how to get rid of june bugs on a golf course

by Cameron Reichert 9 min read

Mix up your oils with some water in a spray bottle and spritz the affected areas. Tomato plants. By far the most palatable option on the list, tomato plants can get rid of June bugs as well as give you the ingredients for a delicious red sauce.

If you're wondering how to get rid of June bugs, start by targeting their larvae (or grubs) first beneath the surface of your lawn, before eliminating the adult June bug beetle population with either chemical or natural sprays, traps, and deterrents such as diatomaceous earth.Jun 2, 2021

Full Answer

How to get rid of June Bugs?

5 Ways to Get Rid of June Bugs. 1 Trap Adult Insects. Not all June bug infestations are regarded as major enough to require serious remedies. Experts suggest that an otherwise healthy ... 2 Apply Beneficial Nematodes. 3 Apply Milky Spores. 4 Apply a Curative Insecticide in September. 5 Apply a Preventive Insecticide in June or July. More items

Are June Bugs bad for your lawn?

June bugs lay eggs in the fall, and they hatch into larvae. Once spring has arrived, their active greatly increases. The larvae of the June bug can cause damage to your lawn and turf grass. If you notice large, brown areas in your yard, the offspring could be attracting the roots of your grass.

How do I get rid of June grubs?

Regular lawn dethatching may also help reduce lawn grub populations. A landscape that is friendly to birds will also help, as larger birds will eat adult June beetles, and some species may dig up and eat the grubs. Large bats are nocturnal feeders that often consume June bugs.

What is the fastest way to get rid of June bugs?

The most effective chemical remedy is to apply a product that contains carbaryl or trichlorfon in September. These are contact chemicals that will kill grubs and prevent them from pupating into adults. And, in September, the grubs are still close enough to the surface to be killed by the insecticide.

What will keep June bugs away?

The most popular is a natural June bug repellent spray containing one tablespoon of mineral oil, one pint of water, one tablespoon of dish soap, and one whole garlic cut into cloves, then minced. The garlic acts as a deterrent to the beetles, as they hate the smell.

How do I get rid of June beetles outside?

To treat the grubs that cause lawn damage you can apply an insecticide, like Sevin, to the lawn and then water the lawn to get the insecticide into the soil; or you can apply Bacillus thuringiensis or milky spore to the soil to kill the June bug grubs.

What attracts green June bugs?

Hosts. The beetles injure fruits of many kinds, including grapes, peaches, raspberry, blackberry, apple, pear, quince, plum, prune, apricot, and nectarine, and frequently feed as well on the sap of oak, maple, and other trees, and on the growing ears of com. They are attracted to ripe (especially overripe) fruits.

What month do June bugs go away?

June bugs are primarily active during the summer months, especially between May and July, which is how they got the name “June bug.” It is during these summer months that you may notice some destruction to your lawn, and June bugs are likely the culprit.

Do June bugs have a purpose?

Although many people find June bugs unsettling, they play an important role in helping nutrients cycle through ecosystems. By chowing down on grass roots, June bugs concentrate nutrients into juicy (larva) and crunchy (adult) calorie-rich packages that are consumed by a variety of other organisms.

What spray kills June bugs?

Bacillus thuringiensis, usually abbreviated as Bt, is bacteria that infects and kills many garden pests, including June bug grubs, yet is harmless to humans and pets. You'll usually find Bt sold as a liquid concentrate or a powder to spray or sprinkle directly onto affected plants and turf.

How long do June bugs stay out?

After they emerge from the soil in late May and June, the adult beetles live for only a couple of months. During this time, the females may lay as many as 75 eggs, and therein lies your problem!

Why do June bugs hit everything?

June bugs are nocturnal, feeding at night to avoid their many predators, so that's why they become an issue once the sun goes down. They're also attracted to light, which is why they hit the windows.

What eats green June bugs?

Birds eat green June beetle larvae, while toads feed on the flying adult bugs.

Where do June bugs go during the day?

All June bugs, with the exception of the Green June bug, are inactive during the day and spend their time hiding amongst weeds or grass.

What plants do June bugs hate?

June Bug Repellent One way you can repel them from your garden is by growing tomatoes. The leaves of the tomato plant are natural bug repellent that wards off June bugs and other insects. So, simply grow tomatoes as a companion plant to the site bug-free.

How to get rid of June bugs?

To attract and effectively drown June bugs, pour one-half cup of molasses into an empty milk jug or large jar, add one-half cup of hot water, then cover and shake well . Bury the open jar near rose bushes or other plants that the little buggers fancy, leaving only the neck of the jar above the soil. Check the trap each morning and dispose of any drowned beetles. Refill the trap as necessary.

What is a June bug?

If you’ve ever been out on a summer evening outdoors only to be startled by an inch-long, slow-flying beetle crashing into you, then you’ve encountered a June bug. The four most common of these members of the scarab family are the green iridescent Japanese beetle, the green June beetle, the brown-and-white, ten-lined June beetle, and the brown chafer beetle—and, despite their name, they’re active in adult form from May through July.

What is the best way to kill grubs in my lawn?

Beneficial microscopic worms called nematodes attack and eliminate grubs in your lawn. You can buy nematodes online or at most large garden centers. Just mix as directed, spray your affected lawn, and let the worms work their magic.

What do grubs eat?

But their larval form, called a grub, does the most damage. Grubs live in soil and feed off the roots of plants, especially grass.

What animals eat June bugs?

Attract predators: Many insect-eating birds, toads, and snakes enjoy a good meal of June bugs. Encourage these visitors by providing water—a birdbath for birds, a shallow dish of water for toads and snakes—as well as safe spots for your foraging friends to hide when necessary. Birds appreciate the cover of shrubs and trees, ...

How to kill Japanese beetles?

Kill Japanese beetles and other June bugs with a safe, do-it-yourself insecticide. Mix four cloves of minced garlic with one tablespoon of mineral oil and let sit overnight. Then strain out the garlic bits, add the garlic oil to a pint of water, and mix in one teaspoon of mild liquid dish soap. Put two tablespoons of this concentrate into a pint spray bottle, fill with plain water, and spray directly onto June bugs and any plants showing evidence of their munching.

When do June bugs lay eggs?

Female June bugs lay eggs in the grass in mid-summer, so destroying the adults before they get a chance to do so will not only help your shrubs look better this season, you’ll have a head start on a healthier lawn next spring.

How to get rid of June bug in lawn?

1. If you have June bug larvae in your lawn, there are a few maethods to try. Apply Sevin or insecticide to the affected area. Use milky spore, which is a disease that treats lawn grubs and is environmentally safe. As the larvae die off, milky spores are released into the soil, avoiding further infestations.

What happens if you have a June bug in your yard?

Once spring has arrived, their active greatly increases. Five grubs laying in soil. The larvae of the June bug can cause damage to your lawn and turf grass. If you notice large, brown areas in your yard, the offspring could be attracting the roots of your grass.

How to get rid of stink bugs in June?

Make a June bug trap. If you want organic methods, a popular choice is to make a June bug trap using either a jar or bucket. You might have used a similar way to get rid of fruit flies or stink bugs as they invade your house. At the bottom of the bucket, place an inch or two of vegetable oil.

How long do June bugs live?

June bugs only live for a year, at most. Unfortunately, the problem is that they multiply quickly, capable of infesting your garden and lawn rather quickly. In two weeks, a single, female June bug can lay 60 to 75 eggs! June bugs lay eggs in the fall, and they hatch into larvae.

What is a Japanese beetle?

Japanese Beetle. Ten Lined June Beetle. No matter what type you have in your garden, they all appear about late May throughout June, hence why they are referred to as June Bugs. All have the same oval shaped body with pincers in the front. They use their pincers to destroy our prized plants, devouring them.

What are June bugs?

Before you figure out how to get rid of them, you have to understand June Bugs. They are scarab beetles and come in a variety of species. These insects are all called June bugs: No matter what type you have in your garden, they all appear about late May throughout June, hence why they are referred to as June Bugs.

Can June bugs come to my garden?

However, these animals can naturally take care of the June bug population that is overrunning your garden. To get toads and frogs to come to your garden, you will need some water source.

How to Identify June Bugs

There are hundreds of June bugs species, but in Minnesota, there are roughly 20 bugs with this name. June Bugs in our area are about an inch long and have an oval-shaped body.

What Draws June Bugs To Your Home Or Yard?

June Bugs are attracted to moist soil and organic material. If you leave grass clippings left in your yard, June Bugs will be happy to dine there.

What Harm Do June Bugs Cause?

This flying, bumbling beetle is not a danger to people, and they do not want to bite or eat you. But June Bugs are interested in your plants.

How to kill June bugs?

Begin by mincing four cloves of garlic and marinating it overnight in a tablespoon of mineral oil. Strain out the chunks and pour the oil into a pint of water along with a teaspoon of dish soap.

How to keep June bugs away from my house?

June bugs are attracted to two major things: plants and light. Ensuring there are no shrubs too close to the house can deter a large number of pests. Make sure to temporarily remove any potted plants on your porch during an infestation to deter them.

What is the most dangerous bug in my garden?

Adults prefer vegetation and will usually aim for leaves and vegetation. Japanese beetles are the most dangerous for a garden, as they will also devour crops such as maize and strawberries or even eat the petals right off of your prized rosebush.

What is the shape of June bug grub?

June bug grubs also have that typical cylindrical shape seen throughout much of the insect world and are often curled up when uncovered. Cicada nymphs look much different, with an elongated abdomen and legs. This makes them appear more like an insect than a grub when encountered.

How many species of May bugs are there?

Phyllophaga (a group of 260 species, some of which are also known as May bugs) All of these bugs share characteristics, and a particularly unlucky homeowner may encounter several species at once. The good news is that their similarities make for plenty of universal solutions to an infestation.

What is the most dangerous month for pests?

June is a beautiful month for garden enthusiasts, but it’s also a horrible time for pests, with a selection of bugs appearing throughout the month that can drive you absolutely bonkers. Of these, the most notorious are cicadas and June bugs, which are often confused. Like a plague of locusts, June bugs sweep in, do massive damage, ...

What is June bug?

June bugs are members of the Scarabaeidae family and are thus all species of scarab beetle. Once considered a symbol of rebirth and still treasured for their beauty, these beetles are plump, poor fliers, and range in size up to about two inches.

How to control June bugs?

Physical Control. Make June bug traps from fruit juice in a large container with a wide-opening funnel at the top. The adult bugs will travel down the funnel into the container as they are attracted to the fruit juice and will be unable to escape. Beneficial insects can significantly reduce the number of June bugs.

What are June bugs?

June bugs are a common pest for gardeners and farmers alike with preferences of host plants differing between the type of June bug. One thing that all June bugs do have in common is that the larvae present the biggest problem to plants and lawns.

How many eggs do June bugs lay?

They lay the eggs in clusters of 10 to 70 at a time, depending on the type of June bug, around two to ten inches below the soils surface ( Penn State- College of Agricultural Sciences ).

What do grubs eat?

While the grubs feed on roots, the adults feast on a wide variety of over 300 crops and flowers. They are known to prefer raspberries, grapes, beans, and roses. Common June bug: The common June bug is primarily found eating the foliage of leafy plants as well as maize, corn, and walnut and oak trees.

How long does a June bug larva last?

The larval stage can last several years with some types of June bug producing a new generation every four years (although generations will overlap to ensure the existence of new June bugs every year). Other types of June bug will produce new generations annually.

What is the color of the June bug?

This is a slightly smaller variety of June bug at around half an inch in length. The Popillia japonica has mid-brown colored wings with a metallic green-blue head and clumps of white hair growing lengthways along the side of each edge ( The Old Farmer’s Almanac ). They generally stay in small groups, especially to feed.

What is the pest that eats apples and leaves?

Tenlined June beetle: The adult feeds on large leaves and some conifer bushes. They are common pests on almond and apple trees as well as roses, corn, strawberries, and potatoes ( Washington State University ). European Chafer beetle: This type of June bug predominantly causes damage to lawns.

How to get rid of June bugs in a jar?

To do this, combine half a cup of molasses with half a cup of hot water in a large jar. Cover the jar, shake it well, then put the open jar near the plants that are being damaged by the June bugs. Check the trap each morning and get rid of any drowned beetles, refilling the mixture as necessary.

How to keep June bugs off plants?

First, consider whether you can attract beneficial predators to your lawn. Some natural predators include toads, birds, and snakes, most of which will not pose any threat to your garden plant s.

How to make your own insecticide?

You can make a natural insecticide by combining a few cloves of minced garlic with a tablespoon of mineral oil.

How tall should I keep my lawn for June bugs?

Mowing your lawn too short can encourage female June bugs to lay their eggs, as they prefer short grass. Keep it to at least three inches tall, particularly during the early to mid-summer season.

What is a June bug?

June bugs are large, inch-long beetles that are part of the scarab family. In fact, there are several different bugs in this family for you to be aware of, including the green June beetle, the equally pesky and iridescent Japanese beetle, the brown chafer beetle, and the ten-lined June beetle. All of these pests can be found in North America, ...

What are the pests that plague gardeners?

There are far more aggravating, common pests like aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, etc. However, June bugs, as members of the scarab family, can actually be quite detrimental in a garden.

When are June bugs active?

June bugs, despite their name, are actually active all summer (but they are most active during the late summer, which is when the grubs are most active underground). You’ll know it’s June bugs that you’re dealing with when you see the tiny, curled-up grubs underneath the soil in your garden.
