how to have a course of action

by Mary Zemlak 6 min read

To develop a complete course of action, the staff must identify what, when, where, how, and why the unit will execute. A technique to quickly develop complete courses of action is for the XO to assemble the staff and follow the five-step method. The staff develops the courses of action together.

Possible courses of action are typically developed using the following steps:
  1. Depict the scenario. Create a potential scenario based on the threats and hazards identified and prioritized in Step 2.
  2. Determine the amount of time available to respond. ...
  3. Identify decision points. ...
  4. Develop courses of action.

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What is the process of selecting a course of action?


  • Staff: Develop courses of action together to integrate all battlefield operating systems.
  • Staff: Ensure the course of action is complete, consistent with doctrine, complies with the commander's guidance, feasible, and unique.
  • Staff: Develop courses of action that identify what, when, where, how, and why the unit will execute.

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What would be the best course of action?

What would be the best course of action? Dispatch law enforcement and wait until the scene is secure. What is a simple step EMTs can perform to help prevent the spread of flu in the prehospital environment? Place a surgical mask on suspected flu patients.

Which course of action would best serve justice?

Which course of action would best serve justice? This would fall under Level III, Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles of upholding the ethical principles of the law and human rights. The law sets a direction for moral principles. Are there any laws that indicate whether I should disclose this information? This would fall under Level II: Conventional, Stage 4: Social Accord and System ...

Which is the best course of action?

To the editor -- It would be a great mistake for the United States to use military action or threats regarding the Ukraine. The Baltic countries and Ukraine are in the Russian sphere of influence. From 1945 until 1989 Russia ruled these countries. We never lifted a finger to oppose Russia.

What are some examples of course of action?

Someone's course of action is what that person is going to do. For example, say you're listening to your friend's vacation plans....Your friend's course of action might be:Take a flight to Paris.Visit the Louvre.Visit the Eiffel Tower.Take another flight to London.Visit Big Ben.

What are the 3 courses of action?

During a period of crisis, like a recession, many organizations are unsure about the courses of action to take....The first three courses of action are defensive, where the primary objective of the organization is to survive:Focus on cost reduction. ... Focus on core operations. ... Downsize.

What does a course of action look like?

In incident-level decision making, a Course of Action (COA) is an overall plan that describes the selected strategies and management actions intended to achieve Incident Objectives, comply with Incident Requirements, and are based on current and expected conditions.

How do you develop a COA?

To develop a complete course of action, the staff must identify what, when, where, how, and why the unit will execute. A technique to quickly develop complete courses of action is for the XO to assemble the staff and follow the five-step method. The staff develops the courses of action together.

What does best course of action mean?

the procedures or sequence of actions that someone will follow to accomplish a goal. I plan to follow a course of action that will produce the best results.

How do you evaluate a course of action?

Evaluate each course of action. Evaluate each alternative using the facts and issues you identified earlier, given the conditions and information available. Identify the costs and benefits of each alternative. Ask yourself "what would be the likely outcome of this course of action?

How do you implement an action plan?

Here's how to write an action plan explained in 6 easy steps.Step 1: Define your end goal. ... Step 2: List down the steps to be followed. ... Step 3: Prioritize tasks and add deadlines. ... Step 4: Set Milestones. ... Step 5: Identify the resources needed. ... Step 6: Visualize your action plan. ... Step 7: Monitor, evaluate and update.

What are the five screening criteria which course of actions must meet?

There are five fundamental issues that must be considered when developing COAs. A valid COA should be suitable, feasible, acceptable, distinguishable and complete [1].

What are the three methods for conducting course of action analysis?

Logic, reasoning, and visualization are the key cognitive skills that staffs require to conduct COA analysis. It is essential to visualize the fight in time and space. Generally, friendly and enemy forces have the same physical limitations.

What are mission essential tasks?

Mission Essential Tasks are a set of collective tasks that you must perform in order to achieve your Goal. You team must strive to be proficient in every task if you are going to achieve long term success. The METs will enable the entire company to operate with a unity of effort.

What are the three Army planning methodologies?

Methodologies that assist commanders and staffs with planning include Army design methodology, the military decisionmaking process (MDMP), and troop leading procedures.

What are the 7 steps to the military decision making process?

The MDMP consists of seven steps: receipt of mission, mission analysis, course of action (CO A) development, COA analysis, COA comparison, COA approval, and orders production. The MDMP offers a proven analytical process that assists the commander and staff in developing, integrating, and synchronizing their plan.

What is a course of action?

In all three situations, you have to listen for course of action. Someone's course of action is what that person is going to do. For example, say you're listening to your friend's vacation plans. Your friend's course of action might be: Take a flight to Paris. Visit the Louvre. Visit the Eiffel Tower.

What are some examples of course of action?

For example: 'I'm going to. . .'. 'I'm planning to. . .'. 'I think I'll. . .'.

What does it mean to answer a course of action question?

As you can see, answering questions about course of action really means that you have to understand the whole passage, not just one or two sentences. On a test, it might help you to make a timeline or a flowchart as you listen to the passage. The timeline or flowchart can show who's going to do what and when.

What do people do in everyday life?

In everyday life, people spend a lot of time talking about their courses of action, or what they're going to do . Sometimes, people also try to persuade listeners to take a particular course of action. For example, advertisements are all about getting the listener to buy something. In this lesson, you'll learn about listening for course ...

How to conduct a stakeholder analysis?

To conduct a simple stakeholder analysis, you can; Identify the key groups of people who will be affected by the RCOA. Identify who will impact the RCOA for the positive or negative. Identify what actions can be taken for each of these key groups. Identify a communication plan for each key group.

What is a RCOA?

Consideration of the organizational objectives, current state, level of resource and level of funding is required to develop the plan. A Recommended Course of Action (RCOA) is that plan, but dives into the details, identifying who, what, when and how. Developing an RCOA requires forethought and a true understanding of the organization.

What is the most valuable step within the course of action analysis?

DISCUSSION: Wargaming is the most valuable step within the course-of-action analysis. Observations from the CTCs indicate that few staffs understand how to war-game effectively, and that many staff officers are not involved in the procedure. By wargaming , the staff takes a course of action and begins to develop a detailed plan. Additionally, it can better synchronize the course of action when the entire staff is involved in wargaming . Information recorded during the warga me provides the information for the development of paragraph three (execution) of the operations order, the execution or synchronization matrices, and the decision support template. Because of the importance of its results, and the time it requires, more time is allocated than for any other step. Wargaming results in the identification of tasks, combat power requirements, critical events and priority efforts, task organization and command and support relationships, decision points and possible fratricide locations.

What does the commander do when he does not adhere to his planning guidance?

The commander, recognizing courses of action that do not adhere to his planning guidance or are not feasible, responds by having the staff do the work again, which wastes time. Or, in the absence of adequate planning time, the commander develops a course of action himself.

What is the scheme of maneuver?

The scheme of maneuver is a narrative description of how the forces arrayed will accomplish the commander's intent. Ensure the scheme of maneuver addresses the elements of the battlefield framework (deep operations, covering force/security force, close operations, rear operations, and reserve).

What is the purpose of the decision matrix?


course of action

A plan and the series of actions that will follow. Our options are limited, but we have to decide on a course of action instead of doing nothing.

a course of ˈaction

a way of doing, managing, or achieving something: What is the best course of action to take? ♢ Two alternative courses of action are open to us: either we deal with him directly or we get the help of a lawyer.
