how to get a hunting license in arkansas without course

by Prof. Katarina Raynor I 4 min read

Anyone born after 1968 must complete a hunter education course and carry a valid hunter education card to hunt in Arkansas. Children under 16 may hunt without hunter education as long as they are under the direct supervision of an adult who is 21 years old. Arkansas recognizes hunter education cards from other states.

Full Answer

What is a nonresident hunting license?

What is a resident trapper permit?

What is a resident sportsman's license in Arkansas?

How many duck permits are required in Arkansas?

Where can I get a waterfowl permit in Arkansas?

When is the furbearer license valid?

When does the GLH expire?

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Can you hunt in Arkansas without hunters Ed?

Anyone born after 1968 must complete a hunter education course and carry a valid hunter education card to hunt in Arkansas. Children under 16 may hunt without hunter education as long as they are under the direct supervision of an adult who is 21 years old.

What do you need to get a hunting license in Arkansas?

How Do I Get My State Hunting License?Complete the Arkansas hunter education certification requirements.Choose the correct license type.Buy the license through the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission website or an Arkansas–approved retailer.

Can you hunt in Arkansas without a license?

If you are 16 or older, an Arkansas hunting license is required to hunt wildlife unless you are on a licensed game-bird shooting resort that supplies pen-raised birds. A valid printed license, reusable hard card or acceptable electronic format license must be in your possession when hunting.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt on your own property in Arkansas?

With approximately 85% of the land in Arkansas being privately owned, most hunters in Arkansas must obtain permission to hunt. Some do this by just asking the landowner, and others pay to lease hunting rights from private landowners.

Can I shoot a deer on my property in Arkansas?

But someone living in a house or an immediate family member can shoot a deer from the back porch - if such an opportunity arises. That's legal. Permission to hunt forms are included in AGFC hunting regulation guidebooks. These are the same forms used for permission to hunt on another person's land.

How many acres do you have to have to hunt in Arkansas?

Guidelines/Requirements A landowner is required to have a minimum of 5 contiguous acres that can be planted to participate. Must own or have at least a 5-year lease on the property. Enrollment in the program is for 5 years.

What is the fine for hunting without a license in Arkansas?

Fine of $1,000 to $10,000 and a jail sentence of 0 to 1 year. In lieu of a jail sentence, the court may impose community service upon conviction. Further, the court may suspend or revoke that person's hunting and fishing rights, privileges, and related licenses.

Is it legal to drink and hunt in Arkansas?

Alcohol Possession While Hunting It is a prohibition to possess any type of alcoholic beverage while hunting in a WMA controlled by Arkansas Fish and Games Regulation. An exception to this regulation is made for: The possession of Alcohol in Private inholdings of Arkansas.

Can you bait deer in Arkansas?

Hunters may bait and feed deer on private land outside of the CWD Management Zone year-round. Food plots may be used year-round. Baiting is not allowed on wildlife management areas.

Can you hunt feral hogs at night in Arkansas?

Allowances for the control of feral hogs are made through the Arkansas State Legislature. On private land, feral hogs may be killed or trapped year-round using legal methods, day or night, by a landowner or anyone who has the landowner's permission.

Do you have to tag a deer in Arkansas?

How do I tag a deer? Options to tag your deer include: Immediately upon harvest and before moving the deer, check the deer via or by calling 877-731-5627 then no tagging is required.

Can you hunt at night in Arkansas?

Is night hunting allowed in Arkansas? Day hunting only for Coyotes. Bobcats, opossums and raccoons may be taken at night only when treed by dogs and only with firearms no larger than . 22 caliber rimfire and shotguns with shot no larger than T shot.

Do you have to tag a deer in Arkansas?

How do I tag a deer? Options to tag your deer include: Immediately upon harvest and before moving the deer, check the deer via or by calling 877-731-5627 then no tagging is required.

Can you fish on private property without a license in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, you need a license unless you fish private property unless it is a “pay-to-fish” lake. South Carolina doesn't require a license on private ponds unless it is a “pay-to-fish” lake.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt squirrels in Arkansas?

Arkansas residents have a choice of two hunting licenses. The Resident Wildlife Conservation License costs $10.50 and entitles you to hunt squirrels, rabbits, quail, furbearers, and migratory birds such as doves, snipe and woodcocks. This license also entitles you to kill one deer.

How much does a lifetime hunting and fishing license cost in Arkansas?

Hunting Licenses & FeesCostObtain$7.00Online Regional Offices Nature CentersNonexpiring Lifetime Resident Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's Permit | Application$1,000.00AGFC Headquarters Regional OfficesResident 3-Year Disability Hunting License (RDH) | Application54 more rows

Hunting Licenses & Fees - Arkansas Hunting | eRegulations

License and DescriptionCostObtain New for 2020-21 | Youth Customer ID Number (CID) All hunters need an AGFC Customer ID to check big-game animals and participate in permit hunts. For hunters under 16 who do not have a license, they must obtain a free...

03.04 -- Nonresident Hunting License Requirements - Arkansas Game and ...

It is unlawful for a nonresident, 16 years of age or older, to hunt wildlife by any means in Arkansas without possessing on the person the appropriate Arkansas hunting license as provided herein:

Buy a License - Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission's mission is to conserve and enhance Arkansas's fish and wildlife and their habitats while promoting sustainable use, public understanding and support.

Arkansas Hunting License |™

We’re people, not robots. Your Hunter Ed course comes with a dedicated customer service team made up of real people, not robots. We’re here to provide assistance to you through all channels—phone, email, and chat.

Disability, Mobility-impaired, 65 Plus, Military Retiree, Lifetime Licenses

Disability ; Mobility-impaired Access ; 65 Plus; Resident Military Retiree Lifetime; Non-expiring Lifetime Disability Licenses and Permits. Resident 3-Year Disability Fishing License (RDF, $10.50) | Application Entitles a resident to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle.

How Do I Get My State Hunting License?

Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Hunter Education Certificate in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt.

What age do you have to be to hunt waterfowl in Arkansas?

All hunters age 16 or older must purchase the Arkansas Waterfowl Stamp and the Federal Duck Stamp when hunting migratory waterfowl. In addition, hunters are required to have proof of their participation in the Harvest Information Program (HIP).

What is a resident in Arkansas?

Arkansas Resident. A resident is a person who has lived in Arkansas for at least 60 days. Active-duty military members and non-resident full-time students who live in Arkansas and attend an educational institution in Arkansas are considered residents.

How old do you have to be to hunt in Arkansas?

All Arkansas residents age 16 or older must have a resident hunting license. Visit the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission website for more details.

When does a hunting license expire in Arkansas?

Hunting licenses expire on June 30 of each year. Arkansas residents are able to purchase a lifetime hunting license.

Where to get a fishing license in Arkansas?

Visit the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission office or an approved license retailer.

Can a permanent disabled person get a hunting license in Arkansas?

Permanently disabled persons who are Arkansas residents may purchase the Resident 3-Year Disability Hunting License. Hunters with mobility impairments and other disabilities may be eligible to purchase Mobility-Impaired Access Permits. Contact the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission for details.

What is a resident trapper permit?

Also allows the holder to hunt furbearers and to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle. Resident Trapper's Permit required to trap furbearers. A Resident Trout Permit also must be purchased to retain trout or to fish in certain waters. Valid through June 30. Six deer tags and two turkey tags are included with this license.

What is a resident sportsman's license in Arkansas?

Entitles Arkansas residents 65 or older to the privileges of the Resident Sportsman’s License. A Resident Trapper’s Permit is required to trap furbearers. HIP registration is required to hunt migratory game birds. To hunt waterfowl, a state lifetime waterfowl permit (purchased once after age 65) and federal waterfowl stamps are required in addition to HIP. Proof of applicant’s age and 60 days of Arkansas residency are required to apply for this license. This license is available from the AGFC Little Rock Office and AGFC regional offices.

How many duck permits are required in Arkansas?

A limit of six 5-day permits per waterfowl season per person may be purchased.

Where can I get a waterfowl permit in Arkansas?

The lifetime waterfowl permit is available from the AGFC Little Rock Office and AGFC regional offices. If you wish to purchase a license in person, bring proof of your age, such as a driver’s license, birth certificate or military record and proof of 60 days of Arkansas residency, in the form of an Arkansas driver’s license or state I.D. card.

When is the furbearer license valid?

Entitles a holder of a nonresident hunting license to trap furbearers during open seasons. Valid through June 30. Not required to hunt furbearers.

What is mobility impaired classification?

Mobility impaired classification: cannot walk without the permanent use of a brace, cane, crutch, prosthetic device, wheelchair, or walker; permanently restricted by lung disease to such an extent that the person’s forced (respiratory) expiratory volume for one second, when measured by spirometry, is less than one (1) liter, or the arterial oxygen tension is less than (60) mm/hg on room air at rest; permanent condition which requires the use of portable oxygen or that the person’s functional limitations are classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to standards set by The American Heart Association. This license is available from the AGFC Little Rock Office.

When does the GLH expire?

The GLH does not include hunting privileges. Expiration date is June 30.

What is a DHE in Arkansas?

A free Deferred Hunter Education Code (DHE) can take the place of the hunter education requirement for hunters 16 and older. The code is available at any license purchasing agent, by phone or online: The hunter must possess a valid Arkansas hunting license while hunting. The hunter must be in the direct supervision of a licensed hunter ...

Can a hunter be convicted of a prior hunter education violation?

The hunter may not have been convicted or forfeited bond for prior hunter education certification violations or other AGFC-sanctioned hunting privilege revocations.

What is a hunting license?

Your hunting license allows you to purchase hunting tags and enter draws, and it acts as proof of passing a hunter safety education course. Your proof of hunter education is also recognized across North America and many other countries abroad.

How easy is it to get a hunting license online?

By taking online hunter education, getting your hunting license is easy as 1, 2, and 3.

Can you take the hunter safety course online?

Almost all states and provinces now allow some portion of the required hunter safety course to be taken online , which reduces the amount of time that new hunters have to spend in the classroom.

Do you need a hunting license to hunt?

For most, the first step is to take a Hunter Safety Education Course, and pass a Hunter Education Test that will let them purchase a hunting license. All states and provinces require hunters to carry a hunting license when hunting.

What is a nonresident hunting license?

Nonresident Hunting Guide License (GNH) Entitles a nonresident to guide, aid or assist another person, for pay or other consideration, in taking any species of wildlife on land which is NOT commission-owned or controlled, including WMAs, WDAs and WRAs. The GNH does not include hunting privileges.

What is a resident trapper permit?

Also allows the holder to hunt furbearers and to fish the waters of the state with sport fishing tackle. Resident Trapper's Permit required to trap furbearers. A Resident Trout Permit also must be purchased to retain trout or to fish in certain waters. Valid through June 30. Six deer tags and two turkey tags are included with this license.

What is a resident sportsman's license in Arkansas?

Entitles Arkansas residents 65 or older to the privileges of the Resident Sportsman’s License. A Resident Trapper’s Permit is required to trap furbearers. HIP registration is required to hunt migratory game birds. To hunt waterfowl, a state lifetime waterfowl permit (purchased once after age 65) and federal waterfowl stamps are required in addition to HIP. Proof of applicant’s age and 60 days of Arkansas residency are required to apply for this license. This license is available from the AGFC Little Rock Office and AGFC regional offices.

How many duck permits are required in Arkansas?

A limit of six 5-day permits per waterfowl season per person may be purchased.

Where can I get a waterfowl permit in Arkansas?

The lifetime waterfowl permit is available from the AGFC Little Rock Office and AGFC regional offices. If you wish to purchase a license in person, bring proof of your age, such as a driver’s license, birth certificate or military record and proof of 60 days of Arkansas residency, in the form of an Arkansas driver’s license or state I.D. card.

When is the furbearer license valid?

Entitles a holder of a nonresident hunting license to trap furbearers during open seasons. Valid through June 30. Not required to hunt furbearers.

When does the GLH expire?

The GLH does not include hunting privileges. Expiration date is June 30.
