how to get rid of white clover on a golf course

by Cleo Legros DVM 7 min read

The effective mixture will have you adding a cup of salt plus a squirt of dishwashing soap. Take these items and add to one gallon of vinegar solution, then mix. Spray this mixture onto the white clover patches daily till they dry.

The best overall method for controlling clover is to increase your annual fertilization. This combined with an application a broadleaf herbicide in mid-October should minimize many of the clover problems.Jun 18, 2004

Full Answer

What will kill white clover but not grass?

You can apply A.D.I.O.S. which is a selective, organic herbicide that will kill clover but not harm surrounding grass. Simply spray it on clover, and the weed will weaken and die.

What is the fastest way to get rid of clover?

A simple strategy to get rid of it would be to apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer to the clover patches. This will deter it from growing and spreading. A quick and affordable option is to use a fast-release fertilizer, which is especially recommended if you have a lot of clover to get rid of.

What can I spray to kill white clover?

This weed is best controlled by herbicides containing dicamba, clopyralid, fluroxypyr, and quinclorac. Products containing combinations of these active ingredients usually provide very good control of white clover. Regrowth of foliage sometimes occurs following spring herbicide applications.

What kills weeds on a golf course?

Post-Emergent Herbicides tackle both perennial and annual broadleaf weeds (weeds with leaf shapes that don't resemble grass), and some even control grassy weeds (weeds that resemble grass). Browse our online cataloge and select post-emergent herbicides to control existing weeds on golf courses.

What time of year do you spray clover?

The best time to spray is in the early spring. Spray the weeds to wet but not to the point of runoff. Repeated application may be necessary about 6 weeks later to treat clover since it is a persistent weed.

Will grass take over clover?

The belief that clover will take over your lawn if you leave it untreated is a common misconception. The truth is that clover won't typically crowd out grass, and in fact it can offer certain benefits as part of a well-maintained lawn.

Will Roundup kill white clover?

3. Reach for Roundup® For Lawns. If you just want to get out there and kill the clover, simply use Roundup® for Lawns, which is specially formulated to kill weeds like clover while leaving your lawn unharmed when used as directed.

Does 2 4d kill white clover?

Hi - Yield 2, 4 - D Selective Weed Killer is labeled for sweet clover and white clover. The product label does note that light applications of Hi-Yield 2, 4-D Selective Weed Killer will injure white clover but that it may recover and repeat applications will be needed to kill the weed.

Will crossbow kill white clover?

What Weeds Does Crossbow Kill? Crossbow attacks all non-grassy plants, including common weeds such as dandelions and clover. However, Crossbow is a powerful herbicide well suited for killing woody plants, including vines and brush.

How do golf courses get rid of crabgrass?

Post-emergence control MSMA can be used on golf courses and sod farms. There are several options for controlling crabgrass in cool season turf: Drive (a.i. quinclorac), Acclaim Extra (a.i. fenoxaprop-ethyl) and Tenacity (a.i. mesotrione) are all effective for post-emergence control.

Do they use herbicides on golf courses?

Pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides are all used to maintain the idyllic, cosmetic appeal of lush greens on golf courses.

What do golf courses use for fertilizer?

What is Golf Course Fertilizer? Fertilizers of various mixes and combinations are readily available in the market, but the three primary nutrients these fertilizers depend on are Phosphorus, potassium, and Nitrogen.

What fertilizer kills clovers?

Apply a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Clover does not do well in a nitrogen-rich environment, so a nitrogen fertilizer will kill this weed. Look for a fertilizer with a high nitrogen content at your local hardware store or online.

How do you remove clover from your lawn?

Lawn weedkillers Products containing fluroxypyr (Weedol Lawn Weedkiller and Weedol Lawn Weedkiller Ready to Use) are particularly effective at controlling clovers, including the more persistent species such as Trifolium dubium.

How do you get rid of clover in ground cover?

8 Tips for Getting Rid of CloverAct quickly. ... Consider using corn gluten meal. ... Cover the clover. ... Feed your garden bed well. ... Mow your lawn higher. ... Remove clover manually. ... Reseed your lawn after removing any clover. ... Use a selective herbicide.

Will clover choke out grass?

What is this? Clover fixes nitrogen from the air and releases it to the soil for other plants to use. Clover stays green for a longer season than grass. Clover is very persistent with an aggressive root structure, choking out most weeds.

Identifying the white clovers

The white clover is a perennial clover weed that is quickly spreading with white flowers. As a member of the clover family, you can count on the white clover to be a common lawn weed problem and a nuisance at it.

Old-School Manual Removal

During an early onset of white clovers, manual removal by hand, trowel, or a weeding tool is the go-to option to cut their growth early. Remember, small patches have not spread at this stage, so it’s wise to get rid of them before they override the whole lawn.

Eliminating With Vinegar

Vinegar comes with plenty of surprising uses, and a natural weed killer is one way the solution is a remedy. The acetic acid inside vinegar is essential since it helps dry out the weeds and kills them. Once the white clovers dry up, you can remove them manually (plus the roots) and prevent further growth.

With a DIY Homemade Remedy

White vinegar is an excellent solution on its own; you can achieve even better results with this DIY homemade remedy. The effective mixture will have you adding a cup of salt plus a squirt of dishwashing soap.

Fertilizing Your Lawn

A well-fertilized lawn comes in handy when fighting weeds of all kinds, not just white clovers. For example, using an excellent organic fertilizer allows the right plants, such as grass, to have a growing advantage and thrive. This is not the case when you leave your lawn unattended and not fertilized.

Mowing Properly

You also have to consider mowing could also help with your white clover problem. As you can tell, clovers are low-growing weeds with a shallow root system. So, when mowing, you can raise your mowing deck to three inches or more to have a taller grass turf.

Starve the Clovers

Here, plenty of plastic sheets will help cover the large patches of clovers in your lawn. Get these plastic sheets or garbage bags to protect the top of the white clovers and secure them by the corners.

What is the best way to kill white clover?

Herbicide for white clover. Killing white clover with herbicide is also a common way to deal with this weed, especially over larger areas. The problem with using herbicides is that the only herbicide effective at controlling white clover is non-selective weed killers. These herbicides will kill the white clover, ...

What is white clover?

Image by Mark R Coons. White clover is a plant that is either loved or hated by the homeowner. For many gardeners who did not intentionally plant white clover, knowing how to control white clover in lawns and garden beds is helpful. Getting rid of white clover once it is established can be tricky, but it can be done if you have ...

How to keep clover from germinating in flower beds?

In flower beds, clover can be kept at bay by using a thick layer of mulch. This will keep the seeds from germinating.

How many leaflets does white clover have?

The leaves on white clover grow in sets of 3 leaflets. Each leaflet is tear shaped and many have a reddish stripe across it. The flowers on white clover are spiky and white with a brownish green center. White clover grows in a creeping manner and will develop roots where ever a stem node touches the ground.

Where does white clover grow?

White clover is a perennial weed that grows low to the ground. While it can grow in many different places, it is typically found in lawns , especially sparse lawns where the competition from grass is weak.

Can you kill white clover in your lawn?

In either case, while killing the white clover already in your lawn is easy, you need to understand that killing white clover seeds is not. The seeds can survive high heat, low temperatures and can stay dormant for years before germinating. Whichever method you choose for getting rid of white clover, you can expect to be doing it once a year ...

How to kill clover?

You should stick to the natural method of eliminating clover as long as you can. Killing clovers by depriving oxygen and sunlight is another such method.

How to kill clovers in a garden?

Place garbage bags or plastic sheets on top of the clovers. Make sure to secure the corners so that they don’t blow away. This method should kill the clovers within a few weeks.

Why is my lawn growing clovers?

Fertilizing Lawns Regularly. Lack of nitrogen encourages weeds like clovers to grow in your lawn in the first place. When you have clovers in your lawn, it simply indicates the lawn grasses are becoming less dominant due to lack of nitrogen. Lack of proper fertilization makes the clover a dominant force in your lawn.

How to get rid of clover clamps?

First, you should mix vinegar with a small amount of dish soap and put the solution in a spray bottle. Now all you have to do is just spot treat all the clover clamps!

How to get clover to spread?

First, use your fingers or a spade to gently loosen up the soil around the base of the clover. Clovers have a very narrow root system. So, it should be easy for you. Then pluck the cover-up.

What to do if you have clovers in your lawn?

If your lawn is not already overrun by the clovers, you should try the slow-release fertilizers first. Try the quick-release nitrogen-enriched fertilizers if it’s already overrun by the clovers.

What kills clover but not plants?

If you are wondering what kills clover but not plants, I would say fertilizer. So, try this solution FAST.

How to discourage clover from growing in grass?

Maintaining the ideal moisture level is one secret to discouraging clover. Too-wet turf is the perfect habitat for weed seed germination, but thirsty grass is typically stressed out—and that invites weeds as well. While the right amount of watering will depend on your soil and grass species, gardening pros recommend monitoring your lawn rather than taking a set-it-and-forget it approach to an irrigation system. Water deeply once or twice a week is a rule of thumb, but temper that by remembering to water only when the lawn starts to look dry, or growth seems stalled.

How to get rid of clover clumps in garden?

Here’s a natural weed control remedy many gardeners find effective: Mix vinegar with a small amount of dish soap, put the mixture in a spray bottle, and spot treat clover clumps. Just take care to avoid surrounding plants.

Why does clover grow in my lawn?

Clover can flourish on your lawn when growing conditions favor the weed more than the grass . If your lawn is low on nitrogen, for instance, clover is likely to thrive. And because clover is a perennial, if it is present during one growing season it will probably come back the next.

How to keep clover from spreading?

So if you raise your mower deck and keep grass 3 or more inches high, your taller grass can effectively block sunlight exposure to the clover. This helps prevent clover from growing and spreading throughout your lawn.

What to do if you have clover in your lawn?

The solution is to lay down grass seed right away, and cover with a thin layer of mulch.

What herbicides kill clover?

If you’ve got to pull out the big guns to get rid of clover, broadleaf herbicides can do the job. These weed control products generally contain the chemicals Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, Mecoprop, and Dicamba, which disrupt normal plant growth patterns and cause the weeds to twist, the leaves to cup, and the stems to crack.

What weeds can you spray on clover?

Spray it directly on clover as well as other unwanted weeds, such as dandelion, ground ivy, lambquaters, and yellow mustard. It may also be effective against poison ivy, sumac, buckthorn, bettersweet, ragweed, and other noxious and invasive species.




  • The leaves on white clover grow in sets of 3 leaflets. Each leaflet is tear shaped and many have a reddish stripe across it. The flowers on white clover are spiky and white with a brownish green center. White clover grows in a creeping manner and will develop roots where ever a stem node touches the ground.
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  • Getting rid of white clover starts with a healthy lawn. Clover will grow in areas of low nitrogen and where competition from other plants is small, so making sure that your lawn (and flower beds) are well fertilized will not only help desirable grass and plants to grow and keep out white clover, but will also make the soil less friendly to white clover.
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  • In flower beds, clover can be kept at bay by using a thick layer of mulch. This will keep the seeds from germinating.
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  • If white clover is already established in your yard, controlling white clover can either be done through hand pulling or by using an herbicide. In either case, while killing the white clover already in your lawn is easy, you need to understand that killing white clover seeds is not. The seeds can survive high heat, low temperatures and can stay dormant for years before germinating. Whiche…
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  • Killing white clover with herbicide is also a common way to deal with this weed, especially over larger areas. The problem with using herbicides is that the only herbicide effective at controlling white clover is non-selective weed killers. These herbicides will kill the white clover, but will also kill any other plants it comes in contact with.
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  • Note: Chemical control should only be used as a last resort, as organic approaches are safer and much more environmentally friendly.
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