Content button. A page called “Exported Package History” page will appear, and you will see a progress bar once the export-download begins. Once the course content export downloads, you will be given the option to save the file.

What is the difference between duplicate and copy in canvas?

Duplicate - creates a distinct, duplicated item in the same module. It can then be further moved if necessary. Send to - creates a copy for a colleague in your Instructure group. Copy to - creates a copy for YOU, to be used in another course.Oct 15, 2020

How to import a course into Canvas?

a new course site) Click Settings on the Course Navigation menu. Click Import Course Content on the right side of the page. In the Content Type menu, select Copy a Canvas Course.

What happens after you copy content to a new course?

Once the content has been copied to the new course, there are a number updates/revisions that need to be made. Refer back to this list after you import your content.

Can you import content from Canvas?

Canvas enables you to Import content from one Canvas course to another when you want to use or repurpose previously created content, including Course settings, Syllabus, Assignments, Modules, Files, Pages, and Discussions.

What does Canvas display when a module copies successfully?

Canvas displays a notification when a module copies successfully [1].

Does shared content count against course quotas?

Shared content does not count against course or user quotas. If you copy the same module to the same course more than once, the module you previously copied will be overwritten with the newly copied module.

Can you copy a module to a concluded course?

Note: The Select a Course drop-down menu only displays courses in which you have an active or future enrollment. Modules cannot be copied to a concluded course.

Can you copy a module to another instructor?

As an instructor, you can copy a module in a course directly into any active course in which you are enrolled. You can also send a module to other instructors at your institution as well as copy individual module items to other courses.

How to import all content from a course?

To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1]. If you want to select specific content, click the Select specific content radio button [2]. Note: If you select the specific content option, you are required to select the content you want to import after you review the remaining page options.

Can you copy content into a new course?

This option allows you to copy content into existing courses. You may be able to copy content into a new course shell.

Can you import a course more than once?

Importing a course more than once may have unintended consequences. If you import content into a new course, edit the content in the new course, and later import the previous content again, the imported content will override the existing content.

Can you copy a Canvas course?

You can copy course content such as assignments, modules, pages, and discussions from previous Canvas courses into existing courses. You only have access to copy content from courses in which you are enrolled as a user with instructor permissions. This option allows you to copy content into existing courses. You may be able to copy content ...

How to view imported content in Canvas?

To view the imported content, click the Home link in the navigation menu. In both Blackboard and Moodle imports, Canvas will change the course home page to the Modules page.

Is content brought over in conversion?

Ignored. No content is brought over in the conversion.

Is Moodle a canvas?

Moodle forums are converted to Canvas discussions (no threads are created in the conversion)

Can you import a zip file from a Blackboard?

If you have a .zip archive of either a Blackboard or Moodle course, you can import that from the Import Existing Content page.

Can you import questions from previous LMS?

When the process finishes, the questions will be imported into a new question bank in the course that use the same name as the quiz. Only the questions are imported, not any settings from the previous LMS such as due dates, time limit, etc. To use the imported questions, create a new quiz and add the questions to it.

Can you import a Blackboard course into Canvas?

When importing a Blackboard course export package into a blank Canvas shell, you can expect the following results. Please note that Canvas is continually updating the Blackboard import process, and some of the issues reported below might not be present at the time of your conversion.

6. Tick Select specific content

Tip: If you want to copy the entire course, then leave it on All content. However, if you want to copy only selected content, then choose Select specific content.

11. Drill down to select the content you want to import

It is essential that if you are selecting specific content that you consider all of the pieces of that content.

Article Summary

You have now learned how to import content from another course in Canvas.

How to import content from another course?

To import content from another course, you always start in the new (destination) course site and pull the content in from the original course using the Import Course Content tool. You do not want to copy the other course or export content from it. See the following Canvas Guides for detailed instructions and pictures.

What to do after you import a course?

There are a couple of things you want to do every semester when you import content from a previous course: check for broken links, and check for any typed-in dates that need to be changed by hand. You may also need to combine course sections.

How to check for broken links in Canvas?

Use the Canvas link-checker to automatically check for broken links. The link checker is in the course Settings. Look for the button labeled Validate Links in Content on the right side of the page (or at the bottom of the page, if your screen is small).

Can you import a course from a previous semester?

Importing content from a previous course. If you have content from a previous semester that you would like to use, you can import it into your new course site. You can import the entire course or only specific parts.

Can you crosslist multiple sections of a course on Canvas?

If you need to combine ( cross-list) multiple sections of the same course into one Canvas site, make sure you do that from the site that has your content. This will pull the other section (s) into that site. If you start from a different site that does not have content, you will lose all the content in any other cross-listed sections. For instructions on using the Cross-listing Assistant, see the KB article “ Cross-list Canvas Classes. ”

Can you import a semester to a fall semester?

If you’re importing content from a spring semester to a fall semester, or vice-versa, they won’t be exactly right because of breaks and holidays. However, they’ll be close enough that you can adjust them by dragging them on the Calendar.

How to import content from Canvas?

The course Import tool allows instructors to copy content from one Canvas course to another or import content from other sources. In the course navigation click Settings. On the settings page click Import Course Content from the right sidebar menu. Instructors also have the option to export course content. Review the tabbed menu below.

Can you create courses in Lake Land?

Please note in video it references creating courses. In the Lake Land instance you will not be able to create courses. Upcoming semester Canvas shells are automatically created at mid-term of the current semester. See Course Creation Process .

Can you export quizzes from Canvas?

Canvas quizzes can also be exported from Canvas courses. Please note if you are planning to import the export files into the new quiz tool, each quiz must exported separately. Each export file will be the name of the course. You may want to adjust your browser settings so you save export file with a more meaningful name.


Why Use The Course Import?

Canvas enables you to Import content from one Canvas course to another when you want to use or repurpose previously created content, including Course settings, Syllabus, Assignments, Modules, Files, Pages, and Discussions. Note: Draft State settings are retained in course imports. If an assignment is unpublished in a cour…
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Make Course Updates and Revisions After Import

  • Once the content has been copied to the new course, there are a number updates/revisions that need to be made. Refer back to this list after you import your content. 1. Revise course syllabus 2. Update due dates and availability dates on assignments, discussions and quizzes 2.1. Difference between assignment due dates and availability dates 2.2. Bulk update due date and availability d…
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Import Process

  1. Select the course you would like to import the content into (i.e. a new course site)
  2. Click Settingson the Course Navigation menu
  3. Click Import Course Contenton the right side of the page
  4. In the Content Type menu, select Copy a Canvas Course.
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Import Progress - View Current Jobs

  • After you have clicked Import, theCurrent Jobsmenu displays courses that are being imported. Statuses include pre-processing, queued, running, completed, and failed. The Runningstatus bar displays the time remaining on your Import. 1. If you selected "All Content" you should see this status, followed by Completed, soon after. 2. If you chose the "Select specific content" option, Ca…
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