how to identify valuable vintage books course

by Dr. Abbie Larson PhD 8 min read

Vintage books that are 20 years old or older can also be valuable. Look for first editions and first prints of first editions whenever possible. Look for copies signed by the author.

Full Answer

How to find out the value of antique books?

The best sources of information for your antique books can be gotten from appraiser sites or sites that sell antique books. As they offer blog posts and guides which can offer support in determining the value of your antique book.

How to identify rare and valuable books?

How to Identify, Collect, and Sell Rare Books 1 Go beyond Amazon. Before you donate or trash your old books, you might want to check if they’re valuable (even if you just want to maximize your tax deduction when ... 2 Get an appraisal. Dr. ... 3 Know what matters. ... 4 Take care of your books. ... 5 Go deeper. ...

How old does a book have to be to be considered vintage?

For instance, a car or sewing machine needs to be about 20 to 30 years old before it’s categorized as being a classic piece. 50 to 60 years for it to be considered vintage. And 100s of years old for such items to be considered antiques. For books, however, the story is quite different.

What should I learn from the rare books school?

He also recommends that you learn about the practice of collection, which is about so much more than acquiring and selling. You can attend the Rare Books School yourself, or get ahold of its published syllabus and reading lists.

How do you know if an old book is valuable?

In determining the value of a book there are three basic elements: 1) rarity, 2) condition, and, 3) demand. Books with the most value normally have all three of these elements, and the loss of any will likely result in a loss of value. Age of the book is not always a key factor in value.

How do I find the value of vintage books?

To help find the value of your old books, there are many price comparison websites that can help. Bookscouter is a great option, as all the information that you need can be accessed easily. Using the search box on the website, add in the title and author of the book.

How do I find out how much my rare book is worth?

Current Market and Auctions Histories The first place to look when you're trying to find the market value of a rare book is in the current market. Are any other copies of the book selling through online marketplaces like AbeBooks, or has the book shown up in any recent rare book auctions through places like Sotheby's?

What makes a vintage book valuable?

book which has an enhanced value because the demand for the book exceeds the supply, usually because of its importance, scarcity, age, condition, physical and aesthetic properties, association, or subject matter.

Is there an app that tells you how much something is worth?

ShopSavvy is a powerful price-comparison app that lets you scan barcodes from your phone to find product reviews and pricing. You can also choose to input your product's name in the app's search engine. Once it's found your product, ShopSavvy will pull up the cheapest local or online price for it.

How can you tell if an old book is a first edition?

Look for the Words “First Edition” on the Copyright Page This will fluctuate depending on the publishing house, but most publishers will designate that a book is a first edition on the copyright page.

How do you know what books are valuable?

How to Identify a Rare BookCheck for Anything Unusual and Special. ... Look for Signatures. ... Figure Out if It's a First Edition. ... Look for Limited Editions. ... Examine the Printing Date. ... Check for Anything You Personally Collect.

What books are worth a lot of money?

20 Iconic Books You Probably Own That Are Now Worth A LOT Of...Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997), J.K. Rowling.The Cat in the Hat (1957) Dr. ... The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), Arthur Conan Doyle.The Bible (1600 – 1630)The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book (1894-1895) Rudyard Kipling:More items...

How do you tell the edition of a book?

To tell the edition of a book, look at the bottom of the copyright page. You should see “First Edition” followed by a year. If there are no other editions listed, the book you have is the first edition. However, if there are other editions listed, your book will be the most recent one.

What are antique collectors looking for?

23 Types of Valuable Antiques to Look ForNovelty Barware. Source. ... Hunting Decoys. Source. ... Depression Glass. Source. ... Original Paintings. Source. ... Postcards. Source. ... Barber Chairs. Source. ... Old Clocks. Source. ... Cast Iron Doorstops. Source.More items...

What kind of books are collectible?

7 rare books that could be worth a fortuneHarry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling.Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding.The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh.Animal Farm by George Orwell.Lord of the Flies by William Golding.

What makes a book a collectors edition?

Professional booksellers and collectors typically look at two factors for determining the rarity of a book: the number of copies available, and the number of potential buyers that might exist for that volume.

What books were printed in huge quantities during the Victorian era?

Common books like the works of William Shakespeare, prayer books, bibles and encyclopedias were printed in huge quantities during the Victorian era and usually have little value. AbeBooks is very useful for finding an approximate value of a book but don't use that value for insurance purposes.

Is a beaten up book more valuable than a later book?

A beaten-up old book that is falling apart will have little value. First editions are sought-after by book collectors and a first edition is usually more valuable than a later printing. A first edition signed by the author will have even greater value. Scarcity influences value.

Does a dust jacket affect the value of a book?

For hardcover books published from the 20th century onwards, the presence of a dust jacket and its condition also greatly affect value. If you are having difficulty understanding some of the terms used by rare booksellers, refer to our glossary, which also includes a guide to used book conditions and book sizes.

What are some good books to identify first editions?

Several other excellent resources for first edition identification include: The New Antiquarian. AbeBooks. Quill and Brush.

How to tell if a book is a first edition?

Several of the ways publishers use to identify their books as first editions include: Since each publisher uses their own method of marking their first editions, the best way to determine if a book is a first edition is to use a guidebook or a bibliography of the author.

What is a rare book?

According to the definition of a rare book is any book that is hard to find due to its early printing date, limited issue, special character of an edition or binding, or its historical interest. Although these are sometimes the criteria for identifying a rare book, it is not always the case. Possible other factors that may make ...

What makes a book rare?

Possible other factors that may make a book rare include: Something of special interest or aesthetic importance about the book including: Just as the value of a book is relative to supply and demand, in many instances the rarity of a book does not mean it is considered a rare book.

Where is the Rare Book School?

The Rare Book School located at the University of Virginia offers courses in a broad range of topics relating to rare and old books. The courses run for a length of five days and are usually held in Charlottesville, Virginia. There are also courses held in Baltimore, Washington D.C. and New York City.

Is a book considered rare?

The condition of the book. Just as the value of a book is relative to supply and demand, in many instances the rarity of a book does not mean it is considered a rare book. There are many books that are scarce in number, almost never seen in auctions or anywhere else and are considered virtually worthless because no one wants them.

Is a first edition book rare?

Just because a book is a first edition, which is the very first printing of a book, does not make it rare. Every book printed has a first edition. The book must meet with other criteria to be classified as a rare first edition. The problem that arises is that there is not a uniform system of numbering editions used by publishers.

How to find the value of an old book?

To find the value of an old book, check which edition it is on the copyright page. The oldest editions are usually worth more than recent ones, but first editions are the most valuable. The condition of your book also has a big impact on its value. Any scuffs, tears, or markings will decrease the value of your book.

How to find the copyright of a book?

1. Refer to the book’s title page and copyright page for key information. Make note of the full title of the publication and the author’s name. Then look for the imprint details, namely the publisher’s name and the city and date of publication, as well the copyright registration date.

How to find out how many pages a book has?

1. Confirm the completeness and condition of the book’s pages and plates. Look to the catalog record that matches your book to see how many pages and illustrations (often called plates) it should contain. Gently examine your own book to see whether it contains all of the pages and plates it originally contained.

What is a binding copy?

Use “binding copy” to refer to a book whose pages are in decent condition but which requires a new binding. Keep in mind that especially old or rare books may still be highly valuable even with considerable damage. ...

What does "first edition" mean in a book?

It may be described as "First (publisher name) Edition" to indicate that the press is not the original publisher of the work. ...

Do librarians do appraisals?

Librarians typically don’t provide appraisal services. If your book contains a signature, an appraiser will be able to authenticate it for you. Depending on the book and signature, the presence of a signature may significantly increase the value of your book.

Do first edition books have the first edition?

Some first editions display the words "First Edition" on the title page, but many don't. You may have a first edition book if you only see a single publication date.

What Is Considered a Rare Book?

The traditional definition of a “rare book” is any book whose value is enhanced because its demand exceeds its supply. This is usually due to its importance, scarcity, age, condition, physical properties, or subject matter.

How Do You Know If a Book Is Valuable?

There are many reasons why a book might be valuable. However, here are a few of the most common factors that indicate a book could be rare:

Finding Great Books

There are many ways to expand your library, whether it’s with rare or simply used books. For more tips, check out our post on how to find great books.

What to do if your book is valuable?

If it looks like your book is valuable, you can: Contact a professional appraiser to find out exactly what your book is worth. Even if you don’t want to sell your book, the appraisal can be used for insurance or tax purposes. Many book dealers are qualified to give appraisals.

How to find the value of a book?

Examine your book for identifying information you can use to research its value. Search the cover, dust jacket, title page and edition notice (copyright page) and make a list of the following information: 1 Title, author (s), editor (s) and illustrator (if any) 2 Publisher name and published date 3 Edition 4 Binding (paperback or hardcover) 5 Signatures or inscriptions

What is a book club edition?

Book club editions can often be identified by the presence of a price on the dust jacket or a blind stamp (an indented shape, like a dot or maple leaf) on the back cover. They typically aren’t worth much; however, some book clubs published fine books from high-quality materials that can be quite valuable.

What does "fine" mean in books?

Fine (F) A copy without visible flaws but lacks the pristine crispness of a very fine copy. Any minor blemish in the book or on the dust jacket must be noted in the description. A book that is slightly less than fine may be called “near fine”. Very Good (VG) The most common grade given to a collectible copy.

What does "poor reading copy" mean?

A book that shows significant wear. It might have ink marks or stamps, or it might be missing endpapers or half of a title page, but all text pages are intact. Poor/Reading Copy (P) All text pages are intact, but the book appears very worn with serious soiling, scuffing or marking.

What auction houses sell books?

Sotheby’s and Heritage Auctions are among many auction houses that sell books. They can also help you identify the exact value of your book. While auction houses take a fee, they can also help you get the highest price for very valuable books. Sell it online.

Is a paperback book collectible?

Paperbacks aren’t usually considered collectible, except first editions and those that feature notable cover art. Hardcover books are often described as cloth or clothbound, and values can vary significantly. If your book contains a signature or inscription, which can impact value, note it on your list.

How hot should I keep old books?

In general, old books are best suited to a cool, dark environment (around 65-70 degrees with about 45% relative humidity). If you keep your books in the basement (usually too damp) or in the attic (often too hot and dry) you may want to re-think your storage.

What is a book made of?

Books are made of organic material and are easily affected by their environment. Rather than keeping them stacked in air-tight containers, store your books standing upright, fully supported and away from acidic materials like newspapers.

What is the National Union Catalog?

The National Union Catalog: Pre-1965 Imprints (NUC): available in print or on microfiche, is a published version of the combined card catalog of several hundred libraries in the U.S., including the Library of Congress.

How to clean dust off a book?

It’s possible to clean your books safely! To remove dust, hold your book firmly closed and use a clean cloth to lightly brush along the text block, directionally away from the spine. You can also vacuum your books using a vacuum hose. Place a piece of cheese cloth over the end of the hose and secure with a rubber band to ensure no loose bit of books are picked up and lost. Hold your book firmly closed and gently run the vacuum over the text block edges directionally away from the spine .

What is the title page of a book?

The title page will give you the author’s name, the full title, and the imprint (the city, publisher, and date); it will also usually state the edition if it’s anything other than the first. The copyright page will usually provide the date the book was registered for copyright (not necessarily the same as the publication date on the title page) and coded information about which edition and printing your copy is. That’s important for collectible modern literature, for example.

Where is the copyright page on a book?

The key information that you’ll need is on the title page of the book – not the dust jacket, the front cover, or the half-title – and for modern books its back side, called the copyright page.

Can I donate books to the Smithsonian?

There are many ways to ensure your book finds a good home. Your local public library is one option for donating books in good condition that could be used by the general public. There are also community book collection drives for shelters, schools, and other non-profits that could benefit from your books. If you are interested in donating to the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, please see the procedures outlined below.

What are classic books?

Classic books of all genres are great items to look for at thrift stores. Part of the value of books is based on demand and desirability, so it would make sense that classics would have higher demands than unknown works.

How old are antique books?

Remember that antique books are at least 100 years old. Vintage books that are 20 years old or older can also be valuable. Look for first editions and first prints of first editions whenever possible. Look for copies signed by the author.

How much is Julia Child's cookbook worth?

If you can find the 1961 version of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, it's worth around $500.

How much is the 1977 edition of The Hobbit worth?

R. R. Tolkien in a thrift store, you could find the Harry Abrams 1977 deluxe illustrated edition. The special artwork in this version makes copies worth up to $150.

How much is a 1974 hardcover of Carrie worth?

A 1974 hardcover version of Carrie with the dust jacket can sell for $100.

How much is Bridget Jones Diary worth?

While it won't make you a millionaire, Helen Fielding's 1996 novel Bridget Jones's Diary is worth a few hundred dollars if you find a first edition. A signed version of the first American edition with the first edition of Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason sold for $500.

How much money does a first edition of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone make?

Rowling's first hit book was published in the U.S. in 1998, the title was changed from the Philosopher's Stone to the Sorcerer's Stone. If you can find a first edition first printing of the popular Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it could earn you between $4,000 and $6,500.
