how to get to course evaluation discussion board in canvas

by Josh Ortiz 9 min read

Open Discussions In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link. Note: If the Discussions link is not available in Course Navigation, you can access course discussions through the Modules page.

Search a discussion board in Canvas
  1. In your Canvas course click Discussions from the navigation menu.
  2. Click on the discussion you would like to search.
  3. Enter any term in the Search field.
  4. All discussions containing that work will appear at the top of the board.
Jun 5, 2020

Full Answer

How do I get to course evaluation on canvas?

Proceed to any of your courses within Canvas. 3. There will be a link on the left hand side of the page that says Course Evaluation.

How do I see my course evaluation on blackboard?

For Blackboard UsersLog into Blackboard.Click on the TOOLS link from the left navigation menu of the Bb dashboard.Select Faculty Course Evaluation Reports.Click 'Course Evaluation Reports' and a new window will open.Click 'Dashboard' on the left hand side menu.More items...•

Are course evaluations on canvas Anonymous?

Yes, student responses are anonymous. Instructors do not know which students responded or what responses individual students provided. However, instructors can track overall response rates for their courses.

How do you do a peer review discussion on canvas?

Note: Peer reviews can only be completed in the web version of Canvas.Open Discussions. In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link. ... Open Assigned Peer Review. Click the Review Now link.Confirm Completed Peer Review. A message will appear on your discussion to confirm you have completed the peer review.

How do I find a course survey on Blackboard?

Accessing Surveys You can access a survey when it has been deployed by your instructor in a Content Area of the course. When the instructor informs you that a survey is available, and where to find it, enter that area of the course and click on the survey link to launch it.

How do I access course evaluations UTSA?

How do I access my course evaluations from Blackboard? Navigate to your Blackboard course. In the left-hand navigation menu, select Tools. From the list, select UTSA Course Evaluations.

Can professors see your course evaluations on Canvas?

Abbott said Lindenwood professor evaluations are anonymous. Faculty and administrators cannot see students' names on their evaluations, but they do receive their average ratings for each section and a list of comments, regardless of how small their class is.

How do I view anonymous survey responses in Canvas?

Click a course card to access that course.Click Quizzes in the Course Navigation Menu.Click the name of the survey.Click the Options icon, and click the Show Student Survey Results link to view individual submissions.Click on an anonymous student to see that student's response. ... The student's response will appear.

How do I download survey responses in Canvas?

To download a report, click on the Student Analysis button. This will download a CSV file of all responses to your computer.

Can peer reviewers see instructor comments in canvas?

After clicking the View Feedback button on the Submission Details Page, the student submitter can see all comments made on the document by both peer reviewer(s) and the instructor (1) and access the rubrics left by each reviewer (2).

How do I leave a peer review?

DoJustify your recommendation with concrete evidence and specific examples.Be specific so the authors know what they need to do to improve.Be thorough. This might be the only time you read the manuscript.Be professional and respectful. ... Remember to say what you liked about the manuscript!

4 Tips to Design an Engaging Discussion in Canvas

Great discussion prompts help students engage with course concepts in new and creative ways. They might also invite a wide variety of unique responses. Here are a few discussion prompt ideas:

Example Discussion Prompt

As you make a plan to design an engaging discussion in Canvas, consider this example discussion prompt. This example draws inspiration from the discussion prompt shared in Lee, Krieger, and Zolkover’s “Change the Prompt, Not the Tool: Developing Effective Discussions.” It puts a number of the tips above into practice:


As a senior instructional designer at the MIT Sloan School, I design learning experiences for diverse students on campus and around the globe. I’m passionate about education and technology’s potential to enrich learning experiences.
