how to get the highest score in data structures college course

by Justyn Marks 6 min read

What is the best course to learn data structure and algorithms?

Dec 13, 2018 · So, person A here solved the problem in an easy way yet Person B solved the problem in an efficient way . Now, the efficient way of learning Data Structures and Algorithms depends on a several factors: Your prior knowledge of programming languages and basic DS and Algos. The purpose for which you want to learn it. The resources available to you.

What is data structures and algorithms?

Apr 05, 2022 · Python Data Structures by University of Michigan (Coursera) 13. Free Algorithms Course by IIT Bombay (edX) 14. Programming Foundations: Algorithms (LinkedIn Learning – Lynda) 15. Algorithms and Data Structures – Part 1 (PluralSight) Programming has always been a highly in-demand skill for software developers, more so these days with ...

What are the best courses on data structures on Udemy?

1. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java. This is one of the most comprehensive courses on data structure and algorithms using Java. …

What are the basic data structures in Computer Science?

Browse the latest online data structures courses from Harvard University, including "CS50: Introduction to Computer Science" and "CS50 for Lawyers." ... Harvard College. Graduate School of Arts & Sciences. Harvard Museums of Science and Culture. ... This course is a variant of Harvard University's introduction to computer science, CS50 ...

Which is the best course for data structures?

Here are the top 10 data structure and algorithm courses in 2021:#1: Algorithms Part II. ... #2: Algorithms Part I. ... #3: Python Data Structures. ... #4: Data Structures and Algorithms. ... #5: Data Structures Concepts & Singly Linked List Implementation. ... #6: The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures.More items...•Oct 27, 2021

How hard is data structures in college?

Data Structures and Algorithms are generally considered two of the hardest topics to learn in Computer Science. They are a must-have for any programmer. I don't mean to scare you, but it's going to take a lot of time and effort to master these topics.

How can I learn data structure faster?

Here is a step-by-step plan to improve your data structure and algorithm skills:Step 1: Understand Depth vs. ... Step 2: Start the Depth-First Approach—make a list of core questions. ... Step 3: Master each data structure. ... Step 4: Spaced Repetition. ... Step 5: Isolate techniques that are reused. ... Step 6: Now, it's time for Breadth.More items...•Nov 13, 2019

How do I get better at DSA?

Tips to get better at DSA for beginnersInvestment of Time. ... Have strong fundamentals. ... Don't be afraid to carry out Dry Runs. ... Slow but effective wins the race. ... I, me, myself and DSA [Do not compare with them] ... Take regular breaks. ... Balance between old and new topics. ... Single source of learning.More items...•Jun 16, 2021

Can I master data structures and algorithms in 1 month?

Learning Data Structures and Algorithms in one month isn't feasible practically, but you may be ready to eff if you've got got got a well-structured course or mentors to guide you throughout your learning. Well, Absolute Mastery could even be a never-ending process, the thing is to stay learning.

Is data structure a math class?

Data Structures is the second CS course taught at Columbia University and it lists Discrete Mathematics as a Co-Req.Sep 20, 2013

Is Python good for data structures?

Data Structures are fundamentals of any programming language around which a program is built. Python helps to learn the fundamental of these data structures in a simpler way as compared to other programming languages.Mar 3, 2022

How long does it take to master DSA?

Data Structures & Algorithms are really the heart of computer science. It will take 6 to 10 months to master Data Structure & Algorithms.

How long does it take to master data structures and algorithms?

Usually, it takes 2-3 months to learn the basics and then a rigorous, six months regular practice of questions to master data structures and algorithms.Jul 3, 2021

How long does it take to learn data structure?

Data Structures can primarily be learned in approximately 6 – 12 months, depending on various factors that influence your learning capacity for this field.

What is a nanodegree in Udacity?

Udacity offers a Nanodegree program in Data Structures and Algorithms. In this program students learn data structures and algorithms and how to use them to solve a wide range of real world problems. It is a very hands-on program, heavy on algorithms and includes 100+ practice problems.

What is EDX algorithm?

It is a part of IIT Bombay’s Fundamentals of Computer Science XSeries Program and focuses on teaching students how to structure and use algorithms to solve real life problems.

What is algorithm in programming?

Algorithms are the universal building blocks of programming. They offer a way to think about programming challenges in plain English, before they are translated into a specific language like Python, C or JavaScript. This course on Algorithms teaches some of the most popular and useful algorithms for searching and sorting information, working with techniques like recursion, and understanding common data structures.

Why is programming important?

Data Structures and algorithms form the ultimate foundation of programming. They are very useful in solving real world complex problems.

Who is the author of the book "Algorithms"?

The instructors of these courses Kevin Wayne and Robert Sedgewick are highly acclaimed and expert authors and lecturers. Robert Sedgewick has also authored Algorithms book along with Kevin Wayne, which is one of the best books to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in Java.

What is a Coursera specialization?

This Coursera Specialization from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign teaches fundamental computer science algorithms and data structures. It is a three-course program developed by CS Professor Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider to give students a performance pathway into computers and data science.

Who is the instructor of Udemy?

This Udemy data structures and algorithms course is offered by Jose Portilla, who has taught thousands of students about Python programming and Data Science. He has created this course to help students with the coding interview process at the top technology companies. It is basically a three-in-one course that covers data structures and algorithms in Python and technical coding interview questions along with solutions to them and non technical interview preparation like resume reviews and in-person interview prep.

These are the best courses to learn Data Structure and Algorithms for both Interviews and to become a better software engineer

Hello guys, both Data Structures and Algorithms are one of the most essential topics for programmers and if you want to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in 2021 then you have come to the right place.

1. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java

This is one of the most comprehensive courses on data structure and algorithms using Java.#N#It provides an excellent and straightforward guide to implement the most up to date algorithms from scratch: arrays, linked lists, graph algorithms, and sorting, etc.#N#You will also learn about binary trees, balanced trees like AVL trees and Red-black trees, heaps including heapsort algorithm, and associative arrays and dictionaries.#N#If you are a Java developer and looking for an excellent data structure and algorithm course, then you should join this.

2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass

This is one of the best courses to learn Data Structures and Algorithms in JavaScript, and seriously, you won’t find a better course at such a ridiculous price.#N#I bought this course in just $10 on Udemy’s flash sales, which happens every month, and I am amazed by its quality.

3. Learning Data Structure and Algorithms in Python from Scratch

This is the best data structure and algorithm course I have come across for Python developer.#N#It covers both basic and advanced data structure like Arrays, Linked Lists, Trees, Hashtables, Stacks, Queues, Heaps, Sort algorithms like QuickSort, MergeSort, and Insertion sort and Search algorithms like linear and binary search.#N#The course also covers some of the advanced algorithms like shortest path algorithms, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Bellman-Ford algorithm, Kruskal algorithm, spanning trees, etc..

5. From 0 to 1: Data Structures & Algorithms in Java

As the name suggests, this course is for beginners and takes you from 0 to 1.

7. Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions

This is another good interview refresher kind of course for anyone preparing for coding interviews. Unlike previous courses that focus on concrete problems, this course focus on underlying patterns.

Grokking the Object-Oriented Design Interview - Learn Interactively

That’s all about some of the best courses to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in 2021. I have included courses for both Java and Python Programmers, but as I have said before, data structures and algorithms are language-independent topics.

COMP 0015

A second course in computer science. Data structures and algorithms are studied through major programming projects. Topics include linked lists, trees, graphs, dynamic storage allocation, and recursion.Recommendations: COMP 0011 Introduction to Computer Science or permission of Instructor.

Course Description

A second course in computer science. Data structures and algorithms are studied through major programming projects. Topics include linked lists, trees, graphs, dynamic storage allocation, and recursion.Recommendations: COMP 0011 Introduction to Computer Science or permission of Instructor.


I’m still in shock about what’s happening. I’m a software engineering Intern at a big tech company. It literally seems surreal with how amazing everything was. My team was amazing, the WLB was phenomenal (I took ~5 days off in total and never worked more than 45 hours a week), my teammates had nothing but great things to say.

What is the worst thing that happened to you working for a small no name company

I graduated from a good school and gave up on great career opportunities thinking working for a small company would be more rewarding. 18 months of working days nights weekends Christmas later the startup screwed me over big time. They will make profit from the IP I created, they fired me when appraisal time was around the corner.

The One Thing Wrong With Remote

Not exaaactly a new grad, I guess? Joined my org as the only junior on the team post graduation towards the end of 2020. It's been remote and great. I spent ~6 months in a learning curve. Org culture is great. I've been appreciated at work, so it's not the whines of the fallen either.

Has any of you resigned because of being called back to on-site working?

Back in november I started a new job. It started as remote, it is pretty comfortable and the Dev teams manages pretty comfortable . Even if we have to do a couple of extra hours, there's usually no biggie as long as we getting paid that extra, since doing it from home is not a big deal .

Am I being a good mentor? Or is the junior dev a bit too incompetent?

Mid-level dev here. A fresh grad was hired a week ago and I was assigned to be his mentor. This is the first time I mentor anyone so I just want some advice.

My boss wants to promote me to a senior software engineer and I only have a year of work experience?

Hi everyone! I have been a software engineer for exactly 1 year now and started as an apprentice. Since then I’ve gotten 2 promotions and might get my 3rd soon. I am getting some hardcore imposter syndrome though and feel I really don’t deserve it.

Looked up an innappropriate site while on company VPN

A subreddit for those with questions about working in the tech industry or in a computer-science-related job.
