how to import course material from old huskyct coure

by Marcus Marvin DVM 4 min read

Restoring HuskyCT Content from Prior Semesters

  1. Access the HuskyCT Course Request Form .
  2. Use the drop-down menus on the Restore Form to select Semester, Year, and Subject for the Old Course and the New Course. Enter the course number and section number in the fields provided.
  3. Review the checkboxes below New Course Information. Announcements: ...
  4. Click Submit or Request at the bottom of the page. ...

Full Answer

How do I import course materials from another course?

On the Import Package page, browse for the course package on your computer. Select the course materials to include and submit. Content from content areas appearing on the course menu that have the same name in the package as in the existing course will be added in the same content area.

How do I change the availability of a huskyct course site?

The access from HuskyCT just requires students to click on a link to access a session. Under the Control Panel inside a HuskyCT course site, there is a "Customization” link. In this menu are “ Properties ” and “ Teaching Style “. The availability dates for the course site can be changed under Properties.

How do students use huskyct for traditional classes?

The use of HuskyCT is so widespread in fact, that students expect to see a HuskyCT site for each class they are taking and are worried when they don’t. A recent survey revealed that the most common uses of HuskyCT for traditional classes are sending announcements, posting content, and posting grades.

How do I import a course in ultra course view?

Go to Ultra Course View page. A course import package is a ZIP file of exported course content. When you import a course package into an existing course, the content of the package is copied into the existing course. Import packages don't include student enrollments or data, such as discussion activity and grades.

What can instructors do with the Grade Center?

Instructors can create additional columns in the Grade Center and use these to record grades from in class exams or quizzes, for papers handed in, homework grades, participation grades, etc. Creating columns which perform calculations.

How do instructors access submitted assignments?

Instructors access the submitted assignments through the Grade Center. It is possible to mark up the submitted assignments online and enter the grade and comments on the same screen.

What is collaborative tool?

The Collaborate tool, now available in all HuskyCT sites, makes it possible for instructors to interact with students synchronously in an online web conferencing session that includes the capabilities for video, audio, screen sharing, text chat, hand-raising, file sharing, and an interactive whiteboard. Sessions can also be recorded and available for viewing at another time. The fact that Collaborate is integrated with HuskyCT eliminates the need for sending session invites to email addresses or needing a username or password. The access from HuskyCT just requires students to click on a link to access a session.

How does HuskyCT notify students?

When instructors create an announcement, it gets posted in the HuskyCT site, a notice appears under the course title in the “My HuskyCT Classes” box, and an email notification is sent to each student using the email address associated with their profile in the HuskyCT system.

What are the columns in PeopleSoft?

The columns created by default include Last Name, First Name, Username (NetID), Student ID (PeopleSoft ID), Last Access, Availability, Weighted Total and Total. Instructors often choose to hide the Student ID and the Availability columns.

What is calculated column?

Calculated columns can be created which compute the sum or average of the scores in group of columns, apply weightings to grades and add them together, or to identify a maximum or minimum value. It is also possible to drop 1 or more of the lowest grades from a set before the calculation is made.

How to start a thread in a discussion forum?

To start a thread, students click on the “Create Thread” button. Students also have the option to reply to an existing post, which adds to the “thread”. Students have a text editor to use for their posts, but only one file attachment is allowed using the “Attach file” option. Discussion Forum Settings.

How are HuskyCT sites created?

HuskyCT sites are generated in conjunction with the Student Admin system. Instructors who are listed in Student Admin as the instructor-of-record for a course will automatically be added to the corresponding HuskyCT site with the Instructor role. Many HuskyCT sites are now created automatically based on listings in Student Admin. These include courses listed as Lecture and Discussion sections. Other types of course listings, such as Lab and Seminar sections, are not created automatically but can be easily requested through the Student Admin system via an instructor's Self-Service > Faculty Center area. Please see the instructions linked below for further information on that.

What are the links in HuskyCT?

All new HuskyCT sites have at least four links in the left-hand navigation menu. These are Announcements, Overview and Syllabus, Library Resources, and My Grades. Instructors can add other tool links or content areas to this menu using the “+” icon at the upper left of the menu. This process would be used to add the Discussion Board tool, or other tools such as Blogs, Journals, Wikis, Course Messages, Email, and Calendar.

What is student preview?

Instructors can use “Student Preview” to view their sites exactly as their students see them. When exiting Student Preview, instructors have the choice of retaining the preview user data or not. If the Preview User data is retained, a new student will appear in the Grade Center. The last name for this preview student account will be the instructor’s last name followed by “_PreviewUser”. Student Preview mode can be used to take tests, submit assignments, access materials, and check grades.

What is a HuskyCT?

HuskyCT is UConn’s name for the Blackboard learning management system used here. Instructor use of the system is optional but we host over 4000 HuskyCT sites a semester, most of which are used for face-to-face classes. Fully online classes use HuskyCT as well. The use of HuskyCT is so widespread in fact, that students expect to see a HuskyCT site for each class they are taking and are worried when they don’t. A recent survey revealed that the most common uses of HuskyCT for traditional classes are sending announcements, posting content, and posting grades. Many instructors are also using HuskyCT for the online submission of assignments, discussions, and quizzes.

Can you add a UConn instructor to HuskyCT?

Most frequently this function is used to add a TA or another instructor, but anyone with a UConn NetID can be manually added to a HuskyCT site.

What is a course import package?

A course import package is a ZIP file of exported course content. When you import a course package into an existing course, the content of the package is copied into the existing course. Import packages don't include student enrollments or data, such as discussion activity and grades.

What is a common cartridge?

Common cartridge is an initiative led by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. The initiative supports course packages you can use across learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard Learn.

Why does a link to a course break?

For example, if a link to a test appears in a content area and you choose not to copy tests, the link to the test will break.

Can you upload an exported course package?

You don't want to upload an exported course package that you've edited after it was created and downloaded. If you open the ZIP file and change any of the files in the exported course package, the result will be unstable and unpredictable behavior when the course is imported.

How to export a Blackboard course?

Open the course's menu and select Export/Archive. The Export/Archive Course page lists all export or archive packages for this course that haven't been deleted from Blackboard Learn, even if you have already downloaded the package. The file names include the date and time the package was created.

What does the destination course ID do in Blackboard?

If this course ID already exists in the database, Blackboard Learn adds the material from the imported course to the existing course. If this course ID doesn't exist in the database, Blackboard Learn creates a new course with this ID.

How to view package creation date and time?

To view the package creation date and time, status, and a list of course materials included in the package, select View Detailed Log.

How to remove files from a package?

To remove files and folders from the package, select Manage Package Contents. In the Select Course Materials section, select the check boxes for each course area and tool to export. Select Submit.

What happens if you don't import a course into Destination?

If the imported sections of the course include links to materials that you don't import into the destination course, the links will break in the destination course. For example, if a course area links to a test but you don't import the assessments, the link to the test will break. After importing, edit the destination course to update or remove any broken links.

What is the Blackboard Learn format?

The Blackboard Learn packaging format follows the IMS Content Packaging Specification, with extensions to support content types that are specific to Blackboard Learn.

Can you import a course package into Blackboard?

You can import course packages back into Blackboard Learn to create a new course with the same content. Exporting a course includes only the course content. The export doesn't include any user interactions such as blog posts or grades. Don't unzip or extract a course or archive package. Don't remove files from the package or try to import ...