how to get your dog to go faster on an agility course

by Otto Swaniawski 10 min read

How to get more speed and drive in your agility dog

  • Don’t use anything that doesn’t work. Switch gears fast.
  • Pay attention to what motivates your dog best, Then use this reward in your agility training, but not any other time.
  • Be willing to change your motivators from time to time as needed. Be creative. Something the best motivator is one you’d least expect of your dog!
  • Get less serious. Take more time to play with your dog after a succession of accurately completed obstacles. Wrestle and roll on the ground if necessary.
  • Shorten your training sessions. Do not drag it out so long that your dog gets tired and loses interest. ...

Try people food like cheese or carrots instead of plain old boring dog treats. Use wires or channels to get a true run through them rather than just a trot. Train sit, down, sit, down, sit, down, treat, sit, down, treat sit, down, sit, down, sit, down, etc. to improve table speed for drops and sits.

How long does it take to train a dog for agility?

How long does it take to train a dog? Generally, attending class with an adult dog, over 1 year of age, with no behavior issues and who understands how to use their body will take 1-2 years. 1 year with an experienced handler or 2 years with an inexperienced handler.

How do I train my dog to speed up?

A great way to train a dog faster is by training in different locations, such as:Different rooms around your house.Outside in the garden.Open green spaces, such as a local park.Busy urban areas, such as a street or a market.

What age should dogs start agility?

You can start agility flatwork and tunnel training with a puppy as young as 8 weeks old. However, until your dog can complete a full course he should be at least 12-18 months of age. Agility is a high-impact sport.

Why do dogs respond to slow commands?

Part of the reason for your dog's slow pace may simply be that he has never been taught to return more quickly, or it may be that returning to your side doesn't offer a big enough reward. Either way, there are methods to speed up his response when you call him.

How can I improve my dog's drive?

Building Your Dog's Toy DrivePlay Only Toys. For this you try having toys that your dog only has access to while he is playing with you with it. ... High Value Rewards. To initially build interest, try using an extremely high value reward. ... The Two-Toy Game. ... Restrained Throws. ... Tug Drive. ... Short Sessions.

Do dogs like agility training?

Almost all dogs love agility and it doesn't matter if you're looking to be the next national champion or just want to enjoy some classes with your dog. Just like taking basic obedience classes with your new dog or puppy, agility is a great, fun way to strengthen the bond you have with your canine companion.

What dog breeds can do agility?

Top 10 Dog Breeds for Agility Training#1 Border Collie. When most people picture agility training, a Border Collie immediately comes to mind. ... #2 Jack Russell Terrier. ... #4 Australian Kelpie. ... #5 Standard Poodle. ... #6 Papillon. ... #7 Shetland Sheepdog. ... #8 Pembroke Welsh Corgi. ... #9 Rat Terrier.More items...

Can neutered dogs compete in agility?

Yes, neutered dogs can compete in agility. In fact, in AKC agility it is a requirement that non-purebred dogs are neutered or spayed in order to enter an event. In other venues such as USDAA, competitors are allowed to show intact dogs of any breed or mix.

Why is agility important?

Agility is meant to to be fun. The ultimate goal is to connect with your dog in a unique way. Sometimes agility can become stressful if you have set unrealistic expectations. Here are a few ways to bring the fun back into agility and make you and your dog the best team you can be!

What to do when you have a slower dog?

When you have a slower dog that’s not too easy to motivate, it’s extremely important that you spend a lot of time getting to know your dog. Find out what he likes best in the whole world!

What happens if you run a course with a dog in a low drive?

If you begin a sequence or a course with your dog in a low drive, you won’t be able to lure him to a higher drive during the course. If your dog always gets his reward from your hand, there’s no reason for him to pass you. This way, the speed you are running yourself will be the speed of the dog’s.

How to encourage a dog to drive to obstacles?

This way, the speed you are running yourself will be the speed of the dog’s. Instead, to encourage your dog to drive to obstacles, start rewarding him behind them . When you place a toy or a food bowl behind an obstacle, your dog should be excited about going there.

What to do if your dog is overweight?

If you suspect any kind of physical problems, take your dog to a vet, a physiotherapist, an osteopath or other type of professional. Check also the overall condition of your dog: if the dog is overweight, it is not wise to let him jump. The joints of an overweight dog will be under a lot of stress. If you know that your dog is physically sound, ...

Can agility dogs run fast?

If the dog’s muscles are tight, or he has a locked vertebrae in his spine, it won’t be comfortable to run fast, let alone jump. If you suspect any kind of physical problems, take your dog to a vet, a physiotherapist, ...

Can an overweight dog be stressed?

The joints of an overweight dog will be under a lot of stress. If you know that your dog is physically sound, and you know how fast he naturally is, but you feel like you cannot get all that speed out of him on an agility course, we’ve got some tips for you.

How to teach agility to dogs?

Use a broomstick or other pole and balance it between two low objects like a stack of books or flower pots. Don’t practice on a slippery surface or you risk your dog injuring himself. And be sure the pole will fall if your dog accidentally hits it, so he’s not hurt.

Where can I train my dog for agility?

You can continue your training by attending agility classes at a nearby AKC Training Club or a local training facility where your dog can practice on actual agility obstacles.

How long should I train my dog at home?

According to accomplished trainer and agility competitor Arlene Spooner, an AKC Executive Agility Field Representative, you should keep your early home training sessions short, no more than five or 10 minutes at a time.

How to teach a dog to walk backwards?

This is handy when teaching him to enter the contact zones at the end of an agility obstacle. Or try training your dog to walk backwards.

How to teach a dog to tire jump?

Finally, teaching your dog to jump through a hoop is a great introduction to the tire jump. 4. Develop Flexibility. According to Spooner, tricks that increase a dog’s flexibility are great for agility training. Spin gets your dog twirling right or left and stretching his sides.

How to train a dog to walk on the side?

That includes sending a dog out in front, moving him from one side to the other, or having him work at a distance. Start by teaching your dog to work comfortably on either side of you. Spooner suggests, “When the dog is comfortable walking on the side you indicate, try jogging and running.

How to teach a dog to be more aware of his surroundings?

First, teach him to perch on things. Use an upside-down sturdy box, plastic bin, or even a foot stool and encourage him to interact with it. He can place one or more paws on top, jump on it, or even sit on the top.

What is an agility course?

An agility course is made up of a series of obstacles, usually 14-20 depending on the class and level of competition. The big ramp-style obstacles are collectively known as the contact obstacles because they all have “contact zones” (usually painted a bright yellow) that the dog must touch with at least one toenail when descending. The following list explains the basic agility equipment you will find in the ring:

What did the dog agility teach?

“Agility taught her self-control and how to work for things she wanted in a socially acceptable way. She thrived in agility and worked out her issues to such an extent that she ended up being a really great therapy dog .”.

What is agility competition?

If you’ve ever watched an agility competition, you know it’s basically a canine obstacle course. The dog must run through tunnels, leap over jumps, and weave through poles. But the dog isn’t working alone – this is a sport of exquisite teamwork. A successful run requires taking each obstacle in a certain order, and the dog relies on his handler to tell him what that is. That makes dog agility an exciting celebration of canine athleticism and the dog-human bond.

Why is agility important for dogs?

Even dogs with problem behavior can benefit because agility teaches them that there are rules in life and following those rules leads to great rewards. With patient training, even anxious dogs can gain confidence and conquer their fears. After all, if they can run over a seesaw, the rest of the world seems less scary.

How to play the dog game of jumps?

Start by throwing the toy or bag over the jump so your dog can chase after it, jumping the obstacle as he goes. Once he understands the game, you can add a verbal cue like “Go” and start adding distance a little bit at a time. Don’t forget to play this game with your dog starting on both your right and left sides.

How to teach a dog to work on both sides?

Besides encouraging focus, it’s key to teach your dog to work at both your right and left sides. Most trick training is done with the dog right in front of the owner , so dogs learn this is a great place to be. After all, they get most of their treats in that position. For agility, you need to convince your dog to move beside you.

How many poles do dogs need to weave?

They can be either straight or curved, and the dog must enter at one end and exit at the other. Weave Poles are a series of six to 12 upright poles spaced out along a straight line. The dog must enter to the right of the first pole and weave through the others without missing a pole.

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Are you one of those dog owners who are glued to the television when a dog agility trail competition is broadcast? Watching those handsome dogs run through an agility course with jumps and obstacles is mesmerizing.

The Benefits of Agility Training for You and Your Dog

When it comes to agility training, there are several advantages for your dog. Certainly, it’s a great way for them to stay active and get exercise. All that focused movement is also good brain training.

Is Your Dog Suitable for Agility Training?

The short answer is yes. Your fur baby doesn’t have to be a certain breed or have a particular disposition to try an agility trial. The key is to begin by knowing your dog and understanding any challenges they may bring to the activity.

Basic Agility Equipment

Professional dog trainers use many types of agility equipment. These include an A-frame, a dog walk, jumps, ramps, a teeter board, a tunnel and weave poles. A-frames, dog walks and ramps teach nimbleness in climbing and often incorporate a pause table.

How to Get Started with Agility Training

Agility training requires that your canine companion is ready to listen and follow commands. Therefore, taking them to a basic dog obedience class as soon as they’re old enough is good preparation. The other consideration around their age is whether their body has finished growing.

Dog Agility Training: Our Final Thoughts

If you’re feeling that you don’t want to sign your pet up for an agility class, it’s extremely easy to get started with an agility course right in your own living room or back yard. Teaching your dog a few basic skills is good for them in so many ways − in addition to being a fun way to spend time with them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dog agility training can be started for beginners once your canine has stopped growing and has moved past the puppy stage.

Why is agility training good for dogs?

Agility training can be great for dogs well being, it works the part of their brain that is associated with getting tasks done which makes them feel like they've done something productive rather than just walking or running. This means they will most likely be calmer throughout the night and have less anxiety.

What is agility training?

Agility training is a series of obstacles that form a course for your dog to follow your directions through the correct order of obstacles. As you could imagine this takes some training and grace to pull off, but the process getting there and the feeling of you and your dog getting through a course is incredibly rewarding on its own!

Why is agility important for dogs?

Another benefit of agility is that your dogs will be more responsive to commands! Dogs see this training as play time and giving them tasks they enjoy with commands will get them associating you like fun and your commands as them getting to run around.

Can you do agility in a wheelchair?

There is no requirement for the handler, you could do agility training in a wheelchair it just may not be as fast as normal. There is no need to be an Olympic quality athlete running through the course you can do effectively at any speed with proper training. Along with this people assume only border collies and German shepherds do dog agility ...

Can you train agility at home?

Home Training. Just like any other sport, it is possible to train at home but this requires obstacles. Along with this, it is a smart idea to go to at least a couple of training sessions to learn the proper techniques for agility training.

Is dog training a fast paced sport?

It is a fast-paced sport that requires coordination and sometimes grace. There are risks of injuries to handlers but the dog is doing a majority of the hard work. Make sure your dog's bones are matured as pups and younger dogs are at risk of breaks if something goes wrong.

Why do dogs need front cross?

Front cross also help slow a dog if they need to slow down for an obstacle such as the table or a contact obstacle. You need to work both crosses with your dog in the event a course calls for it, but knowing which is best for your team is crucial for planning your runs.

Can course designers do front and rear cross?

Yes, course designers will do that. Front and Rear Crosses: There are some very fancy and advanced moves that will get you and your dog around a course with ease and great style, but they come with tons of practice. Until then it is a great asset to at least get a solid front and rear cross in your teams toolbox.
