how to get to penguin agility course

by Greyson Harris 7 min read

The course

  • The start of the course is north of the group of penguins; may need to click on the western part of the northern tip to...
  • After the ice crushers, climb the stepping stones just north of the ice crushers to go to the Icicles. Jump from one...
  • Click on the Tread-softly Icicles to pass.
  • Then Cross Ice to the south of the last icicle.

Full Answer

Where is the Penguin agility course in RuneScape?

The Penguin Agility Course is located on the Iceberg north of the Penguin Outpost. To get here, head to Rellekka, either by walking, or by using your Enchanted Lyre teleport. Take the boat from Rellekka to the Iceberg, and then head to the avalanche to the northwest. To the west is a room; follow the corridor to the Penguin Agility Course.

How do you get a penguin agility pet?

What level do you have to be to do the Penguin course?

How much experience do I get from the agility course?

How do you get into the Penguin agility course?

To access the Agility course, the player has to wear a clockwork suit. The Agility course rewards 540 Agility experience per completed lap. With an average time of 65 seconds per lap, it is possible to get upwards of 30,000 Agility experience per hour from this course.Jan 11, 2022

Where is Penguin agility course?

The Penguin agility course is located on the Iceberg, and requires an Agility level of 30. Players need to complete the quest Cold War, and must be wearing the clockwork suit. This course has the highest base chance to receive an agility pet.

How do you get to Dorgesh Kaan agility course?

The course is located in the far south of the city on the top level, and can be reached by climbing the southernmost stairs to reach the south dungeon's upper level. The fastest way to get to the course is to break a Dorgesh-Kaan teleport sphere and run to the course.

How do you get into Barbarian agility course?

It is located within the Barbarian Outpost, in northern Kandarin, and is supervised by Gunnjorn. Access to the course requires the completion of the Bar Crawl (miniquest) and 35 Agility (boostable).

Is giant squirrel rare Osrs?

A player's actual chances of receiving it is 1 in B - (Lvl * 25), where B is the base chance and Lvl is the player's Agility level.

Where is varrock agility course?

The Varrock Rooftop Agility course can be started by climbing the Rough Wall on the east side of the General Store and is finished by jumping off the house south of Lowe's Archery shop. Players get 238 experience from completing the course, including 125 experience upon completion of the course.

How do I get to Movario?

Movario is found in the southeast corner of the Mahjarrat Ritual Site, where he is continuing his search for the Stone of Jas. After the quest is complete, he can be found studying the residue left by the Stone of Jas near the Banite ore mine in the Glacor Cave.

How do I make a light orb Osrs?

Empty light orbs can be made with level 87 Crafting by blowing molten glass, granting 70 experience. Attaching a cave goblin wire to an empty orb creates a light orb, which can be used to repair broken lamps in Dorgesh-Kaan. This gives an additional 104 Crafting experience.Oct 20, 2020

Where is Turgall located in Runescape?

the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility CourseTurgall is a cave goblin who is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of Dorgesh-Kaan's electricity. He can be found in the Dorgesh-Kaan Agility Course, down the stairs in the power station to the East of the course.

How do you get to outpost Osrs?

There are four main ways of getting to the Outpost:Teleport using a games necklace.Walk from Seers' Village.Use the shortcut to the north-east of the Grand Tree in the Gnome Stronghold (level 37 Agility).Teleport using Barbarian Teleport spell (requires level 75 Magic and Lunar Magicks).

What teleports you to Barbarian Outpost?

Dead Cells Final DLC - The Loop Barbarian Teleport teleports the caster next to the Barbarian Outpost, far north of West Ardougne, right next to the entrance to the agility course.

How do I get to Barb fishing?

Barbarian Fishing is a special barbarian method of Fishing. It can be learned by members, with level 48 Fishing, level 15 Agility, and level 35 Strength, by speaking to Otto Godblessed in his home near Baxtorian Falls.

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Getting there

Find Larry, who is stationed by his boat to the north-east of Rellekka on the pier (outside the fence area), and talk to him.

The course

This course offers much higher experience than the Barbarian Agility Course, but requires a lower Agility level. Three of the four obstacles on the course can be failed - the crushers can deal damage, but it is not necessary to do them again - however the damage taken is negligible.


When doing the crushers, players should click on the first stepping stone just as the all 3 northern crushers finish moving down.

Update history

This information has been compiled as part of the update history project. Some updates may not be included - see here for how to help out!


Players cannot drop anything while swimming. Also, if a player is moving and tries to eat or drink while swimming, the player will stop.

Getting there

Find Larry who is stationed by his boat to the north-east of Rellekka on the pier (outside the fence area), and talk to him.

The course

This course offers slightly higher experience than the Barbarian Agility Course, but requires a lower Agility level. However, all four obstacles can be failed, so food and agility potions are recommended if the Agility level is low. Players are also recommended to bring Boots of lightness to decrease their weight as well as to run longer.


When doing the crushers, players should click on the first stepping stone just as the first crusher comes out to block them.


Players cannot drop anything while swimming. Also, if a player is moving and tries to eat or drink while swimming, the player will stop.

Why is the Penguin Agility Course so good?

It is kept by those that are Penguins, and Penguins keep it. As a matter of fact, penguin commandos for the Penguin army are trainined on this bleak, freezing, desolate floating rock.

Where is the Penguin Course?

The course is located in the penguin's outpost, on the iceberg, in the Lunar Sea.

What is agility course?

Agility courses are loops of simple obstacles. The themes and levels required to use a training course are highly varied. Agility was released on 12 December 2002. The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at approximately rank 928,360) on the hiscores for Agility is level 15.

What level is Priffdinas agility?

Alternative: Levels 75 – 99 Priffdinas Agility Course Players who have access to the Priffdinas area can use the priffdinas agility course from levels 75 all the way to 99. Priffdinas is a great alternative to the rooftop courses or even the hallowed sepulchre as you get …

What happens when you lose the Pit?

While training, you will randomly be called out by him. Accept his request and you’ll be whisked off into a small (mostly luck-based) minigame. If you lose, you will sent back to the Agility course, and will be rewarded ...

What is Holly's breed?

Holly, the English Bulldog is a very unusual dog for her breed. She likes a lot to practice some sports activities. Holly is very active and likes this equipment in the dog park designed for more ...

Can you play Bongos in a penguin suit?

The ability to use the Penguin agility course Players can also steal more cowbells and make more bongos. The cowbells or the bongos can only be played in a penguin suit.
